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运筹学讨论班 - 分论坛
澳大利亚南威尔斯大学、我校紫江教授 杜杰教授学术报告
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

题 目: Some recent results on the thin film problem
报告人:郭宗明 教授(东华大学)
时 间:4月13日(周四)15:00-16:00
地 点:理科大楼A 1510
摘 要:
We study a reaction-diffusion equation with singular nonlinearity coming from the thin film problem and the electrostatic Micro-Electromechanic System (MEMS). This equation has a simple appearance but rich mathematical structure. We will present some recent results on the structure and properties of nonnegative steady states and the Cauchy problem with initial value of this reaction-diffusion equation. The stability of nonnegative steady states, sufficient conditions on for finite time vanishing and growth rates of solutions in time t of the Cauchy problem are studied.