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美国Southern California大学E.Friedlander教授学术报告(曹锡华代数论坛)
美国Southern California大学E.Friedlander教授学术报告(曹锡华代数论坛)
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学

报告题目:Constructions for infinitesimal group schemes
报告人:美国Southern California大学E.Friedlander教授
报告摘要:A typical infinitesimal group scheme is an infinitesimal p-th power neighborhood of the identity of an algebraic group over a field of characteristic p. Infinitesimal group schemes constitute a class of finite group schemes whose representation theory remains less well understood than the modular representation
theory of finite groups. This talk will discuss joint work with Julia Pevtsova following earlier work of many others, especially Suslin-Friedlander-Bendel. Constructions specific to the representation theory on infinitesimal group schemes are presented: the "universal p-nilpotent operator", vector bundles associated to special representations, and "generalized support varieties". The general theory is made more concrete by considering four families of examples.