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Part Sizes of Smooth Supercritical Compositional Structures (部分光滑的临界组合结构大小)
高志成 教授(加拿大Carleton大学数理统计系)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

人物介绍:高志成, 早年就读于南京大学数学系,1984年被著名美籍华人数学家,菲尔奖获得者邱成桐教授作为优秀人才选拔出国深造,1989年获得美国加利福利亚大学博士学位。自1996年在加拿大Carleton大学数理统计系任教,2002年晋升为终生教授。

主要研究领域: 组合数学与图论、随机图论与随机地图理论,曲面地图计数与分布理论, 博彩业管理。他是目前国际上为数不多的在组合数学与拓扑图论领域内具有世界顶尖水平的数学家之一。他在低维拓扑领域内,尤其是曲面上嵌入图的计数和概率分布研究方面的0-1率方面的工作具有一流水准。是目前国际上这些领域内的著名学者。

We define the notion of smooth supercritical compositional structures. Two well-known examples are compositions and graphs of given genus. The "parts" of a graph are the subgraphs that are maximal trees. We show that large part sizes have asymptotically geometric distributions. This leads to asymptotically independent Poisson variables for numbers of various large parts. In many cases this leads to asymptotic formulas for the probability of being gap free and for the expected values of the largest part sizes, number of distinct parts and number of parts of multiplicity k. The talk is based on a recent joint work with E. Bender.