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曹锡华数学论坛 - 代数分论坛
2018-01-01 12:13  华东师范大学



Title: The Combinatorics of Involutions and Twisted Involutions in Weyl groups

By Prof. Ruth Haas (Head of Department of Mathematics, Smith College, USA)

Place: Science Bilding, A510

Time: 2:00---3:00, July 23

Title: Orbit decompositions in symmetric spaces

By Prof. Aloysius Helminck (Head of Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University)

Place: Science Bilding, A510

Time: 3:00---4:00, July 23

Title: On Realizations of toroidal Lie alebras
By Prof. Naihuan Jing (Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University)

Place: Science Bilding, A510

Time: 4:00---5:00, July 23

Title: Hopf algebra with trace and representation

By Prof. Marc Rosso (Head of Department of Mathematics, ENS de Paris, France)

Place: Small Teaching Building, Rom 305 (小教学楼301)

Time: 8:10---9:10, July 24

Title: Root systems and Weyl groupoids for Nichols algebras

By Prof. Istvan Heckenberger (Mathematics Institute, University of Munich, Germany)

Place: Small Teaching Building, Rom 305 (小教学楼301)

Time: 9:20---10:20, July 24

Title: eu_2 Lie admissible algebras

By Prof. Yun Gao (Department of Mathematics and Stastics, York University, Canada)

Place: Small Teaching Building, Rom 305 (小教学楼301)

Time: 10:30---11:30, July 24

Title: 关于计算机系统的可证明安全性

By Prof. Gang Xiao (University of Nice, France)

Place: Small Teaching Building, Rom 305 (小教学楼301)

Time: 4:00---5:00, July 24