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The Principle of Locality Made Simpler But Harder
Man-Duen Choi 教授(加拿大多伦多大学数学系)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

Man-Duen Choi (蔡文端)教授是算子理论和矩阵论领域的杰出学者,风格优雅,思想深刻,技巧高超,是加拿大皇家学会会员(Fellow of Royal Society of Canada)。

In physics, the principle of locality says that each phenomenon is influenced directly by the local surroundings. This could be
translated to a simple mathematical statement of no wisdom at all. Nevertheless, with extravagant description of the obvious truth, or
fascinating explanation of absurdity, the principle may become a big law/theory/theorem or a paradox to shake your body/mind. Here, I will
give an expository talk in the settings of direct sums and tensor products as related to quantum information theory.

主持人:詹兴致 教授