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Normal canonical surfaces in projective 3-space and plane sextics
Kazuhiro Konno 教授(日本Osaka University)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


日本Osaka大学Kazuhiro Konno教授主要从事复代数几何的研究,包括一般型代数曲面和曲面纤维化等,是国际知名数学家。在 Duke Math. J., Math. Ann.等高级别杂志发表代表性论文。

Let $S$ be a complex algebraic surface of general type with $p_g=4$. Assume that it is minimal and its canonical map is birational onto its image $\Sigma$. When $\deg \Sigma=5$, $\Sigma$ is a normal surface with at most rational double points. But when $\deg \Sigma$ is greater than $5$, normal $\Sigma$ is very rare. I will bound $K_S^2$ from above, and construct several examples of normal $\Sigma$ when it is of degree $6$.

主办单位:数学系 科技处

主持人:谈胜利 教授