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Symplectic Representations of p-adic GL(2n)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

校 级 学 术 报 告
报告题目: 《Symplectic Representations of p-adic GL(2n)》
演讲人: 美国密尼苏达大学江迪华教授 (我校校友、111项目兼职教授)
简历:江迪华教授是我校毕业的硕士,留校工作数年后,赴美国留学取得博士学位,从事自守形式与数论的研究,在国际著名刊物:Memoire AMS, Invent. Math., Journal of AMS, Annals of Math.等发表重量级学术论文(论文共计35篇),奠定了他在国际上该领域的突出贡献,并成为美国代数杂志编委中的第一位华裔数学家。近年来,他每年来华,为国家培养该学科领域的青年人才。

摘要: Following the local Langlands conjecture for p-adic GL(m), which is proved by Harris and Taylor and by Henniart, for each irreducible admissible representation $tau$ of GL(2n), there exists a local Langlands parameter $phi$ corresponding to $tau$, satisfying a family of conditions. $tau$ is of symplectic type if the local Langlands parameter factors through the symplectic group Sp(2n, C). It turns out that symplectic representations are important for arithmetic applications.
In this talk, we survey the recent work joint with C.-F. Nien and Y.-J. Qin on various characterization of symplectic representations and related problems on local Langlands functoriality.
华 东 师 大 数 学 系