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New Helmholtz decomposition in L^r and its application to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations
Professor Hideo Kozono(Waseda University, Japan)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


摘要:We first consider a decomposition in L^r of vector fields on 3D bounded domains, which may be regarded as a generalization of the de Rham-Hodge-Kodaira decomposition of differential forms on compact Riemannian manifolds. In accordance with two kinds of boundary conditions, we characterize harmonic vector fields. Our method is based on a certain variational inequality and the generalized Lax-Milgram theorem on the Banach space. Then, we apply our decomposition theorem to the inhomogeneous boundary value problem of the stationary Navier-Stokes equations in multi-connected domains under the general flux condition. This is the joint work with Prof. Taku Yanagisawa at Nara Women University.

演讲人简介:Prof Hideo Kozono,早稻田大学教授。研究Navier-Stokes方程及各种有关方程组、泛函分析、向量场的分析理论。已发表论文110余篇。 2014年获得日本数学会秋季赏(2014 MSJ Autumn Prize),获奖理由是他在不可压Navier-Stokes方程的稳态与非稳态的调和分析研究方面的杰出贡献。