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法国凡尔赛大学CNRS (法国国家科研中心) 研究员、量子群专家David Hernandez校级学术报告《曹锡华代数论坛》
法国凡尔赛大学CNRS (法国国家科研中心) 研究员、量子群专家David Hernandez校级学术报告《曹锡华代数论坛》
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

Speaker: David Hernandez (Versailles University, CNRS) From France
法国凡尔赛大学CNRS (法国国家科研中心) 研究员、量子群专家
Title: 扭量子仿射代数的特征标公式和分支规则
Time: Sept. 14, 16:00---17:00
Lecture Hall: 中山北路校区理科大楼A510教室

In this talk,we present a proof of the Kirillov-Reshetikhin (KR) conjecture in the general case : for all twisted quantum affine algebras we prove that the characters of KR modules solve the twisted Q-system and we get explicit formulas for the character of their tensor products (previous results were obtained by Najakima and the speaker in the untwisted cases). The proof is uniform and provides several new developments for the representation theory of twisted quantum affine algebras. We also prove the twisted T-system and our results imply previously conjectured branching rules to the quantum subalgebra of finite type.