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Compatible structures on unary binary nonsymmetric operads with quadratic and cubic relations 2021年9月14日10:00-11:00
*主持人:周国栋 教授

Various compatibility conditions among replicated copies of operations in a given algebraic structure have appeared in broad contexts in recent years. Taking an uniform approach, this paper gives an operadic study of compatibility conditions for nonsymmetric operads with unary and binary operations, and homogeneous quadratic and cubic rela...
短课程:Multiplier ideals, vanishing theorems and applications 2018年12月11日至13日

摘要:We would describe various vanishing theorems involving multiplier ideals and give various applications to linear systems, birational geometry and commutative algebra.

On the representation of finite W-superalgebras 2020年11月7日10:40-11:40
*主持人:舒斌 教授
*地点:腾讯会议号 845 262 454

A relation between the finite W-superalgebras and finite W-algebras was found in one of my work joint with Bin Shu. This relation turns out to be very useful in the representation theory of finite W-superalgebras. In this talk I first introduce this rel...
Cohomologies and deformations of Relative Rota-Baxter operators on Lie-Yamaguti algebras 2022年05月10日 10:00-11:15
*主持人:周国栋 教授

In this talk, we establish the cohomology of the relative Rota-Baxter operators on Lie-Yamaguti algebras using the Yamaguti cohomology. Then we use this type of cohomology to characterize the deformations of the relative Rota-Baxter operators on Lie-Yamaguti algebras. We show that if two linear or formal deformations of a relative Rota-Bax...
Derived Projectivizations and Derived Grassmannians 2024年4月8日 13:30-14:25
*主持人:杜荣 教授

Derived Algebraic Geometry (DAG) allows us to extend Grothendieck's theory of projectivizations and Grassmannians from sheaves to complexes. This extension proves valuable for constructing and studying moduli spaces, especially in the presence of singularities. In this talk, we discuss the construction and properties of derived projectivizat...

Bilateral identities of the Rogers-Ramanujan type 2018年9月21日 8:30--9:30
报告人简介:Michael Schlosser教授1996年在维也纳大学获得博士学位,导师是澳科学院通讯院士Krattenthaler教授。Michael Schlosser教授是当今国际上研究多变量q-超几何级数的顶级专家,迄今已经在国际著名刊物上发表了60多篇学术论文,他的研究极大地推动了多变量q-超几何级数的发展。此外他还担了著名数学期刊Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 和Ramanujan Journal的编委;担任过2016年SASTRA Ramanujan奖的评...
Witten deformation for non-Morse functions and gluing formulas 2023年3月28日 13:00-14:00
*主持人:刘博 教授


Witten deformation is a versatile tool with numerous applications in mathematical physics and geometry. In this talk, we will focus on the analysis of Witten deformation for a family of non-Morse functions, leading to a new proof of the gluing formula for analytic torsions. Then we could see that the gluing formula can be reformulate...
极致Poincare-Mok-Yau度量的存在性与拓扑障碍 2020年6月11日, 15:00-16:00
报告时间: 2020年6月11日, 15:00-16:00,腾讯会议ID:318 689 891


Abstract: 设M是一个紧致的Kahler流形, p是M上的一个点,我们将探讨在非紧致流形M-p上完备极致Kahler的存在性与拓扑障碍。
Heegaard floer homology and fundamental groups 2020年6月6日 14:00-15:00
报告时间:2020年6月6日 14:00-15:00
报告平台:ZOOM会议 ID: 274 175 4144 ,密码:930643
报告人简介:王家军 国家杰出青年获得者
The geometrization theorem implies that the fundamental group of a 3-manifold determines the 3-manifold, except the lens spac...
三维流形的几何与Heegaard分解 2020年6月4日,15:00-16:00
报告摘要:依据Thurston的几何化猜想及Hempel 的结果,具有距离3的Heegaard分解的三维流形具有双曲结构。 本次报告将介绍三维流形Heegaard分解的构造;距离不超过2的Heegaard分解对应于双曲三维流形的判定条件。

Asymptotic properties of compositions over finite groups 2019年3月28日,10:00-11:00
高志成博士目前是加拿大Carleton大学数理统计系终生教授。主要研究领域: 组合数学与图论、随机图论与随机地图理论,曲面地图计数与分布理论, 博彩业管理。他是目前国际上为数不多的在组合数学与拓扑图论领域内具有世界顶尖水平的数学家之一。他在低维拓扑领域内,尤其是曲面上嵌入图的计数和概率分布研究方面的0-1率方面的工作具有一流水准。是目前国际上这些领域内的著名学者。在国际著名数学期刊上发表高水平...
Dynamics of regularly ramified rational maps 8月7日(周二)10:30-11:30
摘要: We say that a rational map f is regularly ramified if there exists a group G of confromal automorphisms of complex sphere, so that two points p and q of the complex sphere have the same image if and only if there is a group element g in G with g(p)=q. In this talk, we survey some of our recent results on the dynamics of regularly ramified rational maps. These are joint works with Jun Hu ...
Dynamics of Newton maps 2018-08-07 09:30:00
摘要:It is shown that the boundary $\partial B$ of any immediate root basin $B$ of $f$ is locally connected. Moreover, $\partial B$ is a Jordan curve if and only if ${\rm deg}(f|_B)=2$. This implies that the boundaries of all components of root basins, for all polynomials' Newton maps, from the viewpoint of topology, are tame. This generalizes Roesch's groundbreaking work (Annals of Math. 2008...
第29届国际算子理论及应用会议 2018年7月23日至7月27日
2008年算子代数研讨会 2018-01-01 12:13
The Special Week on Operator Algebras

June 30th--July 4th, 2008
Science Building, East China Normal University
3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China

Organizers: Yifeng Xue (Chair), Shanwen Hu, Wei Wu, Junping Liu.
Scientific Committee: Huaxin Lin

More: htt...

【校级学术报告】ON THE SYMPLECTIC MEAN CURVATURE FLOWS 2024年4月23日 10:00-11:00
*主持人:叶东 教授


Symplectic property is preserved along the mean curvature ow in Kahler-Einstein surface, which is called Symplectic mean curvature ow . It was proved that there is no nite time Type I singularities for the symplectic mean curva ture ow. In this talk, I will rst review known results and then I will talk about an important Type II sing...
【校级学术报告】Capillary hypersurfaces: Geometric inequalities, flows and related problems 2024年3月22日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授

In this talk, we first introduce geometric quantities for capillary hypersurfaces, and then establish isoperimetric type inequalities, Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities, by studying corresponding geometric flows. We will also talk about a related Minkowski type problem and other related problems. The talk is based on a joint work with Chao Xia...
【校级学术报告】On the Eigenvalues Problems for Homogeneous Hormander Operators and Algebraic Geometry Approach 2023年6月16日 13:30-14:30
【校级学术报告】The BCC lattice in a long range interaction system 2023年5月26日 14:30-15:30
*主持人:叶东 教授


While the hexagonal lattice is ubiquitous in two dimensions, the body centered cubic lattice and the face centered cubic lattice are both commonly observed in three dimensions. A geometric variational problem motivated by the diblock copolymer theory consists of a short range interaction energy and a long range interaction energy. In...
【校级学术报告】Optimal Beckner's Inequalities on and S4 and S6 2023年5月26日 13:30-14:30
*主持人:叶东 教授


We prove that for $n=4$ and $6$, axially symmetric solution to the $\mathbb{Q}$-curvature type problem
\alpha P_n u + c_n \left(1 - \frac{e^{nu}}{\int_{S^n}e^{nu}} \right) = 0
on $S^n$ must be constants, provided that $\frac{1}{2} \le \alpha \le 1$. This result is sharp. The proof is based on two ty...



【校级学术报告】数学教育技术为数学课改注入强劲活力—重谈技术与学科教学的有效融合 用于学术会议等多日活动,请填写完整的年月日及时间区间用于显示
【校级学术报告】基于元分析的课程与教学研究:为何与何为 用于学术会议等多日活动,请填写完整的年月日及时间区间用于显示
【校级学术报告】An overview of Korea's 2022 revised mathematics curriculum 用于学术会议等多日活动,请填写完整的年月日及时间区间用于显示
【张奠宙数学教育讲座】中国数学教育的发展----对张奠宙先生三个愿景的回应 用于学术会议等多日活动,请填写完整的年月日及时间区间用于显示
Research on the Integration of Programming and School Mathematics: Implications for Computationally-enhanced Mathematics Education 9月15日15:00-16:30


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