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The Squeezing Function
John Erik Fornaess 教授(挪威理工大学、挪威科学院和文学院院士)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


John Erik Fornaess教授现任教于挪威理工大学,亦曾为美国普林斯顿大学和密西根大学的教授。Fornaess教授是世界知名的多复变函数理论专家,曾获得美国数学学会 Bergman 奖 及于1982年世界数学家大会作邀请报告。Fornaess教授也是挪威科学院和文学院院士。


If U is a bounded domain in Cn and p is a point in U, one considers all 1-1 holomorphic maps from U to the unit ball which map p to the origin. One then considers the balls centered at the origin contained in the image of the map. The largest possible radius is called the squeezing function SU(p). I will discuss some recent results on the squeezing function.
