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Professor Arieh Iserles (University of Cambridge, UK) 报告(校庆学术报告系列)
Professor Arieh Iserles (University of Cambridge, UK) 报告(校庆学术报告系列)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


题目:Highly oscillatory quadrature and
initial-value integrators

报告人:Professor Arieh Iserles
(University of Cambridge, UK)



摘要:In this lecture we review recent developments in the general area of highly oscillatory quadrature: asymptotic expansions, Filon-type and Levin-type methods and the method of numerical stationary phase. The exposition will cover both univariate and multivariate integrals and consider the important (and difficult) special case of critical points. This theory will be applied to the numerical solution of initial-value ODEs that exhibit high oscillation, using Magnus and Neumann expansions and exponential integrators.
