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Groups with a Dimension
Prof. Adrien Deloro(Université Paris 6 (permanent) and NYUSH (visiting))
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


Lie groups, linear algebraic groups, and finite Chevalley share the feature of being matrix groups, in the obvious sense. It turns out that a common core of methods can be used to understand them simultaneously, culminating in an abstract form of the classification of the finite simple groups. This active domain is at the intersection of logic, algebraic geometry, and of course group theory.The talk is however intended for a general professional audience with no preliminary knowledge of either topic.

Adrien Deloro is a visiting professor of mathematics at NYU Shanghai. He also works at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu. He was awarded the 2007 ASL Sacks Prize for his PhD on Groups of finite Morley rank, a topic he keeps exploring further.