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Intersection of subspaces and Horn inequalities for the eigenvalues of sums of selfadjoint operators
Wing Suet Li 教授 (美国Georgia Institute of Technology)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

报告人:Wing Suet Li 教授 (美国Georgia Institute of Technology)
题目:Intersection of subspaces and Horn inequalities for the eigenvalues of sums of selfadjoint operators

摘要: Let A, B, C be n by n selfadjoint matrices. It was conjectured by Horn in 1962 that the relation A+B+C=0 can be characterized by a set of inequalities (Horn inequalities) together with the trace equality. The conjecture was proved in the late 1990s due to the work of Klyachko, Knutson and Tao, using highly sophisticated tools from algebraic geometry. In this talk we will discuss some basic ideas on the intersection of subspaces that will lead to inequalities of the eigenvalues of sums of selfadjoint operators, which leads to an elementary proof of the Horn inequalities that can be generalized to finite Von Neumann algebras (where algebraic geometry tools are totally missing).

报告人简介:Li 教授在Iowa大学读本科,在Michigan大学获博士学位,现为Georgia工学院数学教授,研究领域是泛函分析特别是算子理论和算子代数,以及控制论。Li 教授在一个旨在促进妇女参与科学和工程的项目中工作了5年。 她愿意在本次报告之后和我系的女教师和研究生见面,谈论女性所面临的特殊问题。