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Modular Lie Superalgebras of Cartan Type
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

报告题目: Modular Lie Superalgebras of Cartan Type
报告时间: 2010.6.2 10:00---11:00
报告地点: 闵行校区数学楼102报告厅
报告人: 哈尔滨师大 刘文德教授
[摘要] In this talk we consider the structures of modular Lie superalgebras over a field of prime characteristic. First we introduce the eight families of finite-dimensional Z-graded Lie superalgebras of Cartan type, which are analogous to the infinite-dimensional vectorial Lie superalgebras over the complex number field. Then we state the recent results on the simplicity, restrictedness, gradation and filtration structures, automorphism groups, superderivation algebras and the structures of the even parts of those Lie super- algebras. Certain backgroud information is included in the process.