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Compatible structures on unary binary nonsymmetric operads with quadratic and cubic relations 2021年9月14日10:00-11:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授

Various compatibility conditions among replicated copies of operations in a given algebraic structure have appeared in broad contexts in recent years. Taking an uniform approach, this paper gives an operadic study of compatibility conditions for nonsymmetric operads with unary and binary operations, and homogeneous quadratic and cubic rela...
短课程:Multiplier ideals, vanishing theorems and applications 2018年12月11日至13日

摘要:We would describe various vanishing theorems involving multiplier ideals and give various applications to linear systems, birational geometry and commutative algebra.

On the representation of finite W-superalgebras 2020年11月7日10:40-11:40
*主持人:舒斌 教授
*地点:腾讯会议号 845 262 454

A relation between the finite W-superalgebras and finite W-algebras was found in one of my work joint with Bin Shu. This relation turns out to be very useful in the representation theory of finite W-superalgebras. In this talk I first introduce this rel...
Cohomologies and deformations of Relative Rota-Baxter operators on Lie-Yamaguti algebras 2022年05月10日 10:00-11:15
*主持人:周国栋 教授

In this talk, we establish the cohomology of the relative Rota-Baxter operators on Lie-Yamaguti algebras using the Yamaguti cohomology. Then we use this type of cohomology to characterize the deformations of the relative Rota-Baxter operators on Lie-Yamaguti algebras. We show that if two linear or formal deformations of a relative Rota-Bax...
Derived Projectivizations and Derived Grassmannians 2024年4月8日 13:30-14:25
*主持人:杜荣 教授

Derived Algebraic Geometry (DAG) allows us to extend Grothendieck's theory of projectivizations and Grassmannians from sheaves to complexes. This extension proves valuable for constructing and studying moduli spaces, especially in the presence of singularities. In this talk, we discuss the construction and properties of derived projectivizat...
Geodesic rays in space of Kahler metrics with T-symmetry 2024年4月8日 14:30-15:25
*主持人:杜荣 教授

Geometric quantization on symplectic manifolds plays an important role in representation theory and mathematical physics, deeply relating to symplectic geometry and differential geometry. A crucial problem is to understand the relationship among geometric quantizations associated with different polarizations. In this talk, we will discuss th...
【校级学术报告】Centers of Quantum Affine Algebras in type A 2024年4月23日 10:00-11:00
*主持人:胡乃红 教授

We will discuss a general construction of the Sugawara operators for the quantum affine algebra of type A. In 2016, we gave an explicit construction of the Sugawara operators in terms of certain traces over a tensor products associated with antisymmetrizers of the Hecke algebra. In this talk, we generalize the construction and construct ce...
Subgroup structure and applications 2024年3月27日 15:30-16:30
*主持人:罗栗 教授

In this talk, we present some studies of elementary abelian p-subgroups of algebraic groups and applications in the Inverse Galois problem, the classification of acceptable Lie groups, the Alperin weight conjecture, etc.

Anticyclotomic Iwasawa main conjecture for Rankin-Selberg products 2024年1月10日 14:00-15:00
*主持人:陈苗芬 教授

In this talk, I will formulate the anticyclotomic Iwasawa main conjecture for Rankin-Selberg products of automorphic representations of hermitian type, and state our results. I will then explain the main ingredients of the proof: an Ihara type lemma, Abel-Jacobi image of basic locus, and a bipartite Euler system over the Iwasawa algebra. T...
【校级学术报告】The Dynamical André-Oort conjecture for rational maps 2023年12月14日 14:00-15:00
*主持人:孟晟 研究员


This is a joint work with Junyi Xie. We prove the Dynamical André-Oort (DAO) conjecture proposed by Baker and DeMarco for families of rational maps parameterized by an algebraic curve. In fact, we prove a stronger result, which is a Bogomolov type generalization of DAO for curves.


Mini-Course on Geometric models in representation theory 9月18日、19日、21日
*主持人:周国栋 教授

Geometric surface models in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras have their origin mainly in the theory of cluster algebras and their categorifications. In particular, the representation theory of a class of quadratic monomia...
Mini-Course on Calabi-Yau deformations and negative cyclic homology 9月14日13:00-14:30,15:00-16:30
*主持人:周国栋 教授

In this mini-course, the deformation theory of Ginzburg Calab-Yau algebras is related to negative cyclic homology. We do this by exhibiting a DG-Lie algebra that controls this deformation theory and whose homology is negative cyclic homology. We show that the bracket induced on negative cyclic homology coincides with Menichi's string topo...
【校级学术报告】Modular invariance of (logarithmic) intertwining operators 2023年6月29日 13:00-14:00
*主持人:罗栗 教授


I will discuss a proof of a conjecture of almost twentyyears on the modular invariance of (logarithmic) intertwining operators.Let V be a C_2-cofinite vertex operator algebra without nonzero elements of negative weights. The conjecture states that the vector space spanned by pseudo-q-traces shifted by -c/24 of products of (logarithm...
Spectral rigidity of complex projective space 2023年6月16日 16:00-17:00
*主持人:胡乃红 教授


I will discuss recent joint work with X. Huang, H. Xu and Y. Zhi on certain new geometric characterizations of complex projective space using p-form spectra and Bergman kernel.


【校级学术报告】再叙雅可比猜想 2023年6月15日 10:00-11:00
*主持人:罗栗 教授


报告人将根据自己从事雅可比猜想研究18年的经历,总结出来的用代数、几何和分析等基础数学方法的有效结合,给出二维雅可比猜想的证明。这一方法被雅可比问题专家Zbigniew Hajto称为“can be useful in affine algebraic geometry”。在这个报告中,报告人将侧重讲述如何有效利用代数和分析给出多项式映射在无穷远点处的一个重要性质,该性质在二维雅可比猜想的证...
【校级学术报告】Coadjoint orbit method and quantization 2023年5月18日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:罗栗 教授


The coadjoint orbit method of Kirillov and Kostant suggests that irreducible unitary representations of a Lie group can be constructed as quantization of coadjoint orbits of the group, which was later reformulated by Vogan in algebro-geometric language for noncompact reductive Lie groups. I will propose an approach to this conjecture...
【校级学术报告】Characterization of simple smooth modules 2023年5月9日 14:00-15:00
*主持人:罗栗 教授

We characterize simple smooth modules over some infinite-dimensional Z-graded Lie algebras. More precisely, we prove that if one specific element of a Z-graded Lie algebra L locally finitely acts on a simple L-module V, then V is a smooth L-module. These infinite-dimensional Z-graded Lie algebras include the Virasoro algebra, affine-Virasoro...
【校级学术报告】Steinberg’s cross-section of Newton strata 2023年4月18日 15:30-16:30
*主持人:罗栗 教授


Let G be a simply connected semisimple group of rank rover an algebraically closed field. Steinberg has associated to each minimal length Coxeter element an r-dimensional affine space in G,which is a cross-section of all regular conjugacy classes of G. In this talk, we will consider natural analogues of Steinberg’s cross-sections in...
【校级学术报告】Regular representations of Mobius quantum vertex algebras 2023年3月28日 16:15-16:55
*主持人:罗栗 教授


In this talk, we introduce the theory of regular representations of Mobius quantum vertex algebras. Assuming that Mobius quantum vertex algebra V satisfies certain suitable conditions, we obtain a Mobius weak quantum vertex algebra V\otimes V with a nonzero complex z as the parameter. Using this result, we construct a family of V^{op...
【校级学术报告】Auslander–Reiten theory in the monomorphism category 2023年3月28日 15:30-16:10
*主持人:罗栗 教授


We characterize indecomposable objects, and give a simple formula for the Auslander–Reiten translation in the monomorphism category Mono(X).


高楠,上海大学数学系教授、博导,上海市东方学者特聘教授。 研究领域为代数表示论,三角范畴,导出范畴,Gorenstein同调代数。已在Comm.Contem.Math.、J.Algeb...
【校级学术报告】Poincare series and McKay-Slodowy Correspondence 2023年3月28日 14:45-15:25
*主持人:罗栗 教授


Let N be a normal subgroup of a finite group G and V be a fixed finite-dimensional G-module. The Poincare series for the multiplicities of induced modules and restriction modules in the tensor algebra T(V)=⊕_{k≥0}V^{?k} are studied in connection with the McKay-Slodowy correspondence. In particular, it is shown that the closed formu...
【校级学术报告】Some new advances in matrix and tensor equations 2023年3月28日 14:00-14:40
*主持人:罗栗 教授


In this talk, I give a brief introduction to some new developments in systems of matrix equations and tensor equations.


Hodge ideals and Bernstein-Sato polynomial 2023年3月28日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:杜荣 教授


A theorem of Ein, Lazarsfeld, Smith and Varolin gave a connection between jumping numbers of multiplier ideals and roots of Bernstein-Sato polynomials of a regular function. I will first talk about a generalization of multiplier ideals, i.e. Hodge ideals, and give an explicit computation of Hodge ideals for some special types of hype...
Quantum affine algebras and KLR algebras 2023年3月16日 13:00-14:00
*主持人:罗栗 教授


Recently, Baumann-Kamnitzer-Knutson introduced a remarkable algebra morphism: \bar{D} from C[N] to the field of rational functions C(a_1, ..., a_n), where N is the unipotent radical of a simply laced complex algebraic group and a_i are simple roots, in their proof of a conjecture of Muthiah about MV basis of C[N]. The algebra C[N] an...
Quasi-Trace Functions on Pre-Lie Algebras 2022年12月6日 10:00-11:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授


In this talk, we will compare the representations, symplectic structures, relative Rota-Baxter operators and the cohomology theory of Lie algebras and the 3-Lie algebras induced by Lie algebras with quasi-trace functions. We introduce a notion of a quasi-trace function on a pre-Lie algebra, which can be used to construct a 3-pre-Li...
【校级学术报告】Relative Rota-Baxter operators on Leibniz triple systems 2022年12月1日 13:30
*主持人:罗栗 教授


【校庆学术报告】Presentations of Quantum Affine Algebras and Extended Quantum Affine Algebras 2022年10月21日 10:00-11:00
主持人:胡乃红 教授

Quantum affine algebras are quantum enveloping algebras of affine Lie algebras, introduced independently by Drinfeld and Jimbo in their study of the Yang-Baxter equation. Representation theory of quantum affine algebras depends mostly on the Drinfeld realization,

which was announced in 1987. Ding and Frenkel proved the present...
On the center of the modular super Yangian Y(m|n) 2022年9月10日 11:00–12:00
*主持人:舒斌 教授(会议密码请与舒斌老师联系)

In this talk, I will introduce the super Yangian Y(m|n) associated to the general linear Lie superalgebra gl(m|n) over a field of positive characteristic. We extend Drinfeld-type presentations of Y(m|n) and the special super Yangian SY(m|n) to positive characteristic. Moreover, the center Z(Y(m|n)) of Y(m|n) is de...
On the highest weight theory for minimal finite W-superalgebras and related Whittaker categories 2022年9月10日 10:00–11:00
*主持人:舒斌 教授(会议密码请与舒斌老师联系)

In this talk, I will introduce the Verma modules for finite W-superalgebra U(g,e) associated with a minimal even nilpotent element, and give a complete isomorphism classification of irreducible modules. Those Verma modules can be further described via parabolic induction from Whittaker modules for osp(1|2) or sl(2...
Modular Representations of Basic Classical Restricted Lie Superalgebras 2022年9月10日 9:00–10:00
*主持人:舒斌 教授(会议密码请与舒斌老师联系)

Let g be a basic classical Lie superalgebras over an algebraically closed field of p>2, and U_0(g) the restricted enveloping algebra of g. In this talk, we show a U_0(g)-module is projective if and only if it has both a baby Verma module filtration and a twist baby Verma module filtration. Then we show a Humphrey...
1-w-cotorsion modules and strongly w_∞-flat modules 2022年06月10日 09:00-10:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授


Let R be a commutative domain with 1. In this paper, 1-w-cotorsion modules and strongly w_∞-flat modules are introduced and studied. It is shown that an integral domain R is a PVMD if and only if 1-w-cotorsion R-modules are injective if and only if all 1-w-cotorsion R-modules are w-FP-injective. And we show that all w_∞-Matlis co...
A simple introduction to pure semisimplicity conjecture 2022年06月07日 10:00-11:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授

Recall that a ring R is semisimple (resp.pure semisimple) if R is both left and right semisimple (resp. pure semisimple). Here R is left semisimple (resp. left pure semisimple) if all left R-modules are projective (resp. pure projective). Equivalently, if all left R-modules are injective (resp. pure injective). right semisimple(resp.right ...
iQuantum Groups 2022年05月24日、26、31日和06月02日 20:30-22:30
*时间:2022年05月24日、26、31日和06月02日 20:30-22:30
*地点:Zoom:957 7669 8134
*主持人:罗栗 教授

iQuantum groups arise from quantum symmetric pairs and can be viewed as a vast generalization of Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum groups. Various fundamental constructions on quantum groups have been generalized to the setting of i-quantum groups. In this m...
Representations and cohomolgies of differential 3-Lie Algebras 2022年05月10日 09:00-10:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授

In this talk, we introduce the representations and cohomologies of differential 3-Lie algebras with any weight. Deformations and abelian extensions of differential 3-Lie algebras are interpreted by using lower degree cohomology groups. We also characterize the relationship between the cohomologies of a differential 3-Lie algebra and its as...
Milnor squares, exact contexts, and recollements of derived categories 2021年12月8日10:00-11:00
*主持人:胡乃红 教授

In the talk we will survey constructions of recollements of derived module categories. This is done by introducing exact contexts and their noncommutative tensor products. Special cases of exact contents are Milnor squares and extensions of algebras. Employing exact contexts, we construct universal localizations and characterize the homolo...
Dirac generating operators and Manin triples 2021年11月19日10:00-11:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授

Let M be a manifold, E=TM+T*M and C(E) be the Clifford bundle. The differential forms on M is the spin representation of C(E). The Lie bracket on sections of TM can be extended to sections of the bundle E by defining {e_1,e_2}=[[d,e_1],e_2], where both sides are viewed as operators on differential forms and d is the de-Rham differential op...
系列学术报告 11月10、12、15日
*主持人:胡乃红 教授


11.10 19:00---20:00 腾讯会议:664 349 812
Title: Simple non-weight representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras
Abstract: Let H be a Cartan subalgebra of an affine Kac-Moody algebra without containing the center. We determine all simple modules on the polynomial algebra C[H] for all affine Kac-Moody algebras. Can we c...
Hochschild cohomology of dg manifolds associated to integrable distributions 2021年11月5日10: 00-11:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授


For an integrable distribution $F$ in a smooth manifold $M$, we study the Hochschild cohomology of the dg manifold $(F[1],d_F)$ and establish a canonical isomorphism with the Hochschild cohomology of the transversal polydifferential operators of $F$. In particular, we prove that the Hochschild cohomology of the dg manifold associat...
Dirac generating operators 2021年11月5日9:00-10:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授

Given a pair of (real or complex) Lie algebroid structures on a vector bundle A (over M) and its dual A?, we find a line bundle L such that there exist two canonically defined differential operators d and d' on Γ(∧A?L). We prove that the pair (A,A?) constitutes a Lie bialgebroid if and only if the square of D=d+d' is the multiplication...
Ladders of recollements of abelian categories 2021年10月29日 10:00-11:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授

Ladders of recollements of abelian categories are introduced, and used to address three general problems. Ladders of a certain height allow to construct recollements of triangulated categories, involving derived categories and singularity categories, from abelian ones. Ladders also allow to tilt abelian recollements, and ladders guarantee ...
简谈单李代数的微分算子表示 2021年10月22日14:00-15:00
*主持人:胡乃红 教授


【70周年校庆系列学术报告】李超代数的上同调理论 2021年9月29日16:00-17:00
*主持人:胡乃红 教授

【70周年校庆系列学术报告】TKK 代数及其量子化 2021年9月29日15:00-16:00
*主持人:胡乃红 教授

在此报告中,我们将介绍 Tits-Kantor-Koecher构造和一个小的TKK的例子,并构造其量子化。

郜云,加拿大York大学教授、德国洪堡学者。主要研究方向是无穷维李(超)代数、量子群和表示理论。在高维仿射李代数研究领域做出了系列重要工作,在国际一流数学杂志上发表论文50余篇,其中包括两本美国数学会专著(Memoirs of AmericanMathe...
【校庆系列学术报告】模顶点代数的格结构 2021年9月27日10:30-11:30
*主持人:胡乃红 教授

报告中我们将会探讨格顶点代数积分形式的格结构并说明一般顶点算子的除幂会保持由划分-值函数指标的 Schur 函数张成的积分格。我们还将说明 Garland 算子,对应于仿射李代数中 Heisenberg 元素的除幂,也保持该积分形式。这些看法类似于单李代数的包络代数的 Kostant 整形式以及格顶点代数下的代数仿射李群。

Tensor category of affine Lie algebras 2021年9月16日13:30-14:30
*主持人:罗栗 副教授

Tensor structure on the representation category of affine Lie algebras plays an important role in representation theory of affine Lie algebras. In a series of work, Kazhdan and Lusztig constructed rigid braided tensor categories of affine Lie algebras at non-positive rational levels, Huang and Lepowsky gave modular tensor category structur...
Building blocks of VOAs 2021年5月15日10:00-11:00
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We will talk about various building blocks of vertex operator algebras, and some recent progress in this respect.


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Classification of integrable modules for toroidal EALAs 2021年5月15日9:00-10:00
*?????????斌 ????


Toroidal extended affine Lie algebras (EALAs) are a class of important EALAs. In this talk we deal with the classification of irreducible integrable modules for toroidal extended affine Lie algebras with any nullities.


The Integral Schur-Weyl-Sergeev Duality and the Research about Quantum Queer Schur Superalgebra 2021年5月14日15:30-16:30
*??????????? ?????


This talk involves some works about the Schur-Weyl-Sergeev duality and its quantum case. Based on the realization of the universal enveloping superalgebra of the queer Lie superalgebra q_n via queer Schur superalgebras, we achieve the integral Schur-Weyl-Sergeev duality. In order to reconstruct the quantum supergroup U_q(q_n) associa...
量子queer超群的算子实现 2021年5月14日14:30-15:30
*??????????? ?????




Two tools for studying Gorenstein flat dimensio 2021年4月21日10:00-11:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授

In this talk, I will introduce two tools for studying the Gorenstein flat dimension: flat-cotorsion theory and Frobenius pairs, also known as Auslander-Buchweitz contexts. Some applications will be given. This talk is based on a joint work with L. W. Christensen, S. Estrada, P. Thompsom, D.-J. Wu and G. Yang..


Bilateral identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type 2018年9月21日 8:30--9:30
报告人简介:Michael Schlosser教授1996年在维也纳大学获得博士学位,导师是澳科学院通讯院士Krattenthaler教授。Michael Schlosser教授是当今国际上研究多变量q-超几何级数的顶级专家,迄今已经在国际著名刊物上发表了60多篇学术论文,他的研究极大地推动了多变量q-超几何级数的发展。此外他还担了著名数学期刊Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 和Ramanujan Journal的编委;担任过2016年SASTRA Ramanujan奖的评...
Witten deformation for non-Morse functions and gluing formulas 2023年3月28日 13:00-14:00
*主持人:刘博 教授


Witten deformation is a versatile tool with numerous applications in mathematical physics and geometry. In this talk, we will focus on the analysis of Witten deformation for a family of non-Morse functions, leading to a new proof of the gluing formula for analytic torsions. Then we could see that the gluing formula can be reformulate...
极致Poincare-Mok-Yau度量的存在性与拓扑障碍 2020年6月11日, 15:00-16:00
报告时间: 2020年6月11日, 15:00-16:00,腾讯会议ID:318 689 891


Abstract: 设M是一个紧致的Kahler流形, p是M上的一个点,我们将探讨在非紧致流形M-p上完备极致Kahler的存在性与拓扑障碍。
Heegaard floer homology and fundamental groups 2020年6月6日 14:00-15:00
报告时间:2020年6月6日 14:00-15:00
报告平台:ZOOM会议 ID: 274 175 4144 ,密码:930643
报告人简介:王家军 国家杰出青年获得者
The geometrization theorem implies that the fundamental group of a 3-manifold determines the 3-manifold, except the lens spac...
三维流形的几何与Heegaard分解 2020年6月4日,15:00-16:00
报告摘要:依据Thurston的几何化猜想及Hempel 的结果,具有距离3的Heegaard分解的三维流形具有双曲结构。 本次报告将介绍三维流形Heegaard分解的构造;距离不超过2的Heegaard分解对应于双曲三维流形的判定条件。
On a conjecture of Toponogov on complete convex surfaces Thursday, Mar. 28, 2019, 1:00-2:00pm
Abstract: In 1995, Victor Andreevich Toponogov authored the following conjecture: “Every smooth strictly convex and complete classical surface of the type of a plane has an umbilic point, possibly at infinity“. In our talk, we will outline a proof, in collaboration with Brendan Guilfoyle. Namely we prove that (a) the Fredholm index of an associated Riemann Hilbert boundary problem for holomorphi...
J-flow and cscK metrics on minimal models Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2019, 1:00-2:00pm
Abstract: We use the recent theorem of Chen-Cheng to prove the existence of a family of collapsing cscK metrics on Kahler manifolds with semi-ample canonical bundles. A conjecture about the limiting behavior of these metrics will also be discussed. This is joint work with Wangjian Jian and Jian Song.
A conclusive theorem on Finsler metrics of sectional flag curvature Thursday, Mar. 14, 2019, 1:00-2:00pm
Abstract: Flag curvature is the most important quantity in Finsler geometry, because it generalizes the notion of sectional curvature in Riemannian geometry. In this talk I will give a brief introduction to Finsler geometry and discuss some interesting curvature phenomena. In particular, I will prove that when flag curvature reduces to sectional curvature, then either the Finsler metric is Riemann...
Recent Developments in Sphere Theorems 13:00-14:00, March 8, 2019
Abstract:It plays an important role in geometry and topology of manifolds to study sphere theorems. During the past fifteen years, a number of great achievements on sphere theorems, including the Poincare conjecture, the 1/4-pinching differentiable sphere theorem, and the Willmore conjecture, have been made by several geometers. In this talk, I will discuss recent progress and new techniques deve...
Polysymplectic Reduction and the Moduli Space of Flat Connections 2018年1月10日,周四, 13:00-14:00
In a landmark paper, Atiyah and Bott showed that the moduli space of flat connections on a principal bundle over an orientable closed surface is the symplectic reduction of the space of all connections by the action of the gauge group. By appealing to polysymplectic geometry, a generalization of symplectic geometry in which the symplectic form takes values in a given vector space,...
q-Stability conditions on Calabi-Yau-X categories 2019年1月9日(星期三)下午3:00至4:00
摘要: We introduce the q-deformation of stability conditions on Calabi-Yau-X categories, with applications to mirror symmetry and cluster theory.
个人简介: 邱宇2011年毕业于英国巴斯大学,2012-2016年在加拿大和挪威做过博士后。2016-2018年在香港中文大学任研究助理教授,2018年9月到清华丘中心任副教授。他的研究领域是代数表示论及几何拓扑,主要研究Calabi-Yau范畴上的稳定条件空间及其应用,于2016年获得...
Family version of the Kirillov formula 2018年12月27日,周四, 13:00-14:00
Abstract: The Kirillov formula is an important formula in representation theory which represents the character of a representation as an integral over a certain orbit of the group in its coadjoint represention. In 80's, this formula was extended as an index formula with infinitesimal group action by Berline-Vergne and Bismut. In this talk, we will extend this formula to the family version. This is...
Systoles of hyperbolic surfaces with big cyclic symmetry 2018-12-23(周日) 13:30-14:30


A Geometric Approach to the Modified Milnor Problem 2018年12月20日,周四 13:00-14:00
abstract:The Milnor Problem (modified) in the theory of group growth asks whether any finite presented group of vanishing algebraic entropy has at most polynomial growth. We show that a positive answer to the Milnor Problem (modified) is equivalent to the Nilpotency Conjecture in Riemannian geometry: given $n, d>0$, there exists a constant $\epsilon(n,d)>0$ such that if a compact Riemannian $n$-m...
2018ECNU流形上的分析与几何冬季研讨会 2018年12月15-16日
Dimension of invariant measures for affine iterated function systems 2018-12-13 15:00-16:00

Abstract: In mathematics, iterated function system is one of the main schemes in generating fractal sets and measures. In this talk, I will report some recent advances in dimension theory of stationary measures for affine iterated function systems.

The growth of dimension of cohomology of semipositive line bundles on complex manifolds 2018年12月6日,周四, 13:00-14:00
We study the dimension of cohomology of semipositive line bundles on complex manifolds, and obtain an asymptotic estimate for the dimension of the space of harmonic (0,q)-forms with values in high tensor powers of a semipositive line bundle when the fundamental estimate holds. We will introduce the background and recent progresses based on arXiv: 1810.09881v1.
Gradient steady Ricci solitons with linear curvature decay 2018年11月29日,周四13:00-14:00
Abstract: In this talk, we will talk about steady Ricci solitons with nonnegative sectional curvature and linear scalar curvature decay. In particular, we will give a classification of 3-dimensional steady Ricci solitons with linear decay and positively curved 4-dimensional noncollapsed steady Ricci solitons with linear decay. This is a joint work with Prof. Xiaohua Zhu.
From Bar construction to quantum groups, and back to (co)homology via braidings. 2018-11-25 8:00-8:45
报告人简介:Rosso是著名Hopf代数与量子群专家。他博士毕业于Stasbourg大学,现为巴黎七大教授。他是法国巴黎高等师范学校数学系前任系主任,Bourbaki学派成员。他的文章发表在顶尖杂志Invent. Math.等国际杂志上,具有巨大的学术影响力。

Abstract: The Bar construction for an associative algebra involves the classical cofree coalgebra, with a suitable coderivation. Extending the context to the cate...
Hochschild homology of proper Lie groupoids 2018-11-24 8:00-8:45
报告人简介:唐翔教授是著名非交换几何与Poisson几何专家。他博士毕业于加州大学Berkerley分校,师从著名几何学家Weinstein教授,他现为美国华盛顿大学Saint-Louis分校教授。他的文章发表在一流杂志Crelle, Adv.Math.等国际杂志上,具有巨大的学术影响力。
In this talk, I will report some recent work in progress with Markus Pflaum and Hessel Posthuma about Hochschild homology of proper Lie g...
On the multiplicity-one conjecture for mean curvature flow 11月22日,周四,13:00-14:00
Abstract: In this talk, I will explain recent progress on Ilmanen's multiplicity-one conjecture for closed smooth embedded mean curvature flow with type I mean curvature. This is joint work with Bing Wang.
Q-curvature in conformal geometry 11月19日周一 下午3:00-4:00
Abstract: Q-curvature is a generalization of the Gaussian curvature. In this talk, I will explain about the definition of Q-curvature and some of its properties.
Then I will talk about some problems related to Q-curvature, including the problem of prescribing Q-curvature.
Q-curvature in conformal geometry 11月19日周一,15:00-16:00
Abstract: Q-curvature is a generalization of the Gaussian curvature. In this talk, I will explain about the definition of Q-curvature and some of its properties.
Then I will talk about some problems related to Q-curvature, including the problem of prescribing Q-curvature.
Singularities of the Ricci flow and Ricci solitons 11月15日,周四,15:30-16:30
Abstract: The Ricci flow, introduced by R. Hamilton in 1982, evolves the initial geometry of a given space by the parabolic Einstein equation. One of the most important issues in the study of the Ricci flow is to understand the formation of singularities. It turns out generic singularities of the Ricci flow are essentially modeled by Ricci solitons. In this talk, I will discuss the phenomena of s...
What are discrete spheres? 11月14日周三,下午12:30-1:30
Abstract: The Bonnet-Myers theorem states that an n-dimensional complete Riemannian manifold M with Ricci curvature lower bounded by a positive number (n-1)K is compact, and its diameter is no greater than $\pi/\sqrt{K}$. Moreover, Cheng's rigidity theorem tells that the diameter estimate is sharp if and only if M is the n-dimensional round sphere. In this talk, I will discuss discrete analogues ...
On variation of action integral in Finsler gravity 11月1日周四,下午1:00-2:00
Abstract:In this talk, we will introduce a generalized action integral of both gravity and matter defined on the sphere bundle over Finsler space-time manifold $M$ with a Lorentz-Finsler metric. The Euler-Lagrange equation of this functional, a generalization of the Riemann-Einstein gravity equation with a defined cosmological constant, is obtained by using some divergence theorems. Fibers of the...
2018秋季微分几何讨论班 2018年秋季学期
Quantitative rigidity for domains and immersed hypersurfaces in a Riemannian manifold 10月18日周四,下午13:00-14:00

A classical isoperimetric inequality by A. D. Alexandrov says that for any simply-connected domain Ω on a surface, L^2>=4π*A-K*A^2, where L is the length of boundary, A the area of Ω, and K the upper bound of Ω's Gaussian curvature. Moreover, "=" holds if and only if Ω is a geodesic ball of constant curvature K. For domains in higher dimensional Riemannian manifolds, ...
Signed Circuit Covers of Signed Graphs 2018年10月17号(周三)下午2:00-3:00
摘要: A signed graph G is a graph associated with a mapping σ: E(G) →{+1, -1}. Signed graphs can be used to present surface duals of digraphs embedded in non-orientable surfaces. A signed graph is coverable if each edge is contained in some signed circuit. The edges of a signed circuit in a signed graph corresponds a minimal dependent set in the signed graphic matroid. An oriented signed graph ...
Kaehler hyperbolic manifolds and Chern number inequalities 2018年9月29日 下午14:00?15:00
摘要:In this talk we will review two well-known conjectures due to Hopf and S.-T. Yau respectively, and explain their connections via the concept of ``Kaehler hyperbolicity" introduced by Gromov.
Then we shall report our recent work around Kaehler hyperbolic manifolds.
Quasi-local mass and uniqueness of isoperimetric surfaces in asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds 9 月11日(星期二)上午10:00-11:00
Abstract: Quasi-local mass is a basic notion in General Relativity. Geometrically, it can be regarded as a geometric quantity of a boundary of a 3-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold. Usually, it is in terms of area and mean curvature of the boundary. It is interesting to see that some of quasi-local masses, like Brown-York mass, Hawking mass and isoperimetric mass have deep relation with clas...
Quasi-local mass and uniqueness of isoperimetric surfaces in asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds 2018-9-11(周二) 上午10:00-11:00
Quasi-local mass is a basic notion in General Relativity. Geometrically, it can be regarded as a geometric quantity of a boundary of a 3-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold. Usually, it is in terms of area and mean curvature of the boundary. It is interesting to see that some of quasi-local masses, like Brown-York mass, Hawking mass and isoperimetric mass have deep relation ...
微分几何国际会议-暨庆祝Jeff Cheeger教授75岁生日学术研讨会 2018年6月28日至6月29日
几何分析暑期讨论班        Program 2018-01-01 12:13
2008年几何分析暑期学校及讨论班 2018-01-01 12:13

时间: 2008年7月21-30.

地点: 华东师大数学系


周培能(Bennett Chow), benchow@math.ucsd.edu

沈纯理(主席), cshen@math.ecnu.edu.cn

周风(系主任), fzhou@math.ecnu.edu.cn

郑宇, zhyu@math.ecnu.edu.cn

高志成教授(加拿大Carleton大学)学术报告 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人: 高志成 教授(加拿大Carleton大学)

题目: Surface Maps and Recursions

摘要: 介绍和回顾地图计数的发展历史,
并且介绍最近由Goulden 和Jackson

地点: 闵行校区数学馆126室

时间: 2008年5月26日上午10:00-11:00
2009华东师大数学系几何分析暑期学校 2018-01-01 12:13

时间: 2009年8月3-15.

地点: 华东师大数学系(闵行)

复曲面上Kaehler-Einstein度量的存在性 2018-01-01 12:13


时间: 2009年 11月 17 日 (周二) 下午 14:30-16:20

地点: 4号教学楼402多媒体教室

本系列报告将介绍G. Tian关于复曲面上Kahler-Einstein度量的工作的基本想法及在这个问题上最新进展。
齐性动力系统与丢番图逼近 2018-01-01 12:13
2010年几何分析暑期学校及研讨会 2018-01-01 12:13



将分别邀请美国加州大学Irvine 分校数学系Zhiqin Lu 教授(5月21-28日)、Riverside 大学数学系的Qi Zhang教授(6月23-7月2日, 闵行)及法国Cergy-Pontoise 大学的Emmanuel Hebey 教授(7月5-9日)针为研究生及青年教师做关于Ricci 曲率流、...
2010年几何分析暑期学校及研讨会 2018-01-01 12:13



将分别邀请美国加州大学Irvine 分校数学系Zhiqin Lu 教授(5月21-28日)、Riverside 大学数学系的Qi Zhang教授(6月23-7月2日, 闵行)及法国Cergy-Pontoise 大学的Emmanuel Hebey 教授(7月5-9日)针为研究生及青年教师做关于Ricci 曲率流、...
清华大学数学系马力教授学术报告 2018-01-01 12:13
报告时间: 2008年3月14日下午14:00---15:00
报告题目: Geometric evolution equations(几 何 发 展 方 程)
演讲人: 清华大学数学系 马力 教授

张伟平院士(南开陈省身数学研究所)系列学术讲座(延期) 2018-01-01 12:13

题目:Lectures on Chern-Weil Theory and Witten Deformations

报告人:张伟平 院士 (南开陈省身数学研究所)



摘要:This series lectures consists of two parts: the first part contains an introduction to the geometric theory of characteristic class du...
Université de Franche-Comté, France, Xu QuanHua(许泉华)教授学术报告 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人: Xu QuanHua (许泉华) 教授
(Université de Franche-Comté, France)

题 目:非交换极大遍历不等式

地 点:闵行校区数学楼127室

时 间:2008年5月6日(星期二)下午:2: 00—3: 00
美国Princeton大学数学系张圣容教授(Chang, Sun-Yung Alice)和杨健平教授(Paul C.Yang) 8月4日至6日访问我系 2018-01-01 12:13
美国Princeton大学数学系张圣容教授(Chang, Sun-Yung Alice)和杨健平教授(Paul C.Yang) 将于8月4日至6日访问我系。


报告题目:The Q-curvature Equation in conformal and CR geometry
上海大学数学系何斌吾教授学术报告 2018-01-01 12:13

报告人: 何斌吾教授 (上海大学数学系)




张伟平院士(南开陈省身数学研究所)学术报告 2018-01-01 12:13
题目: Geometric quantization for proper actions
演讲者: 张伟平 院士
时间: 2008年11月26日(周三) 14:00-15:00
地点: (闵行校园)3号楼224
美国加州大学洛山矶分校教授、浙江大学数学中心执行主任兼浙江大学数学系主任刘克峰教授学术报告 2018-01-01 12:13
报告题目:Recent results on moduli spaces.




报告人简介: 刘克峰教授出生于1965年,先后在北京大学和中国科学院数学研究所获得学士和硕士学位。1993年获美国哈佛大学博士学位,师从著名数学家、菲尔兹奖获得者丘...
关于离散非线性Heisenberg方程的几何研究 2018-01-01 12:13
报 告 人:丁 青 教授(复旦大学)

摘 要
离散非线性Heisenberg方程自从1928年被W. Heisenberg提出以来便成为人们关注的一个方程,对于该方程的动力学性质的研究,由于它的不可积,一直也没有大的进展。本报告中,我们将按照对应原理的原则引入离散Yang-Mill...
On the comparison geometry of the Bakry-Emery Ricci curvature 2018-01-01 12:13

题 目:On the comparison geometry of the Bakry-Emery Ricci curvature
(Some problems in stochastic differential geometry)
报告人:Xiang-Dong Li
    School of Mathematical Sciences Fudan University
时间:3月24日(星期二) 下午3:00--4:00

2.The Barky-Emery Ricci curvature

Asymptotic properties of compositions over finite groups 2019年3月28日,10:00-11:00
高志成博士目前是加拿大Carleton大学数理统计系终生教授。主要研究领域: 组合数学与图论、随机图论与随机地图理论,曲面地图计数与分布理论, 博彩业管理。他是目前国际上为数不多的在组合数学与拓扑图论领域内具有世界顶尖水平的数学家之一。他在低维拓扑领域内,尤其是曲面上嵌入图的计数和概率分布研究方面的0-1率方面的工作具有一流水准。是目前国际上这些领域内的著名学者。在国际著名数学期刊上发表高水平...
Dynamics of regularly ramified rational maps 8月7日(周二)10:30-11:30
摘要: We say that a rational map f is regularly ramified if there exists a group G of confromal automorphisms of complex sphere, so that two points p and q of the complex sphere have the same image if and only if there is a group element g in G with g(p)=q. In this talk, we survey some of our recent results on the dynamics of regularly ramified rational maps. These are joint works with Jun Hu ...
Dynamics of Newton maps 2018-08-07 09:30:00
摘要:It is shown that the boundary $\partial B$ of any immediate root basin $B$ of $f$ is locally connected. Moreover, $\partial B$ is a Jordan curve if and only if ${\rm deg}(f|_B)=2$. This implies that the boundaries of all components of root basins, for all polynomials' Newton maps, from the viewpoint of topology, are tame. This generalizes Roesch's groundbreaking work (Annals of Math. 2008...
第29届国际算子理论及应用会议 2018年7月23日至7月27日
2008年算子代数研讨会 2018-01-01 12:13
The Special Week on Operator Algebras

June 30th--July 4th, 2008
Science Building, East China Normal University
3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China

Organizers: Yifeng Xue (Chair), Shanwen Hu, Wei Wu, Junping Liu.
Scientific Committee: Huaxin Lin

More: htt...
美国加州大学Davis分校刘拂博士学术报告 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人:美国加州大学Davis分校 刘拂博士
题目:Volumes and Ehrhart polynomials of polytopes
时 间: 12月25日(星期四)下午14:00—15:00
地 点:闵行校区数学楼报告厅102

摘 要:We discuss the relationship between the volume and the Ehrhart polynomial of an integral polytope. After a brief introduction to background results in the theory of Ehrhart polynomials, we define a...
2009年算子代数研讨会 2018-01-01 12:13
The Special Week on Operator Algebras
East China Normal University
June 22--26, 2009, Shanghai, China
Local Contact:
Professor Yifeng Xue.
Email: yfxue@math.ecnu.edu.cn, hlin@uoregon.edu.
Website: http://math.ecnu.edu.cn/academia/Operator_Algebras2009/index.html
2009年算子代数讨论会 2018-01-01 12:13
Operator Algebras Workshop
Time: August 3rd--August 14th, 2009, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30--11:30 AM
Room: East China Normal University (North Zhongshan Road), Science Building A, Room 1511

时间: 2009年8月3日--2009年8月14日,星期一,三,五上午9:30--11:30
地点: 中山北路3663号华东师范大学理科大楼A座1511室
Stable perturbation analysis of linear operators 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人: 许庆祥 教授 (上海师范大学数学系)
题目:(1)Stable perturbation analysis of linear operators
(2)Induced ideals and purely infinite simple Toeplitz algebras
地 点:数学楼102报告厅
时 间:2009年11月13日(星期五)
(1) 10:00-11:00 (2) 13:00-14:00


学习与研究中的训练与思考 2018-01-01 12:13
“微积分:一个关于高的故事” 2018-01-01 12:13
“伽罗瓦”数学往事 2018-01-01 12:13
2010年算子代数研讨会 2018-01-01 12:13
On Generating Functions of Quadratic Forms on the Imaginary Quadratic Fields 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人: Shen Li-Chien 教授 美国佛罗里达大学数学系

时间:5月11号(星期一) 上午9:00-11:00

时间:5月13号(星期三) 上午8:00-9:50

时间:5月14号(星期四) 上午8:00-9:50

On Generating Functions of Quadratic Forms on the Imaginary Quadratic Fields 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人: Shen Li-Chien 美国佛罗里达大学数学系教授
题目:On Generating Functions of Quadratic Forms on the Imaginary Quadratic Fields
时间:5月18日 上午8:30-9:30

(KAM理论中的)障碍函数和Arnold扩散 2018-01-01 12:13

报 告 人:严军 副教授(复旦大学)




Value Distribution Problems of Meromorphic Functions Related to a Hayman's Conjecture 2018-01-01 12:13
校 级 学 术 报 告
报告题目: 《Value Distribution Problems of Meromorphic Functions Related to a Hayman's Conjecture》
演讲人:绍兴文理学院数理信息学院院长王建平教授 (校友)
(1)算子的(U+K)轨道闭包;(2)算子(U+K)轨道的扰动相似 2018-01-01 12:13

报告人: 翟发辉 副教授 (青岛科技大学数学系)


地 点:(1)数学楼127室 (2)102报告厅
时 间:(1)2010年1月12日(星期二) 10:00-11:00
(2)2010年1月12日(星期二) 13:00-14:00

Geometric measure theory in Heisenberg groups (I) 2018-01-01 12:13

报告人:Pertti E J Mattila,Professor of University of Helsinki, Math. Dept.
题 目:Geometric measure theory in Heisenberg groups (I)
时 间: 2010年 3月 9 日(周二)
下午 2:30—3:30
地 点: 闵行数学楼102 报告厅


Geometric measure theory in Heisenberg groups (II) 2018-01-01 12:13

报告人:Pertti E J Mattila,Professor of University of Helsinki, Math. Dept.
题 目:Geometric measure theory in Heisenberg groups (II)
时 间: 2010年3月12日(周五)
下午 2:30—3:30
地 点: 闵行数学楼102 报告厅


Function properties of complex manifolds(复流形上的函数性质) 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人: 汝敏 (Houston大学数学教授)
时 间: 2010年7月2日 下午 2:00
题 目: Function properties of complex manifolds.(复流形上的函数性质)
地 点: 闵行数学楼102报告厅

摘 要: In this talk, I'll discuss how properties of functions on (or to) complex manifolds are used to determine the geometric properties of the manifolds, and conversely how some geometr...
曹锡华数学论坛:自相似分形集的对称和枚举( Symmetry and Enumeration of Self-similar Fractals) 2018-01-01 12:13
报告题目:曹锡华数学论坛:自相似分形集的对称和枚举( Symmetry and Enumeration of Self-similar Fractals)
时 间: 2010年9月6日 上午10:00am-11:00am
地 点: 闵行校区数学楼102室
报告人: Kenneth Falconer(http://www.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~kenneth/)是英国圣安德鲁斯大学数学系(School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews)教授,在国际上有相当的知名度,他...
“Multifractal and its applications”(重分形及其应用) 2018-01-01 12:13
韩国Pusan University of Foreign Studies大学教授 In Soo Baek应邀将于2010年8月29日在我校闵行数学楼
102室做学术报告。本次报告内容为“Multifractal and its applications”(重分形及其应用),在这个学术报告中他将详细介绍支撑在康托集上测度的重分形分析相关结果及其若干应用。

Derivations and Lie derivations on Some Operator Algebras 2018-01-01 12:13
题目: Derivations and Lie derivations on Some Operator Algebras
报告人: 华东理工大学数学系 李建奎 教授
时间: 2010年12月29日上午10:00--11:00
地点: 数学楼127室
摘要: In this talk, some results on derivations and Lie derivations will be presented. We consider some linear mappings which can be determined by their acting on some operators. We also study higher derivations ...
Approximate Unitary Equivalence. 2018-01-01 12:13
报告题目:Approximate Unitary Equivalence.
报告人:Professor Huaxin Lin (University of Oregon).
Intersection of subspaces and Horn inequalities for the eigenvalues of sums of selfadjoint operators 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人:Wing Suet Li 教授 (美国Georgia Institute of Technology)
题目:Intersection of subspaces and Horn inequalities for the eigenvalues of sums of selfadjoint operators

摘要: Let A, B, C be n by n selfadjoint matrices. It was conjectured by Horn in 1962 that the relation A+B+C=0 can be characterized by ...
Foldings of polynomials 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人:崔贵珍 研究员(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)
时间: 4月4日 上午9:00-10:00
地点: 中山北路校区理科A楼1510室
报告题目:Foldings of polynomials
摘要: We study post-critically finite branched coverings
such that they have a non-peripheral Jordan curve whose pre-image
contains at least two Jordan curves and each of them is homotopic to
Regularity of bounded critical Fatou components for polynomials 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人:尹永成 教授(浙江大学)
时间: 4月4日 上午10:30-11:30
地点: 中山北路校区理科A楼1510室
报告题目:Regularity of bounded critical Fatou components for polynomials.
摘要:Let $U$ be a bounded critical Fatou component for a polynomial.
(1). If $U$ is attracting and its boundary contains neither parabolic points nor recurrent critical points, then $U$ ...
2011年算子代数研讨会 2018-01-01 12:13

Address: Room510, Science Building A

East China Normal University

3663 Zhongshan North Road, Shanghai,China

Time: JUNE 20--24, 2011

Organizers: Huaxin Lin, Yifeng Xue, Shanwen Hu, Wei Wu, Junping Liu, Zhuang Niu.

Scientific Committee: Huaxin Lin.

Main Spea...
Schroedinger 算子的热核分析(变分方法) 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人:冯声涯 博士 北京大学数学院
报告题目:Schroedinger 算子的热核分析(变分方法)
关于举办2011算子代数暑期研讨班的通知 2018-01-01 12:13

Spherical derivative and more 2018-01-01 12:13
题目: Spherical derivative and more
报告人: Dr. Shahar Nevo (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
时间:2011年10月9日 下午13:00-15:00

摘要: We prove that if $\mathcal{F}$ is a family of meromorphic function in a domain $D$ and $\{\rho^\sharp:\rho\in\mathcal{F}\}$ is locally bounded away from zero, then $\mathcal{F}$ is normal. We derive f...
一类非交换Orbifold的K理论的计算 2018-01-01 12:13

题 目:一类非交换Orbifold的K理论的计算。
时 间:11月8日(星期二)下午3:00
地 点:闵行数学楼102报告厅
摘 要:
二维非交换环面是非交换几何中最基本最重要的对象之一。如果其上有一个离散群的作用,那么我们可以视之为某种非交换的Orbifold. 近年Siegfried等人曾经用比较高深的工具计算这类代数的K-群...
2011年华东师范大学值分布论及其应用研讨会 2018-01-01 12:13



一、 会议时间:



百年辛亥话数学 2018-01-01 12:13

题 目: 百年辛亥话数学
报告人: 林华新
时 间: 2011年12月14日下午2:00
地 点: 闵行校区图书馆裙楼一层多功能学术报告厅

百年辛亥话数学, 话从二个酉矩阵谈起。 从线性代数到非交换拓朴学--C*-代数。 回顾几千年来中国数学的发展。 兼谈甲申辛亥---一个数...
The Origins – an Introduction to Operator Algebras 2018-01-01 12:13
报告题目:The Origins – an Introduction to Operator Algebras
报告人:Richard V. Kadison 教授
时 间: 2012年3月26日(星期一)上午10:00
地 点: 普陀校区理科大楼A510室
摘 要: An introduction to the theory of operator algebras with a mixture of historical and technical discussion.

On the Foundations of Murray-von Neumann Algebras 2018-01-01 12:13
报告题目:On the Foundations of Murray-von Neumann Algebras
报告人:Richard V. Kadison 教授
时 间: 2012年3月28日(星期三)上午9:30
地 点: 普陀校区理科大楼A510室
摘 要: An introduction to a newly developed subject (though, given a powerful beginning in 1937 by Murray and von Neumann) involving families of unbounded operators affiliated with finite von Neumann algebr...
复几何与代数几何导引 2018-01-01 12:13

主讲人:汝敏 教授(美国休斯顿大学)


Special Week on Operator Algebras in June 2012 2018-01-01 12:13
TIME: June 18 (Monday) – June 22 (Friday), 2012.

LOCATION: Science Building A, East China Normal University, Putuo District, Shanghai, China.

SPONSORS: East China Normal University

ORGANIZERS:Huaxin Lin (University of Oregon), Ngai-Ching Wong (National Sun Yat-sen University), Yifeng Xue (East China Normal University), Shuang Zhang (Un...
Lyapunov spectra for alpha-Farey and alpha-Lueroth systems 2018-01-01 12:13
题目: Lyapunov spectra for alpha-Farey and alpha-Lueroth systems.



演讲人:Dr. Sara Munday

摘要:We will introduce the alpha-Farey map and its associated jump transformation, the alpha-Lueroth map for an arbitrary countable partition of the unit interval with atoms which ...
Fractal analysis of a class of singular functions arising from the alpha-Farey systems 2018-01-01 12:13
题目: Fractal analysis of a class of singular functions arising from the alpha-Farey systems.



报告人:Dr. Sara Munday

摘要:We will show, for any arbitrary alpha-Farey map, that this map is topologically conjugate to the tent map. Denoting the conjugating homeomorphism by...
From Farey and Gauss to modern dynamical number theory 2018-01-01 12:13
Bernd Stratmann教授. 德国不莱梅大学( University of Bremen Germany )
8月24日周五 10:30到12点 在102报告厅
题目: From Farey and Gauss to modern dynamical number theory
摘要: The talk reviews some old problems in Elementary Number Theory which go back to Farey, Gauss, Riemann and Minkowski. These involve the Farey- and the Gauss-map, the Riemann Hypothesis and the slippery devi...
Dissipative Phenomena for Kleinian groups 2018-01-01 12:13
Bernd Stratmann教授. 德国不莱梅大学( University of Bremen Germany )
8月27日周一 10:30到12点 在102报告厅
题目: Dissipative Phenomena for Kleinian groups
摘要: The talk gives on overview over some recent progress in the study of fractal
phenomena within limit sets of infinitely generated Kleinian groups. This includes a discussionof various subsets of the dissipative l...
Hyperbolic Geometry 2018-01-01 12:13
课程名称:Hyperbolic Geometry

课程主讲:Dr Sara Munday



课程介绍:Day one: Introduction to hyperbolic geometry and the hyperbolic metric, the Poincare disc model and the upper-half plane model.

Day two: Introduction to Fuchsian groups (discrete groups of isometries o...
Quasiconformal Analysis and Conformal Invariants 2018-01-01 12:13
Quasiconformal Analysis and Conformal Invariants
A mini-lecture series
Shanshuang Yang
Emory University
Lecture 1: Introduction to Quasiconformal Analysis (10:00-11:30, Dec 31, 2012, Math building
Abstract: In this lecture, we will give a brief introduction to the theory of quasi-
conformal mappings, both in the plane and in higher dimensions. ...
On Garnett-Yang conjecture 2018-01-01 12:13
Quantum Dimensions and Quantum Galois Theory 2018-01-01 12:13
Abstract: Quantum Dimension is the "dimension" of a vertex operator algebra module.
In this talk, I will give the definition of quantum dimensions and discuss the properties of
quantum dimensions. A full Galois theory of vertex operator algebras will be given using
the quantum dimensions. I will also talk a little bit about some other topics related to
vertex operat...
关于亚纯函数的值分布理论 2018-01-01 12:13


报告人: 庞学诚教授(华东师范大学)
题目: 关于亚纯函数的值分布理论
时间:2013年5月8日(周三) 14:45-15:30
地点:数学楼102 报告厅

摘要: 主要介绍亚纯函数的模分布和正规族理论的发展以及我们所做的一些工作
On Generalized Irrational Rotation Algebras 2018-01-01 12:13

Abstract: Irrational Rotation Algebras had been typical examples of noncommutative
geometry, which can be regarded as a class of noncommutative torus. They
also have their roots in crossed product C*-algebras, and their structures
have been studied with the developments of classification theory for
nuclear simple C*-algebras.
The invariant subspace problem - linear algebra in infinitely many dimensions 2018-01-01 12:13
摘要:The talk will be an elementary and non-technical introduction to my work on the invariant subspace problem relative to a von Neumann algebra, focusing on the differences between the finite dimensional and infinite dimensional case.

报告人简介:Uffe Haagerup教授是世界著名数学家,现为丹麦皇家科学与文学院院士、挪威科学与文学院院士、丹麦哥本哈根大学教授,曾长期担任国际顶级数学期刊...

【校级学术报告】ON THE SYMPLECTIC MEAN CURVATURE FLOWS 2024年4月23日 10:00-11:00
*主持人:叶东 教授


Symplectic property is preserved along the mean curvature ow in Kahler-Einstein surface, which is called Symplectic mean curvature ow . It was proved that there is no nite time Type I singularities for the symplectic mean curva ture ow. In this talk, I will rst review known results and then I will talk about an important Type II sing...
【校级学术报告】Capillary hypersurfaces: Geometric inequalities, flows and related problems 2024年3月22日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授

In this talk, we first introduce geometric quantities for capillary hypersurfaces, and then establish isoperimetric type inequalities, Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities, by studying corresponding geometric flows. We will also talk about a related Minkowski type problem and other related problems. The talk is based on a joint work with Chao Xia...
【校级学术报告】On the Eigenvalues Problems for Homogeneous Hormander Operators and Algebraic Geometry Approach 2023年6月16日 13:30-14:30
【校级学术报告】The BCC lattice in a long range interaction system 2023年5月26日 14:30-15:30
*主持人:叶东 教授


While the hexagonal lattice is ubiquitous in two dimensions, the body centered cubic lattice and the face centered cubic lattice are both commonly observed in three dimensions. A geometric variational problem motivated by the diblock copolymer theory consists of a short range interaction energy and a long range interaction energy. In...
【校级学术报告】Optimal Beckner's Inequalities on and S4 and S6 2023年5月26日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授


We prove that for $n=4$ and $6$, axially symmetric solution to the $\mathbb{Q}$-curvature type problem
\alpha P_n u + c_n \left(1 - \frac{e^{nu}}{\int_{S^n}e^{nu}} \right) = 0
on $S^n$ must be constants, provided that $\frac{1}{2} \le \alpha \le 1$. This result is sharp. The proof is based on two ty...
Hardy inequalities in curved spaces 2023年5月5日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授

This talk is devoted to Hardy inequalities with best constants on Riemannian-Finsler manifolds. I will present the idea how to establish such inequalities by means of curvature on non-compact manifolds as well as on compact manifolds.

First Integral and applications to nonlinear differential equations 2023-05-05 10:00-11:00
Abstract: In this talk, we propose a systematic approach to find the first integrals and Darboux polynomials of nonlinear differential systems. As applications, some new Darboux polynomials of nonlinear models arising in physics, biology, engineering, and fluid mechanics are investigated by this approach. Particularly, a nonintegrable three-dimensional system with non-chaotic behaviors is introdu...
【校级学术报告】Asymptotic limit of phase transition models with high dimensional energy wells 2023年3月24日 15:30-16:30
*主持人:叶东 教授


The asymptotics of scalar phase transition models in the limit of vanishing interface width have been widely studied over the past decades. We will talk about some analogous results on phase transition models with high dimensional energy wells such as the matrix-valued Allen-Cahn equation and the isotropic-nematic interface problem i...
Global dynamics of a nonlocal non-uniformly parabolic equation arising from the curvature flow 2023年3月24日 14:00-15:00
*主持人:何小清 教授


In this talk, we consider a type of non-uniformly parabolic problem with nonlocal term. First the classification of the finite-time blow-up/global existence phenomena based on the associated energy functional and explicite expression of all nonnegative steady states are demonstrated. More importantly, we derive that any bounded so...
Finite time blow-up in the higher dimensional parabolic elliptic ODE minimal chemotaxis haptotaxis system 2023年3月24日 13:00-14:00
*主持人:何小清 教授


In this talk, we mainly study non-negative classical solutions to a Neumann initial-boundary value problem for a higher dimensional parabolic elliptic ODE minimal chemotaxis-haptotaxis system. We first show pure haptotaixs cannot induce any blow-up and pattern in any dimensions, showing negligibility of haptotaxis on boundedness. ...
【校级学术报告】Bistable transition fronts in unbounded domains 2023年3月3日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:何小清 教授


This talk is concerned with the existence and further properties of propagation speeds of transition fronts for bistable reaction-diffusion equations in exterior domains and in some domains with multiple cylindrical branches. In exterior domains we show that all transition fronts propagate with the same global mean speed, which tur...
上海偏微分方程及其应用学术研讨会 2022年12月10日-12月11日
Stability of Steady Strong Detonation Waves in Two-Dimensional Straight nozzles 2022年10月21日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:袁海荣 教授

In this talk, the compressible non-isentropic Euler equations with combustion reaction are used as the model to study the stability of steady strong detonation waves in a two-dimensional straight duct with constant cross-section. We construct a special solution of strong detonation wave that only depends on the normal direction of the duct...
【校庆学术报告】Liouville type theorem for steady Navier-Stokes system in a slab 10月14日3:30-14:30
主持人:叶东 教授

In this talk, we discuss some recent results on Liouville type theorems for steady Navier-Stokes system in a slab with either no-slip boundary conditions or periodic boundary conditions. In particular, we showed that bounded axisymmetric solutions in a slab must be zero or constant. The proofs are based on Saint-Vernant type estimate, which ar...
Singular harmonic maps and the mass-angular momentum inequality 2022年9月9日 9:00-10:00
*主持人:叶东 教授

Motivated by studies of axially symmetric stationary solutions of the Einstein vacuum equations in general relativity, we study singular harmonic maps from domains of the 3-dimensional Euclidean space to the hyperbolic plane, with bounded hyperbolic distance to extreme Kerr harmonic maps. We prove that every such harmonic map has a unique t...
2022微分动力系统的多尺度方法研究生暑期学校 2022年8月22日至27日



Lamé函数与KP顶点算子的椭圆形变(I)和(II) 2022年7月4日和5日 19:30-20:30
*时间:2022年7月4日 19:30-20:30 2022年7月5日 19:30-20:30
*地点:腾讯会议:170-612-898 会议密码:220704
*主讲人:张大军 教授
*主持人:傅蔚 副教授

Some Questions in a Periodic Discrete Model 2022年06月17日 19:30-20:30
*主持人:傅显隆 教授

In this talk, I will introduce a periodic discrete model to study the dynamics of Wolbachia infection frequency in mosquito populations where infected mosquitoes are impulsively released. This model has three notable characteristics: First, it covers all relevant existing models since 1959 as special cases. Second, it develops with the dev...
Existence and upper semicontinuity of time-dependent attractors for the non-autonomous nonlocal diffusion equations 2022年06月17日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授/ 张艳艳 副教授

In this talk,I shall introduce a recent result on existence and upper semicontinuity of time-dependent attractors for the non-autonomous nonlocal diffusion equations. This work is jointly with Bin Yang.


Integrability of differential systems: local and global aspects 2022年05月11日 20:30-21:30
*主持人:傅显隆 教授

In this talk we introduce some results on the global and local integrability of systems of ordinary differential equations, and the methods used in the study of these problems. The main results are on Darboux and Liouville integrability of polynomial differential systems,and the existence and regularity of local first integrals near singu...
Restricted independence in displacement function 2022年05月11日 19:30-20:30
*主持人:傅显隆 教授

Since the independence of focal values is a sufficient condition to give a number of limit cycles arising from a center-focus equilibrium, in this paper we consider a restricted independence to a parametric curve, which gives a method not only to increase the lower bound for the cyclicity of the center-focus equilibrium but also to be avai...
Multiple solutions for the coercive semilinear elliptic equations 2022年04月29日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授

We consider a semilinear elliptic equation in a smooth bounded domain. By using the minimax methods, bifurcation methods, Conley index theory and Morse theory, we obtain six nontrivial solutions for the equations with coercive nonlinearities. This is a joint work with Yutong Chen, Jiabao Su and Mingzheng Sun.

Critical mass and threshold parameter in a haptotaxis system modeling oncolytic virotherapy 2022年04月22日 15:00-16:00
*主持人:傅显隆 教授

This talk reports some recent progress in the study of a four-component haptotaxis model describing the process of oncolytic virotherapy, and it is based on several works cooperated with Michael Winkler (Paderborn). The presentation addresses global classical solvability, a critical mass phenomenon for infinite-time blow-up, a borderline v...
Patch models for two competing species in advective environment 2022年04月22日 14:00-15:00
*主持人:傅显隆 教授

We study the dynamics of two-species competition model in advective, patch environment. Organisms can move between connected patches, and they are also subject to the passive, directed drift from “upper stream” patch to “down stream” patch. A complete understanding is given for the two-patch case. We will mainly discuss three-patch mod...
Ground states of two-component attractive Bose-Einstein Condensates 2022年04月22日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授

In this talk, we study a system of two coupled time-independent Gross-Pitaevskii equations, which is used to model two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions. For a certain type of trapping potentials, especially for the degenerate ring-shaped potentials, we investigate the existence, concentration and local uniquen...
Global solutions of vortex front problems. 2021年12月24日 10:00-11:00
*主持人:张艳艳 副教授

In the talk, a family of solutions of piecewise constant vorticity to several fluid systems will be introduced. The equations of the contour dynamics under different geometrical situations will be formulated. Those equations are usually nonlinear nonlocal dispersive equations. The global well-posedness of the solutions will be proved un...
On critical Hartree equations: qualitative analysis and its applications. 2021年12月10日 10:00-11:00
*主持人:叶东 教授

In this talk I will first introduce some qualitative properties of the solutions of the critical Hartree equation, such as the regularity, symmetry, decay estimates, classification and nondegeneracy. Then as an application of the properties, we will apply variational methods and Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction arguments to study the existence, mu...
Singularity formation problem for compressible Euler equations with time-dependent damping 2021年11月19日13:30-14:30
*主持人:袁海荣 教授

于慧敏,山东师范大学数学与统计学院教授、博导,山东师范大学东岳学者。2008年从中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院获理学博士学位,主要从事偏微分方程的理论与应用研究。在 SIAM J. Math. Anal.、 J. Differential Equations、 Commun. Math. Sci,Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 等国际期刊发表学术论文二十余篇, 一篇文章获首届《中国科学:数学》优秀论文提名奖。
【70周年校庆系列学术报告】A delayed reaction-diffusion equation with free boundary 2021年10月8日13:00-14:00
*主持人:何小清 青年研究员

Incorporating time delay and Stefan type free boundary into reaction-diffusion equation yields a compatible condition, which guarantees the well-posedness of the initial value problem. Further, under a KPP type setting we establish a dichotomy on propagation or vanishing. When propagation happens, the spreading speed is shown to exis...
Zero number diminishing property used to uniform gradient estimates 2021年9月17日13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授

The so-called zero number diminishing property is a property on the solutions to one dimensional parabolic equation, which says that the number of the zeros of a certain solution is non-increasing in time. This property, developed by H. Matano, S. Angenent et al, is a powerful tool in studying the asymptotic behavior of the solutions. Recent...
流体中的物质输运 2021年6月30日14:30-15:30
*主持人:叶东 教授


辛扭转映射的全局动力学 2021年6月29日9:00-10:30
*主持人:张静 副教授




主特征值和基本再生数 2021年6月12日10:30-11:30
*主持人:叶东 教授


New Sharp Inequalities in Analysis and Geometry 2021年6月12日9:30-10:30
*主持人:叶东 教授


The classical Moser-Trudinger inequality is a borderline case of Soblolev inequalities and plays an important role in geometric analysis. Aubin in 1979 showed that the best constant in the Moser-Trudinger inequality can be improved by reducing to one half if the functions are restricted to the complement of a three dimensional subs...
Thin-film-type approximation to a doubly cross-diffusive system 2021年6月11日13:30-14:30

This talk reports a recent progress in the study of so-called pursuit-evasion system which describes a fully cross-diffusive interaction mechanism between predators and preys. The system formally possesses two basic entropy-like structures, but the regularity thereby implied seems insufficient to ensure global solvability for large data. We design a suitable thin-fil...
科研论文写作基础 2021年6月9日21:30-22:30



Asymptotic Stability without Negative Definiteness 2021年6月9日20:30-21:30

Classic criterion of asymptotic stability requires the condition of negative definiteness of the Liapunov function. In this talk we introduce some new weak criteria for asymptotic stability, which do not require the negative definiteness.


理想可压缩磁流体力学中的自由边界问题 2021年6月4日13:30-14:30

In this talk, we present the joint works with Professor Yuri Trakhinin on the local well-posedness of the free boundary problem in ideal compressible magnetohydrodynamics with or without surface tension. The Rayleigh-Taylor sign condition on the total pressure is required only for the case of zero surface tension.

Classification of positive solutions for some elliptic equations in unbounded cylinder 2021年5月14日13:30-14:30
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In this talk, we will introduce the properties of positive solutions to some kinds of the elliptic equation in unbounded cylinder with zero boundary condition. After establishing an Aleksandrov-Bakelman-Pucci maximum principle in unbounded cylinder, the solution spaces can be classified. In particular, we will show that one solution spa...
Some weak dissipative system with loss-regularity phenomenon 2021年5月7日13:30-14:30
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In this talk, we will discuss some weak dissipative systems, in which loss-regularity phenomenon will occur. Some methods are introduced to prove the local or global well-posedness of these dissipative systems in some weighted Sobolev Space.


Liouville theorems for quasilinear differential inequalities involving gradient nonlinearity term on manifolds 2021年4月30日13:30-14:30
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We investigate the nonexistence and existence of nontrivial positive solutions to

$\Delta_m u+u^p|\nabla u|^q\leq0$ on noncompact geodesically complete Riemannian manifolds, where $m>1$, and $(p,q)\in \mathbb{R}^2$.

According to a complete classification of $(p, q)$, we establish different volume growth con...
The Lieb-Yau Conjecture for Ground States of Pseudo-Relativistic Boson Stars 2021年4月23日13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授


It is known that ground states of the pseudo-relativistic Boson stars exist if and only if the stellar mass N>0 satisfies N
On the entire self-shrinking solutions to Lagrangian mean curvature flow 2021年4月16日13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授

We show Bernstein type results for entire self-shrinking solutions to Lagrangian mean curvature flow in . The proofs rely on a priori estimates and barriers construction. This is a joint work with Prof. Rongli Huang and Wenlong Wang.

Singular solutions for a second-order traffic flow model derived from a nonlinear Vlasov type kinetic model 2021年3月26日周五13:30-14:30
*地点:腾讯会议ID:928 821 274 链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/s/AGFZ4MYVMV3c
*主讲人:沈春 教授(鲁东大学)
*主持人:袁海荣 教授

The constructions of Riemann solutions for a second-order traffic flow model derived from a nonlinear Vlasov type kinetic model are displayed in fully explicit forms. In p...
Simulating large-scale geophysical flows on unstructured meshes 2021年3月19日周五20:00-21:00
*地点:腾讯会议ID:431 397 045 链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/s/DZSt525IPNVg
*主讲人:陈青山 副教授 (美国克莱姆森大学Clemson University)
*主持人:袁海荣 教授

Many critical applications, such as extreme weather forecast, rely on accurate simulati...
The asymptotic propagation speed of the Fisher-KPP equation with effective boundary condition on a road 2021年3月5日14:00-15:00
*主持人:何小清 青年研究员
*地点:腾讯会议ID:325 178 798(https://meeting.tencent.com/s/ZMEisqkRm3oN)

Of concern is the Fisher-KPP equation on the xy-plane with an “effective boundary condition” imposed on the x-axis. This model, recently derived by Huicong Li and me, is meant to model the scenario of f...
Residue of destructed resonant torus 2021年1月22日15:00-16:00
*主持人:曹永罗 教授
*地点:腾讯会议ID:951 579 554

It is well known that invariant torus with Diophantine frequnecy survives small perturbation, but the one with resonant frequency will be destructed by arbitrarily small perturbation. In this talk, I shall briefly review the result about the top...
Some PDEs in Darwinian Dynamics 2021年1月15日上午8:30-9:30
主持人: 何小清 青年研究员
报告时间: 2021年1月15日上午8:30-9:30
报告平台: 腾讯会议 ID:112 240 158(https://meeting.tencent.com/s/daNQDcJvn3gk)

报告人介绍:King-Yeung Lam, 美国俄亥俄州立大学副教授。2011年于美国明尼苏达大学获得博士学位,师从倪维明教授。在美国俄亥俄州立大学(OSU)先后为Mathematical Biosciences Institute 博士后、Zassenh...
Dynamics and equilibrium structure of migration-selection models 2020年12月18日8:30-9:30
*主持人:何小清 青年研究员
*地点:腾讯会议 房间号:547 586 910

We will first introduce a semi-linear parabolic system that describes the evolution of gene frequencies under the joint action of migration and selection. Then, we will report some recent progress made on the two-allele case with complete dominance...
Variational Correlation Between Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations with Differential Potentials 2020年12月11日13:30-14:30
*主持人:周风 教授
*地点:腾讯会议ID:309 752 558


This talk is concerned with several types of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with differential potentials. We first discuss the variational characteristics for the time-independent Schrodinger equations. Then we establish the sharp con...



【校级学术报告】数学教育技术为数学课改注入强劲活力—重谈技术与学科教学的有效融合 用于学术会议等多日活动,请填写完整的年月日及时间区间用于显示
【校级学术报告】基于元分析的课程与教学研究:为何与何为 用于学术会议等多日活动,请填写完整的年月日及时间区间用于显示
【校级学术报告】An overview of Korea's 2022 revised mathematics curriculum 用于学术会议等多日活动,请填写完整的年月日及时间区间用于显示
【张奠宙数学教育讲座】中国数学教育的发展----对张奠宙先生三个愿景的回应 用于学术会议等多日活动,请填写完整的年月日及时间区间用于显示
Research on the Integration of Programming and School Mathematics: Implications for Computationally-enhanced Mathematics Education 9月15日15:00-16:30
【校级学术报告】从研究学生的学习到研究教学:国内外项目的一些经验 2023年6月9日 15:00-16:30
【校级学术报告】SOIL 教学心法:看见教学的另一种观点 2023年6月7日 10:00-11:30
*主持人:吕长虹 教授


心法以讯息处理理论为基础,提出一个整合理论与实务的教学设计框架,此框架指出人类学习的四大认知阶段:选取(selection)、组织(organization)、整合(integration)、学习(learning)(简称 SOIL 教学心法),从而引出教学该如何调整设计以顺其自然的四大设计要素:明确、关联、结构、脉络。SOIL 教学心法从外在媒体(外在刺激)开始考虑,藉由流畅感官...
高中DIMA数学实验:数学教育数字化转型的实践与创新 2023年5月17日 15:00-16:30
Deepening understanding of educational phenomena through networking theories: A case in the context of lesson study 2023年5月11日 9:30-11:00
*主持人:吴颖康 副教授

It is well-known that having an appropriate theoretical framework for guiding a study throughout is crucial for high-quality research. In line with the argumentation that the diversity of theories is a rich resource up which the research field could develop more consequently only if the connections between them are actively established, ...
文化与学生数学成绩的关系研究 2022年12月6日 14:00-15:30
*主持人:鲁小莉 副研究员



基于录像分析的数学课堂教学研究 2022年11月29日 14:00
*主持人:鲁小莉 副研究员


录像研究已经大量运用在传播学、人类学、社会学和教育学等社会科学中,成为一种非常重要的研究方式。本讲座通过介绍TIMSS Video 和LPS两项关于数学课堂录像的国际研究以及本人研究过程中的两个例子来探讨录像研究中的方法和策略,以及基于录像研究的论文写作中的注意事项等。


【校级学术报告】从看见到发现——第三种智慧 2022年11月22日 19:30-20:45
*主持人:周国栋 教授


【校级学术报告】把数学变容易 2022年11月16日 15:00-16:30
【校级学术报告】素数之恋 2022年11月16日 13:00-14:00
*主持人:程涛 教授




数学发展过程中的两道分水岭 2022-11-16 14:20-15:20
*主持人:程涛 教授



中国学生数学问题解决能力研究 2022年11月15日 14:00-15:30
【校庆学术报告】Classroom Assessment as an Integral Part of Instruction: Research and Practice 2022年10月27日 08:30-10:00
【校庆学术报告】Mathematical flexibility: A promising focus for research and practice 2022年10月18日 08:00-10:00
【校庆学术报告】多元文化数学及其教育意义 2022年9月28日 15:30-17:00
Context of Limitedness and How it Shapes Teacher-Textbook Relationships 2022年9月14日 15:00—16:00
A few recent works on the history of mathematics education: Why do they seem important? 2022年06月14日 10:00:00至11:30
数学建模的教与学研究现状/数学建模的教与学中元认知、教学干预、创造力的作用 2022年5月5日、5月9日
Teachers' use of Digital Resources in Four Educational Contexts: Finland, Flanders, Sweden, and U.S. 2022-04-13 19:00-20:30
数学教师课堂教学行为比较研究 用于学术会议等多日活动,请填写完整的年月日及时间区间用于显示
【70周年校庆系列学术报告】Mathematics education in Germany - Empowering students and teachers 2021年10月20日16:00-17:30
【70周年校庆系列学术报告】Using mathematics to understand the world 2021年10月12日 15:30-17:00
数学文化 2021年7月12日15:00-16:00
*主持人:谈胜利 教授

How to support teachers to teach mathematics with technology? 2021-05-26 15:00:00
Opportunities to learn offered by primary school mathematics textbooks in the Netherlands 2021/04/06 周二下午 15:00-16:30
主持人:李淑惠 博士
报告时间:2021/04/06 周二下午 15:00-16:30

Marc van Zanten obtained his teaching degree in 1991 with a specialization in mathematics. That same year he started to work as a primary school teacher and enrolled in a master study in Educational Sciences at Utrecht University. In 1994, he g...
The Decelopment and Features of the UCSMP Secondary School Curriculum 2021-03-18 10:00:00
数学建模中的元认知:理解和推广 2020年12月15日 下午 18:00-19:00
基于动态数学软件的创新型STEM教师培养 2020年12月9日13:00-15:00
*主持人:陈月兰 副教授
*地点:腾讯会议ID:232 627 826

当前,世界各国对于STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)教育越来越重视,纷纷推出国家层面的战略规划或面向全国的行动计划。然而,STEM教师的缺乏在很大程度上制约了STEM教育的发展。本次讲座将探讨基于动态数学软件的创新型STEM教师培养的有关理论...
基于动态数学软件的创新型STEM教师培养 2020年12月9日13:00-15:00
*主持人:陈月兰 副教授
*地点:腾讯会议ID:232 627 826

当前,世界各国对于STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)教育越来越重视,纷纷推出国家层面的战略规划或面向全国的行动计划。然而,STEM教师的缺乏在很大程度上制约了STEM教育的发展。本次讲座将探讨基于动态数学软件的创新型STEM教师培养的有关理论...
增强现实(AR)技术与数学/科学等学科教学融合 2020/11/26 周四下午 3:30-5:00
主持人:李淑惠 博士
报告时间:2020/11/26 周四下午 3:30-5:00

A Methodological Breakthrough in Instrument Validation 2020/10/10 周六上午 8:30-9:30
Current Advances in Mathematical Problem-Posing Research: Initial Findings from a Longitudinal Project 2020年06月10日周三上午8:30-9:30
主持人:张晋宇 博士




蔡金法,萧山人。美国特拉华大学Kathleen and David Hollowell 终身讲席教授,西南大学特聘海外名师,曾任华东师范大学紫江特聘教授。2010年当选美国数学教育研究协会(SIG/RME)的理事长,2015年, 被聘为全球最有影响的Journal for Resear...
关于数学教育研究论文中文献述评、引用和撰写的若干问题 2020年4月22日星期三 下午15:30-17:00

范良火 美国芝加哥大学哲学(教育学)博士,华东师大数学科学学院特聘教授,亚洲数学教育中心主任。主要研究领域包括数学课堂教学、教师知识发展、数学课程和教材研究等,也包括教育政策和比较教育研究等。曾在中国、美国、新加坡和英国学习和工作多年,2010年起在英国南安普顿大学任终身教授、数学和科学教育研究中心主任,2018年起全职回国。范教授具有丰富的国际研究经历和指导、审查和编辑博士、硕...
The Wits Maths Connect Secondary Project (WMCS) 2010 ? 2019: A professional development intervention and its impact. 2019-3-30 上午 09:00-10:00
Jill Adler教授,国际著名数学教育家,现任国际数学教育委员会(ICMI)主席(2017-2020年),南非威特沃特斯兰德大学SARChI数学教育讲座教授,专注于中学数学教育的研究和发展。Alder教授曾主持过多个大型教师发展项目,最近的是从2009年开始主持的Wits Maths Connect Secondary项目,该项工作以她对多语教学课堂和教师专业发展的研究为基础。Alder教授也是英国伦敦国王学院数学教育客座教授。 她获得了众多奖...
Professional Competencies of (Prospective) Mathematics Teachers: an overview on the current discussion and results of Chinese-German comparative studies 2019-3-25 上午 09:30-10:30
Gabriele Kaiser教授,国际著名数学教育家,德国汉堡大学教育学院教授,现任国际数学教育杂志《ZDM Mathematics Education》主编,澳大利亚天主教大学学习科学与教师教育研究所教授级研究员,国际教育评价组织“数学教师教育研究项目”(IEA Teacher Education Study in Mathematics, TEDS-M)的主要负责人。曾任2016年第13届国际数学教育大会(ICME-13)召集人。研究领域涵盖教师教育和教师专业发展的实证研究...
Rethinking mathematics teachers resources in a time of digitalization: towards new programs of research 2018-11-21 14:00-15:00
Luc Trouche is professor of didactics of mathematics in the French Institute of Education, at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France). He devoted most of his research to analyzing the role of tools in mathematic education (Monaghan, Trouche & Borwein 2016). He is now mainly interested in studying the interactions of teachers with resources, that include and largely exceed, i...
首届ACME数学教育学术研讨会 2018年10月25日
Meaning and engagement in mathematical learning and teaching: roles for the computer? 2018年10月24日14:00-15:00
理查德 ?诺斯(Richard Noss)是伦敦大学学院教育学院数学教育教授。他是伦敦大学为基地的伦敦知识实验室的创始主任,该实验室是一个跨学科实验室,旨在探索数字技术学习的未来。他曾担任英国政府资助的技术促进学习研究计划的主任。他也曾担任欧盟万花筒卓越网络的科学副主管。诺斯教授拥有纯数学硕士学位和数学教育博士学位。他是英国社会科学院院士和数学及其应用研究所的特邀研究员(Fellow),也是保加利...
Using technology for maths teaching and learning: Instructional design, digital books and automated feedback 2018年10月22日14:00-15:00
报告人简介:Christian Bokhove博士是英国南安普敦大学教育学院数学教育副教授,数学、科学和健康教育研究中心的副主任,是英国研究ICT在数学教育应用领域的著名专家。 1998年至2012年,他在荷兰赞丹(Zaandam)一所中学担任数学与计算机科学教师和ICT部主任。在这些年里,他参与并领导了数学和ICT项目(wisweb,Galois,Sage)。 2011年,他在乌得勒支大学(Utrecht University)弗赖登塔尔研究所获得博士学位。从2012年8月起,他任...
2018 “非常数学”中学生夏令营(初中组) 2018-07-05
数学测试题的难和易--2009年高考上海理科数学卷评述 2018-01-01 12:13
题 目:数学测试题的难和易--2009年高考上海理科数学卷评述
时 间:2009年10月14日下午2:00-3:00
地 点:数学楼102报告厅 (闵行校区)
中美数学教育高级研讨会 2018-01-01 12:13
Sino-US Advanced Seminar on Mathematics Education
University education of secondary school mathematics teachers in Québec: focus on the contribution of a history component 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人:Prof. Bernard Hodgson
Bernard Hodgson is the past Secretary-General of The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) during 1999-2009. He is a professor of mathematics and statistics at the Université Laval, Québec, CANADA. He is interested in the influence of information technology on mathematics and its teaching. The ...
Linking Research to Practice - Classroom Teaching Research Framework Discussion 2018-01-01 12:13
Dr. Zhonghe Wu (National University, USA)
时间:2010年7月2日 (周五) 上午9:00-10:15
题目:Linking Research to Practice - Classroom Teaching Research Framework Discussion
In the talk, Dr. Wu would like to address how to link research to practice by demonstrating a framework that not only include...
Using Single-Subject Research in Mathematics Clinic in Teacher Education Program 2018-01-01 12:13
Dr. Shuhua An (California State University - Long Beach, USA)
时间:2010年7月2日 (周五) 上午10:00-11:30
题目: Using Single-Subject Research in Mathematics Clinic in Teacher Education Program
Prof. An will introduce a clinic setting of a remedial and intervention program with specially design...
What’s New with Calculus Reform 2018-01-01 12:13
报告人:Louis Friedler (美国Arcardia大学数学教授)
时 间: 7月7日 上午 9:30 -11:00
题 目: What’s New with Calculus Reform
地 点: 闵行数学楼102报告厅




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