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Knotted Periodic Orbits and Chaotic Behavior of a Class of Three-Dimensional Flows
李继彬 教授(浙江师范大学,昆明理工大学)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

题目:Knotted Periodic Orbits and Chaotic Behavior of a Class of Three-Dimensional Flows
时间: 2011年11月24日(星期四)下午15:00—16:40
地 点:闵行校区数学系129会议厅
报告人:李继彬 教授(浙江师范大学,昆明理工大学)
摘 要:Cconsiders a class of three-dimensional systems constructed by rotating some planar symmetric polynomial vector fields. It shows that this class of systems has infinitely many distinct types of knotted periodic orbits, which lie on a family of invariant torus. For two three-dimensional systems, exact explicit parametric representations of the knotted periodic orbits are given. For their perturbed systems, the chaotic behavior is discussed by using two different methods.