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Multicolored Subgraphs in an Edge-Colored Graph
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

题目: Multicolored Subgraphs in an Edge-Colored Graph
演讲者: 傅恒霖教授 (台湾交通大学应用数学系)
时间: 2010年1月16日 9:45—10:45
地点: 华东师范大学数学楼102报告厅
A graph G is (properly) k-edge-colored if every edge of G is assigned an integer (color) in {1, 2,…, k} such that incident edges receive distinct colors. A subgraph H of G is said to be multicolored if all edges of H receive distinct colors. There are two types of problems which we can consider. (1) Color the graph first and then decompose the graph into isomorphic multicolored subgraphs. (2) In any edge-colorings of a graph find prescribed multicolored subgraphs, for example a very long path or many multicolored spanning trees. In this talk, I’ll focus on an edge-colored complete graph and report the progress of this study which include a couple of newly obtained results (joint work with Y. H. Lo).

个人简历:1980年于美國阿拉巴馬州奧本大學(Auburn Univ.)數學系获博士学位;1987年升任台湾交通大学教授。主要从事图论,组合设计,编码理论研究。曾担任台湾交通大学应用数学系主任,现为台湾交通大学训导长。