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Standard basis of unipotent Specht modules of finite general linear groups
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学


报告人:郭琼(斯图加特大学博士研究生, 表示论)

题目: Standard basis of unipotent Specht modules of finite general linear groups

时间: 2010年 10月 21 日 (周四) 下午 14:30-16:20

地点: 4号教学楼207多媒体教室


This is a joint work with B. Ackermann and R. Dipper.

Let p be a prime and q be some prime power. Let G = GLn(q) and U be the subgroup of unipotent lower triangular matrices of G. We determine the precise U-module structure of the unipotent Specht modules of G associated with two part partitions over finite fields of characteristic not dividing q. In previous work, Dipper, James and Lyle have constructed standard basis for these Specht modules, but in a combinational way. Now we give a new interpretation in the way of representation theory of the Specht module. Moreover, we also show how our work relates to a theorem of Isaacs which says, the degrees of the ordinary irreducible epresentations of U are powers of q.