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Number Theory behind Series for $1/\pi$
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

Title: Number Theory behind Series for $1/\pi$
时间:2011年10月28号 14点至15点
Abstract: One of the main contributions of Ramanujan is that he recorded 17
mysterious hypergeometric series for $1/\pi$ in 1914 which are
related to elliptic integrals and modular forms and were not all
proved until 1987. In this talk we will introduce the speaker's
nearly 160 conjectural series for powers of $\pi$ (most of which are
about series for $1/\pi$) discovered recently and explain how they
were found. The number theory behind those series includes $p$-adic
congruences involving Bernoulli or Euler numbers, and the
determination of $x^2$ mod $p^2$ for primes $p$ with $4p=x^2+dy^2$,
where $d$ is a positive integer with the imaginary quadratic fields
$\Bbb Q(\sqrt{-d})$ having class number among 1, 2, 4, 8.
