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The moment-LP and moment-SOS approach in polynomial optimization
Jean Bernard Lasserre教授(法国国家科学研究中心)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


报告人简介:Jean Bernard Lasserre教授, 法国国家科学研究中心研究员, SIAM Fellow, 是最优控制, 全局优化等领域的国际著名学者,多项式优化国际领军人物,2009获SIAM连续优化Lagrange奖. 出版著作8本, 发表论文140余篇, 论文他引超过5000次(引自Google scholar), 其中单篇论文最高他引次数达1200余次。

报告内容简介: We review basic properties of the moment-LP and moment-SDP hierarchies for polynomial optimization and compare them. We also illustrate how to use such a methodology in two applications outside optimization. One is for approximating (as closely as desired in a strong sense) sets defined with quantifiers by a hierarchy of inner sublevel set approximations or outer sublevel set approximations for some polynomials of increasing degree. Another is for computing convex polynomial underestimators of a given polynomial on a box

主持人:潘建瑜 副教授