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2-dimensional Jacobian Conjecture
苏育才 教授(同济大学)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

苏育才,同济大学数学系特聘教授,同济大学数学研究所所长,国家杰出青年基金获得者,主持国家自然科学基金重点项目。主要研究领域为李(超)代数及其表示理论,特别是在李超代数特征标的相关研究上,做出了很多重要成果。现为《Algebra Colloquium》、《Journal of Algebra and Applications》、《数学学报》等多个学术杂志的编委。

In this talk, the speaker will first present several results established by the speaker using the local bijectivity of Keller maps, then use these results to present his attempt to give a proof of 2-dimensional Jacobian conjecture. The main contents in this talk can be found in the paper recently posted to arXiv: 1603.01867.

主持人:罗栗 副教授