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Tilings of the Sphere by Congruent Pentagons
Professor Min Yan(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

A lot is known about tiling of the plane. However, the study of spherical tilings is rather limited. A major result is the classi_cation of edge-to-edge tilings of the sphere by congruent triangles that started by Sommerville in 1923 and completed by Ueno and Agaoka in 2002.
For an edge-to-edge spherical tilings by congruent n-gons, we must have n = 3; 4; 5. The case of the other extreme n = 5 should be relatively simpler than n = 4. We completely classify the minimal case of the dodecahedron tilings and further explore the combinatorial, edge length, and angle aspects for the next simplest cases.