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Study on Slow-Fast Motions in Dynamical Systems
Prof. Pei Yu(University of Western Ontario, Canada)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

报告人简介:加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario, Canada)教授,博士生导师,常微分方程与动力系统领域著名专家,在非线性和混沌动力系统、稳定性理论和分支理论、微分方程的计算问题、生物数学以及物理和工程系统的应用问题等做出了杰出的工作。曾获安大略省长杰出研究奖,和合作者在《SIAM Review》等杂志发表近200篇论文以及Springer等出版社出版了多部专著,其中《Normal Forms, Melnikov Functions, and Bifurcations of Limit Cycles》被列为Applied Mathematical Sciences第181册,2012年在Springer出版。郁培教授任《Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation》、《International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos》与《Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation》等国际知名杂志编委。同时,郁培教授也是上海交通大学、华中科技大学和武汉理工大学等多所国内高校的客座教授。

Abstract:In this talk, we present a method to analyze certain slow-fast motions in dynamical systems. For singular perturbed dynamical systems, the well-known Geometric Singular Perturbation Method (GSPM) is usually applied to find the special limit cycles -- slow-fast periodic solutions. However, many practical problems might be not able or very difficult to be put in the form of singular perturbed equations, but they still exhibit slow-fast motions. For such cases, based on dynamical system theory, we developed a method to identify and analyze certain slow-fast motions. We will use several biological examples to illustrate our method, and give a comparison between the GSPM and our method.

主持人:倪明康 教授