Welcome to Tong's Homepage
Upcoming SCAG:
SCAG 2025: TBD
Speaker: TBD
Past SCAG:
- SCAG 2024: Topics in unlikely intersections
Speaker: Dr. Tangli Ge (Princeton University)
- SCAG 2023: Motivic local systems and motivic Higgs bundles
Speaker: Professor Kang Zuo (Wuhan University)
- SCAG 2022: Curves on K3 surfaces
Speaker: Professor Xi Chen (University of Alberta)
- SCAG 2021: Perverse Sheaves and Decomposition Theorem
Speaker: Professor Yongqiang Liu (University of Science and Technology of China) Poster
Lecture Notes: Note1, Note2, Note3, Note4.
- SCAG 2020: Cycles on Rationally Connected Varieties
Speaker: Professor Zhiyu Tian (Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research) Poster
- SCAG 2019: Geometry and Arithmetic of the Okounkov Body
Speaker: Professor Huayi Chen (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche, Univerisité Paris) Poster
- SCAG 2018: Introduction to Diophantine Geometry
Speaker: Professor Mounir Hajli (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
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