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Parameters of integer partitions - a zoo of limit laws
Prof. Stephan Wagner (Stellenbosch University)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

组 合 数 学 学 术 报 告

报告人:Prof. Stephan Wagner(Stellenbosch University)

题 目:Parameters of integer partitions - a zoo of limit laws

时 间:11月1日(星期二)下午15:00-16:00)

地 点:数学楼102报告厅

摘 要:Limit laws for various parameters of integer permutations and their generalizations (where the parts are restricted to certain sets, e.g. the set of all squares or all primes) are presented. Various classical distributions (Gaussian, Rayleigh, Gumbel, Geometric) as well as more "exotic" distributions occur as limit laws in this context. For certain parameters, interesting phase transitions can be observed as well.