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Reconnecting Data and Chance
Prof. Cliff Konold(美国马萨诸塞大学)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

报告人:Prof. Cliff Konold
报告人简介:美国马萨诸塞大学科学说理研究院(Scientific Reasoning Research Institute)院长、科研副教授。在过去的25年中,他致力于研究从幼儿到成人是如何用数据进行说理的,并努力将概率统计教育引入中小学的数学课程。他的这方面工作获得美国NSF合计约1千万美金的资助。他在数学和科学教育、统计、认知心理学、决策研究等领域发表了不少充满智慧的论文。最近几年,他与Key Curriculum 出版社合作,开发了目前已被许多国家用于初中概率统计教育的软件TinkerPlots和其他一些课程资源。

时间:2011年5月18日 (周三) 上午9:45-11:15
题目:Reconnecting Data and Chance

摘要:For the past 15 years, pre-university students in many countries including the US have encountered data analysis and probability as separate, mostly independent strands. Research suggests, however, that some of the difficulties students have in learning basic data-analysis skills stem from poor understandings of probability. I describe our recent efforts to develop and test classroom materials to support middle-school students in coming to see the "data in chance" and the "chance in data". Central to our approach is a new modeling and simulation capability that we built into TinkerPlots 2.0. Our activities employ an iterative model-fit process in which students evaluate successive theories by collecting and analyzing data. As distribution features become a focal point of students' explorations, signal-and-noise components of data become visible as variation around an "expected" distribution in repeated samples. An important part of students' learning experiences, and one enhanced through visual aspects of TinkerPlots, is becoming able to see things in data they were previously unable to see.