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Nonlinear waves in fluids with non-monotonic state functions: admissible criterion and stability
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

学 术 报 告

报告人: 张澍轶 副教授、博士

题 目: Nonlinear waves in fluids with non-monotonic state functions: admissible criterion and stability

地 点: 闵行校区第三教学楼331教室
时 间: 2009年11月19日(星期四)
下午:2: 00—3: 00
摘要:In a fluid with a non-monotonic state function, like van der Waals fluid, nonlinear waves usually appear. Besides the well-known classical waves like shock waves, rarefaction waves and contact discontinuities, phase transitions are also found with specified initial data. The characteristic feature of a subsonic phase transition is different from a Lax shock due to the non-monotonicity of the state function. We will introduce the admissible criterion of subsonic phase transitions and present the stability result of such nonlinear waves.