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Rethinking mathematics teachers resources in a time of digitalization: towards new programs of research
Prof. Luc Trouche
2018-11-21 14:00-15:00   闵行数学楼102报告厅

Luc Trouche is professor of didactics of mathematics in the French Institute of Education, at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France). He devoted most of his research to analyzing the role of tools in mathematic education (Monaghan, Trouche & Borwein 2016). He is now mainly interested in studying the interactions of teachers with resources, that include and largely exceed, in a time of digitalization, textbooks (Fan et al. 2018). This interest leads him to develop, with other researchers at an international level, a new theoretical frame, the documentational approach to didactics (Trouche, Gueudet, & Pepin 2018).
He was the chair of the French commission for mathematics teaching from 2012 to 2016. He is currently coordinating a joint French-Chinese platform for educational research in the frame of JoRISS (ECNU-ENS de Lyon), and is co-supervising three PhD of Chinese students in the domain of mathematics education, focusing respectively on documentation expertise (Pepin et al. 2016), variation of tasks, and dynamic geometry software.
Fan, L., Trouche, L., Qi, C., Rezat, S., & Visnovska, J. (Eds.) (2018). Research on Mathematics Textbooks and Teachers’ Resources: Advances and issues. Cham: Springer. JoRISS education research platform :
Monaghan, J., Trouche, L., & Borwein, J. (2016). Tools and Mathematics: Instruments for Learning, New York: Springer Pepin, B., Xu, B., Trouche, L., & Wang, C. (2016). Developing a deeper understanding of mathematics teaching expertise: Chinese mathematics teachers’ resource systems as windows into their work and expertise. Educational studies in Mathematics, 94(3), 257?274, http://rdcu.be/koXk Trouche, L., Gueudet, G., & Pepin, B. (2018). Documentational approach to didactics. In S. Lerman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education. N.Y.: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-77487-9_100011-1
More references at https://ens-lyon.academia.edu/enslyonacademiaedu

The development of the Internet and the abundance of digital resources, in addition to the emergence of new forms of teacher collective work, lead to new developments and uncertainties in teaching and learning of mathematics. These upheavals have given rise to new theoretical needs: how to analyze teachers’ work when interaction with resources for preparing for their teaching?
Ten years ago, these theoretical and practical needs led to the proposal of a new frame, the documentational approach to didactics, in the field of mathematics education (Gueudet & Trouche, 2009). An international conference, held in Lyon last May (https://resources-2018.sciencesconf.org) allowed to study the development of this frame, and to evidence some missing resources, theoretical as well as methodological.
These missing resources make necessary new programs of research, that will be evoked in this lecture.
Gueudet, G., & Trouche, L. (2009). Towards new documentation systems for mathematics teachers? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 71(3), 199-218
Trouche, L. (to be published). Evidencing missing resources of the documentational approach to didactics. Towards ten programs of research / development for enriching this approach. In L. Trouche, G. Gueudet, & B. Pepin (Eds.), Resources in Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Activity. Springer series Advances in Mathematics Education. Cham : Springer.
The video of the lecture at the origine of this Chapter in on line

主持人:范良火 教授
主办单位:数学科学学院 科技处