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Steven Lu教授 (魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


报告人:Steven Lu教授 (魁北克大学蒙特利尔分校)




Special subvarieties of irregular varieties of general type


Special varieties are generalizations to higher dimensions of the curves C,CP^1, C^* and elliptic curves. We will bound the family of special subbvarieties of a variety with maximal Albanese dimension (a variety characterized by generically finite quasi-Albanese map) in terms of the positive part of the log-canonical polarization of the variety. This verifies, for such a variety, a conjecture of Lang on the algebraic pseudo-hyperbolicity of varieties of log general type. In particular, for quasiprojective surfaces of log general type and log irregularity two or more, we obtain the finiteness of special curves (such a curve is one whose normalization is CP^1 minus at most two points or an elliptic curve) in such a variety.