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Strong Edge-Coloring on Cubic Halin Graphs
Professor Daphene Liu (California State University, Los Angeles,USA)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

报告题目:Strong Edge-Coloring on Cubic Halin Graphs
报告人: Professor Daphene Liu
(California State University, Los Angeles , USA)
Abstrast: A strong edge-coloring of a graph $G$ is a function that assigns to each edge with a color such thattwo edges within distance two apart must receive different colors. The minimum number of colors used inastrong edge-coloring is the strong chromatic index of $G$. In thistalk, we show that the strong chromatic index of a cubic Halin graph,
other than two special graphs, is $6$ or $7$, confirming a conjecture of Shiu and Tam. Then we discuss which cubic Halin graphs have strong chromatic index 6. Along the process, we disprove a conjecture by Shiu, Lam and Tam that a cubic Halin graph with the characteristic tree a caterpillar of odd leaves is $6$.
This talk includes joint works with Professor Ko-Wei Lih and with Professor Gerard Jennhwa Chang.
