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Being busy without a purpose is no better than just being lazy (Faster diffuser without a purpose is no better than slower diffuser)
Professor Yong Jung Kim(Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

Department of Mathematics- Center for PDE
Joint Seminar

报告题目: Newtonian Potential in a Relative Sense
演讲人: Professor Yong Jung Kim
Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
时间: 2011年4月27日(星期三)下午3:00—4:00
地点: 华东师大闵行校区数学系102报告厅

It has been believed that the mobility of a species helps its survival. However, a recent analysis on a competition model shows an opposite result that the slower diffuser prevails. This rather paradoxical conclusion is because the purpose for having bigger mobility is missing. We will show in this article that, if the mobility of a species is increased when the resource is not enough, this species may prevail other ones which are not. It is not just a bigger mobility, but the purpose to have a bigger mobility that gives the edge in the competition. The new competition model in this article employs a biological pressure.
Purpose (From Matrix Reloaded) ``There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose, because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist. It is purpose that created us, purpose that connects us, purpose that pulls us, that guides us, that drives us, that binds us. It is purpose that defines us. We are here because of you, Mr. Anderson. We are here to take from you what you tried to take from us. Purpose."
Purpose (Revised) "There's no diffusing reason, no negative purpose, because as we both know, without purpose, we would be extinct. It is purpose that makes us survive, purpose that regularizes us, purpose that singularizes us, that convects us, that fluxes us, that aggregates us. It is purpose that defines us. We are here because of you, Slower Diffuser. We are here to take from you what you tried to take from us. Resources."