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Generalized Witten genus and vanishing theorem
张伟平 教授(中国科学院院士,南开大学)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


题 目:Generalized Witten genus and vanishing theorem
报告人:张伟平 教授(中国科学院院士,南开大学)
时 间:9月22日(周四)上午10:00 - 11:00
地 点:闵行校区数学楼102报告厅


We report a joint work with Qingtao Chen and Fei Han. We construct a generalized Witten genus for spinc manifolds, which takes values in level 1 modular forms with integral Fourier expansion on a class of spinc manifolds called stringc manifolds. We also construct a mod 2 analogue of the Witten genus for 8k+2 dimensional spin manifolds. The Landweber-Stong type vanishing theorems are proven for the generalized Witten genus and the mod 2 Witten genus on stringc and string (generalized) complete intersections in (product of) complex projective spaces respectively.