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Positive Definite and Semi-Definite Tensors
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

摘要: Positive definite matrices and positive semi-definite matrices are very important concepts of matrix analysis in both theory and applications. In the recent decade, these two concepts have been extended to tensors. Research on positive definite tensors and positive semi-definite tensors has made significant progresses. In this talk, I will review these progresses.

报告人简介:祁力群教授是国际运筹学和最优化领域的领军人物。现任香港理工大学应用数学系教授,博士导师,是澳大利亚Curtin科技大学研究教授,俄罗斯 Petrovskaya 科学与艺术研究院外籍院士。曾荣获中国运筹学会科学技术奖一等奖,香港理工大学校长奖等,是 ISI 高引用科学家之一。