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Time-averaging for solutions of weakly nonlinear PDE
Prof. S. B. Kuksin(巴黎七大)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

S. B. Kuksin教授,巴黎七大数学系主任,爱丁堡皇家学会成员(Royal Society of Edinburgh)。主要研究方向包括:无穷维哈密顿系统(包括哈密顿偏微分方程);KAM理论(KdV方程的拟周期解的存在性);偏微分方程和随机流体动力学系统的随机扰动;非线性偏微分方程的湍流问题;紧流型上的椭圆方程。Kuksin教授曾在很多具有影响力的会议上做过报告(如:1998年ICM会议上报告Hamiltonian PDE,2009 ICMP会议上报告Averaging in Nonlinear PDE,等)。现任多本数学杂志的编委: GAFA,Proc. A Royal Soc. Edinburgh,Discrete Continuous Dynamical Systems Series A,Stoch. PDE Anal Appl.等

In my talk I will present an averaging theory for small amplitude solutions of nonlinear PDEs for the case when the spectrum of the linear part of the equation consists of pure imaginary eigenvalues.