cVisiting Scholars | Postdocs | Permanent Members


Current Visiting Scholars

Duration of Visit




Previous Visiting Scholars



Visit Record
Pere Ara
April 2012
Nathanial P. Brown

The structure of simple operator algebras

June 2012
Xiaoman Chen

Chen, Xiaoman

Noncommutative Fejer Theorem

June 2009
Man-Duen Choi
June 2012
Marius Dadarlat

Dadarlat, Marius

Continuous fields of $C^*$-algebras and their invariants

The $C^*$-algebra of a vector bundle

June 2010
George Elliott

Elliott, George June 2008
Soren Eilers

Classification and Structure of Unital Graph $C^*$-algebras

March 2012
Junsheng Fang

On generalized universal irrational rotation algebras

August 2012
Xiaochun Fang

Tracial approximation and its application in crossed producted $C^*$-algebras

April 2012
Liming Ge

Ge, Liming June 2008

June 2011
Guihua Gong

Gong, Guihua June 2010

June 2011
Ilan Hirshberg

Decomposable approximations of nuclear $C^*$-algebras

April 2012
Shanwen Hu

Complete $n$-tuple of Projections in Hilbert space

May 2012
Jiajie Hua
April 2012
Masaki Izumi

Izumi, Masaki June 2010
Youqing Ji

Stable ranks of nest algebras and connectness

June 2012
Chunlan Jiang

Jiang, Chunlan

A Classification of Limits of splitting interval algebras with ideal property

K group and similarity invariants of operators in Type $II_1$ factors

June 2009

June 2011
Richard V. Kadison

The Early development of the theory of Operator Algebras


On the Foundations of Murray-von Neumann

March 2012
Takeshi Katsura
March 2012
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi

Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki June 2011
Akitaka Kishimoto
Kishimoto, Akitaka June 2009
Alex Kumjian
May 2012
Hyun Ho Lee

On BDF's essential codimension & its application

June 2012
Zhiqiang Li

Some Investigations of Simple Inductive Limits On Splitting Interval Algebras With Dimension Drops

July 2012
Huaxin Lin
Locally AH-algberas

June 2011

June 2012

Hiroki Matui

Hiroki, Matui June 2011
Luis Santiago Moreno

Reduction of the dimension of nuclear $C^*$-algebras

June 2012
Chi-Keung Ng

A Murray-von Neumann Type Classification of $C^*$-algebras

March 2012
Ping Wong Ng
May 2012
Hiroyuki Osaka

Osaka, Hiroyuki

Tracial approximation for crossed products by finite groups with the tracial Rokhlin property

Strongly self-absorbing property for inclusions of $C^*$-algebras with a finite Watatani index

Nuclear dimension for an inclusion of unital $C^*$-algebras


On generalized Powers-Størmer's inequality

June 2007

June 2009

June 2010

June 2011


June 2012

Cornel Pasnicu
May 2012
Francesc Perera
April 2012
N. Christopher Phillips

N. Phillips, Chris June 2009
Krzysztof Piszczek
June 2012
Mikael Rordam

Rordam, Mikael


June 2007
Zhong-jin Ruan
June 2012
Efren Ruiz
June 2012
Yasuhiko Sato

Sato, Yasuhiko

The Rohlin property for automorphisms of projectionless $C^*$-algebras

Gauge actions on the Jiang-Su algebra with the Rohlin property


Strict comparison and ${\cal Z}$-absorption of nuclear $C^*$-algebras

June 2010

June 2011


April 2012

Andrew S. Toms

Toms, Andrew

The Cuntz semigroup and Perturbations of $C^*$-algebras

June 2007


April 2012

Qin Wang

Coarse embeddings of metric spaces and higher index problems


The maximal coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for spaces which admit a fibred coarse embedding into Hilbert space.

March 2012


June 2012

Shuzhou Wang
Structure of Compact Quantum Groups $A_u(Q)$ and $B_u(Q)$ and their Isomorphism Classification July 2012
Changguo Wei
April 2012
Wilhelm Winter

Winter, Wilhelm June 2008

June 2011
Ngai-Ching Wong
June 2012
Quanhua Xu
Harmonic analysis on quantum tori July 2012
Yifeng Xue

The Ext--Group of Unitary Equivalence Classes of Unital Extensions

April 2012
Qianqian Yan

Thesis defense Bott-element and the basic homotopy lemma II

May 2012
Yijun Yao

Hopf cyclic cohomology, Hodge theory, proper actions


NCG and RC Brackets

June 2011


April 2012

Guoliang Yu

Higher index theory and its applications

June 2012
Genkai Zhang
June 2012
Shuang Zhang
June 2012
Niu Zhuang

Mean dimension and AH-algebras

May 2012
Dechao Zheng
Spectrum and essential spectrum of Toeplitz operators August 2012
Dan Li

Harper operators: their geometry and physics

June 2013
David Kerr

Turbulence in automorphism group of $C^*$-algebras

April 2013
Etienne Blanchard

Chen, Xiaoman May 2013

Feng Xu

On questions about intermediate subfactors

June 2013
Guoliang Yu

Dadarlat, Marius

Finite part of $K$-theory for group $C^*$-algebras and its applications

June 2013
Herv′e Oyono-Oyono

Elliott, George June 2013
Hiroyuki Osaka
June 2013
Ja A Jeong

Cuntz-Krieger Algebras associated with Labeled Graphs

June 2013
Jan Spakula

Uniform Local Amenability

April 2013
Jingbo Xia

Ge, Liming

Localization and Berezin transform on the Fock space

August 2013
Liming Ge

Gong, Guihua June 2013
Magdalena Musat

Factorizable completely positive maps and the Connes embedding problem

June 2013
Masato Mimura
Mimura, Masato

Banach spectral gaps of finite graphs I: Expanders and Kazhdan-type constants

Banach spectral gaps of finite graphs II: Large scale geometry

July 2013
Mikael Rordam
June 2013
Sherry Gong

Izumi, Masaki August 2013
Stuart White
April 2013
Uffe Haagerup

Jiang, Chunlan

Approximation properties for groups and von Neumann algebras


The invariant subspace problem-linear algebras in infinietly many dimensions

June 2013
Vladimir Manuilov

On $C^*$-Algebra Extensions


Weakening Idempotency in $K$-Theory

August 2013
Wilhelm Winter
May 2013
Yasuhiko Sato

Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki

Decomposition rank ok UHF-absorbing $C^*$-algebras

June 2013
Zhong-jin Ruan
Kishimoto, Akitaka

Multipliers of locally compact groups and quantum groups

June 2013
Junsheng Fang
April 2013
Guihua Gong

Characteristic Classes of Vector Bundles and $K$-theory


Classification of Simple $C^*$-algebras of Generalized Tracial Rank One

May 2013


August 2013
Zhuang Niu

$C^*$-algebras of certain non-minimal homeomorphisms on a Cantor set

May 2013

Yijun Yao

Hiroki, Matui

On $K$-theory of some non-commutative orbifolds


On some problems related to foliation structures

April 2013


May 2013

Xianjin Wang

Truncation approximation in uniform Roe algebras and spectral invariant dense sub-algebras

Nov. 2013

Name  (Institute)


Visit Record
Shangquan Bu

(Tsinghua Univ.)
Nov. 2014
Yijun Yao

(Fudan University)

On Some Coarse Index Theorem


Rankin-Cohen Brackets and Representation Theory

Oct. 2014


Aug. 2014

Hyun Ho Lee


(University of Ulsan)

Apr. 2014


Oct. 2014

Chi-Keung Ng

(Chern Institute, Nankai University)

On the decomposition into discrete, type II and type III $C^*$-algebras

Oct. 2014
Lawrence G. Brown

(Purdue University)

Operator monotone functions, operator convex functions, and strongly operator convex functions

Oct. 2014
Ngai-Ching Wong

Oct. 2014

Emmanuel Breuillard

(Universite Paris-Sud XI)

Aug. 2014

Vladimir Manuilov

(Moscow State University)

Adding flexibility to KK-theory

Aug. 2014

Qingyun Wang


(University of Toronto)

Tracial Rokhlin property for amenable groups

Aug. 2014

N. Christopher Phillips

(University of Oregon)

Classification of actions of groups of prime order on Kirchberg algebras

Aug. 2014

Zhizhang Xie

(Texas A&M University)

Higher rho invariants and the moduli space of positive scalar curvature metrics

Aug. 2014

Name  (Institute)



Visit Record

Junsheng Fang

(Dalian Technology University)

On a class of operators in the hyperfinite von Neumann algebras

Aug. 2014

Tsuyoshi Kato

(Kyoto University)

Spectral coincidence between lamplighter and BBS automata


Spectral coincidence of transition operators, automata groups and BBS in tropical geometry

Apr. 2014


Aug. 2014

Michael Sun

(University of Oregon)

Reduced abelian group actions on UHF algebras


Model actions for almost reduced groups

Jul. 2014


Aug. 2014

Feng Xu

(University of California,Riverside)

On some questions about intermediate subfactors

Aug. 2014
Rufus Willett

(University of Hawaii)

A dynamical dimension

Aug. 2014
Guoliang Yu

(Texas A&M University; Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences)

$K$-theory for $C^*$-algebras with finite asymptotic dimension

Aug. 2014
Shuang Zhang

(University of Cincinnati)
Projections in finite $C^*$-algebras

Aug. 2014
Guihua Gong

(University of Puerto Rico)

On the classification of tracially approximately Elliott-Thomsen algebras

Aug. 2014

Jianchao Wu

(University of Muenster)

Rokhlin dimension for residually finite groups and genericity of finite nuclear dimensions for free topological dynamical systems of nilpotent groups

Aug. 2014

Ian F. Putnam

(University of Victoria)

Smale spaces, their $C^*$-algebras and a homology theory for them

Aug. 2014
George A. Elliott

(University of Toronto)

The role of the Cuntz semigroup in $C^*$-algebra classification theory

Aug. 2014

Man-Duen Choi

(University of Toronto)

The non-commutative geometry of two-by-two matrices

Jul. 2014
Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

Herve Oyono Oyono

(Universite de Lorraine)

On the Quantitative K-theory

Jul. 2014

Ping Wong Ng


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Simple $C^*$-algebras with quasicontinuous scale

Jul. 2014

Xiang Tang


(Washington University in St. Louis)

An Analytic Grothendieck Riemann Roch Theorem
May. 2014

Zhuang Niu


(University of Wyωming)

May. 2014

Valentin Deaconu


(University of Nevada, Reno)

Group actions on graphs and $C^*$-algebras
May. 2014




May. 2014




An introduction to the monograph "Multiplication Operators on Bergman Space"
May. 2014

Aaron Peter Tikuisis


(University of Aberdeen)

Dimension reduction in $C(X, \mbox{UHF})$
Apr. 2014

Piotr Nowak


(Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences; University of Warsaw)

Coarse geometry via uniformly bounded representations
Apr. 2014

Yasuhiko Sato


(Kyoto University; University of Copenhagen)

Murray-von Neumann equivalence for positive elements and order zero c.p. maps
Apr. 2014

Chunlan Jiang


(Hebei Normal University)

Apr. 2014
Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

Chong Zhao


(Shandong University)

Essential normality of homogeneous quotient modules over the polydisc
December 2015

Zhijie Wang


(Jiaxing University)

Fibred embeddability into L^p-spaces and higher index problems
November 2015

Jun Kigami


(University of Tokyo)

November 2015

Min Ro


(Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences)

October 2015

Guoxing Ji


(Shaanxi Normal University)

October 2015

Jiankui Li


(East China University of Science and Technology)

October 2015

Benben Liao


(Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences)

September 2015

Shengzhi Xu


(Fudan University)

Pairing of L-theory and KK-theory
August 2015

Vladimir M. Manuilov


(Moscow State University)

August 2015

Jianchao Wu


(Universitaet Muenster)

July 2015

Hang Wang


(University of Adelaide)

Noncommutative geometry, equivariant cohomology, and conformal invariants
July 2015

Kehe Zhu


(State University of New York at Albany)

July 2015

Zhuang Niu


(University of Wyoming)

June 2015

Zhuofeng He


(University of Tokyo)

July 2015

Kun Wang


(Vanderbilt University)

June 2015

Bruce Blackadar


(University of Nevada, Reno)

June 2015

Wojciech Szymanski


(University of Southern Denmark)

June 2015

David Pask


(The University of Wollongong)

June 2015

Hiroyuki Osaka


(Ritsumeikan University)

June 2015

Stanley Chang


(Wellesley College)

June 2015

Zhituo Wang


(University of Paris-sud 11)

June 2015

Zhizhang Xie


(Texas A&M University)

June 2015

Hanfeng Li


(State University of New York at Buffalo)

June 2015

Giovanni Landi


(Universita di Trieste)

June 2015

Kunyu Guo


(Fudan University)

An introduction for the monograph "Multiplication Operators on the Bergman Space"
June 2015

Dechao Zheng


(Vanderbilt University)

June 2015

Masaki Izumi


(Kyoto University)

June 2015

Liming Ge


(University of New Hampshire)

June 2015

Guihua Gong


(Jilin University)

On the classification of AH-algebras with ideal property
May 2015

Xianjin Wang


(Chongqing University)

May 2015

Kai Yan


(Tongji University)

May 2015

Peter Hochs


(University of Adelaide)

May 2015

Xin Li


(Queen Mary University of London)

May 2015

Ge Dong


(University of Toronto)

May 2015

Piotr Nowak


(Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences; University of Warsaw)

May 2015



(University of Toronto)

May 2015

Yijun Yao


(Fudan University)

Rankin-Cohen brackets and formal quantization
Mar. 2015

Joachim Zacharias


(University of Glasgow)

Mar. 2015

Michael Sun


(University of Muenster)

Mar. 2015

Jiawen Zhang


(Fudan University)

(Straight) Finite Decomposition Complexity for Residually Finite Groups and their Box Spaces
Mar. 2015

Baojie Jiang


(Fudan University)

Property T for discrete groupoids
Mar. 2015

Benyin Fu


(Shanghai Finance University)

Mar. 2015

Karen Strung


(Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences)

Mar. 2015

Yasuhiko Sato


(Kyoto University)

Mar. 2015

Ryszard Nest


(University of Copenhagen)

Mar. 2015

Nate Brown


(Penn. State University)

Mar. 2015
Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

Jianchao Wu


(Penn State University)

Localization C*-algebras and K-theoretic duality


General positions and finite dimensions for dynamical systems


On noncommutative dimension theory

November 2016


June 2016


January 2016

Michael Sun


(University of Muenster)

Level Rank Dualities for Lie Algebras
December 2016

Kuok Fai Chao


(Shanghai University)

On Geometry of the Dual of Reductive p-adic Groups
November 2016

Zhong-jin Ruan


(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

On Exotic Group C*-algebras II


On Exotic Group C*-algebras

November 2016


November 2016

Kui Ji


(Hebei Normal University)

Trace of Curvature and Similarity of Cowen-Douglas Operators
November 2016

Guimei An


(Nankai University)

Poisson Processes in Free Probability
November 2016

Shengzhao Hou


(Suzhou University)

Inner Functions, Outer Functions and more in the Dirichlet Space
November 2016

Chengjun Hou


(Yangzhou University)

Maximal Amenable Subalgebras of von Neumann Algebras
November 2016

Kai Wang


(Fudan University)

Holomorphic Isometries from the Unit Ball into Symmetric Domains
November 2016

Rui Liu


(Nankai University)

Frame Approximation and Complemented Embedding for Banach and Operator Spaces
November 2016

Yoshiyasu Fukumoto


(Kyoto University)

On the Strong Novikov Conjecture of Locally Compact Groups for Low Degree Cohomology Classes
October 2016

Hongzhi Liu


(Fudan University)

Cyclic cohomology and minimal diffeomorphisms
October 2016




September 2016

George Elliott


(University of Toronto)

The Agony and the Ecstasy---the Classification of Simple Amenable C*-algebras
July 2016

Nigel Higson


Penn State University

K-Theory for Banach Algebras
July 2016

Yang Liu


(The Ohio State University)

Modular Curvature for Toric Noncommutative Manifolds
July 2016

Ryszard Nest


(University of Copenhagen)

University of Copenhagen
July 2016

Zhuang Niu


(University of Wyoming)

Classification of C*-algebras: AF-algebras and a little beyond
July 2016

N. Christopher Phillips


(University of Oregon)

Crossed Products by Finite Groups
July 2016

Quanhua Xu


(Université Franche-Comté and Wuhan University)

July 2016

Shengzhi Xu


(Fudan University)

Groupoid Algebras
July 2016

Yijun Yao


(Fudan University)

The Interaction of Algebraic Topological and Operator K-theory
July 2016

Guoliang Yu


(Fudan University)

Primary and Secondary Invariants of Elliptic Operators and Applications


Algebraic KK-theory of group algebras and the Kaplansky conjecture

July 2016


June 2016

Man-Duen Choi


(University of Toronto)

How I could think of tensor products of matrices?
June 2016

Mikael Rordam


(University of Copenhagen)

Just infinite C*-algebras
June 2016

Dan Li


(Purdue University)

Index theory and noncommutative geometry of topological insulators
June 2016

Benben Liao


(Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences)

Approximation properties and pp-adic symplectic groups


Osajda's Labeling and Monster Group

June 2016


May 2016

Yanli Song


(University of Toronto)

K-homological index for proper action
June 2016

Hiroyuki Osaka


(Ritsumeikan University)

Rokhlin property for group actions on Hilbert C*-modules
June 2016

Junsheng Fang


(Dalian Univiersity of Technology)

On a class of operators in the hyperfinite II1 factor
June 2016

Qingyun Wang


(University of Toronto)

On Commensurability Invariance of the Farrell-Jones Conjecture
June 2016

Magdalena Musat


(University of Copenhagen)

Classical and quantum correlations, operator algebras, and asymptotic behaviour of quantum channels
June 2016

Joan Bosa


(University of London)

Classification of C∗C∗-algebras. Comparison properties of the Cuntz semigroup and applications to C∗C∗-algebras
June 2016

Nasser Golestani


(Tarbiat Modares University)

The category of Bratteli diagrams
June 2016

Huichi Huang


(Universitaet Muenster)

Fourier coefficients of ×p-invariant measures


A generalized Fejer theorem for locally compact groups


Ergodic invariant states and irreducible representations of crossed product C*-algberas


Mean ergodic theorem for amenable discrete quantum groups

June 2016


May 2016


March 2016


March 2016

Vladimir M. Manuilov


(Moscow State University)

Changing exact relations by pairs with same defect
June 2016

Zhizhang Xie


(Texas A&M University)

Applications of finite dynamic asymptotic dimension to algebraic K-theory
June 2016

Ngai-Ching Wong


(National Sun Yat-sen University)

On a class of operators in the hyperfinite II1 factor
June 2016

Yan Wu


(Jiaxing University)

Finite Decomposition Complexity of Groups
May 2016

Ilan Hirshberg


(Ben Gurion University of the Negev)

Nuclear dimension of C∗C∗-algebras of homeomorphisms
May 2016

Hitoshi Moriyoshi


(Nagoya University)

Bordism extensions and the Callias index theorem
May 2016

Toshikazu Natsume


(Nagoya Institute of Technology)

Index theory in Physics


A hitchhiker’s guide to index theory

May 2016


May 2016

Xiaoman Chen


(Fudan University)

Coarse Embeddings and Coarse Index Maps
May 2016

Ping Wong Ng


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Real rank zero for purely infinite corona algebras
June 2015

Yasuhiko Sato


(Kyoto University)

Automorphisms of Nuclear C∗C∗-algebras
May 2016

Kunyu Guo


(Fudan University)

Geometric analysis of Toeplitz operators
May 2016

Huaxin Lin


(University of Oregon)

A short visit to the classification of simple C∗-algebras of finite rank
May 2016

Qi-Man Shao


(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

The Riemann Hypothesis and Stein's Method
May 2016
Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

Guihua Gong


(University of Puerto Rico)

Classification of simple projectionless C*-algberas

March 2017

Bogdan Nica


(Texas A&M University)

C*-algberas of hyperbolic groups - To infinity and back
March 2017

Stefaan Vaes


(K.U. Leuven)

Classification of von Neumann algebras
March 2017

Zhizhang Xie


(Texas A&M University)

Higher signature and a codimension two phenomenon

March 2017

Joachim Cuntz


(University of Muenster)

Semigroup C*-algberas and toric varieties
March 2017

Nadia Larsen


(University of Oslo)

KMS states on right LCM semigroup C*-algberas
April 2017

Huaxin Lin


(University of Oregon)

Non-unital simple C∗-algebras
April 2017

Qingyun Wang


(University of Oregon)

A Self-absorbing Action on the Jiang-Su Algebra


Strongly Self-absorbing actions on the Jiang-Su algebra

April 2017


July 2017

Huichi Huang


(Chongqing University)

Arithmetic Progressions in Amenable Groups
April 2017

Zhuofeng He


(Tokyo University)

Matrix Type Actions on Noncommutative Tori
April 2017

Hongzhi Liu


(Shanghai Center for Mathematics)

Higher Rho Invariant and Higher Index of Signature Operator
April 2017

Xin Li


(Queen Mary University of London)

Groups, Orbits, and Cartans
May 2017

Zhuang Niu


(University of Wyoming)

The classification of simple KK-contractible C*-algberas
May 2017

Ping Wong Ng


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Purely Infinite Corona Algebras, Extensions & Double Commutants
July 2017



(Texas A&M University)

Connes-Kasparov and Quantization
August 2017



(Hebei Normal University)

On a class of operators in the hyperfinite type II_1 factor
August 2017



(Harbin Institute of Technology)

Constructive Renormalizations for Fermionic quantum field theory
August 2017



(Fudan University)

Positive Scalar Curvature, Higher rho Invariants and Localization Algebras (Z.Xie & G.Yu)
Oct 2017

Peter Hochs


(University of Adelaide)

Mini-course: C*-algberas of Reductive Lie Groups (5 Lectures)


A Fixed Point Formula and Harish-Chandra’s Character Formula

Oct 2017


November 2017



(Wuhan University)

Mini Course: Noncommutative Lp-spaces (5 Lectures)


Asymmetric Doob's Maximal Inequalities and Algebraic Atomic Decomposition for Noncommutative Martingales

Oct 2017


Oct 2017



(Xiamen University)

On Coarse Isometries between Banach Spaces
Oct 2017



(Nankai University)

Extension of Isometry between Spheres of Banach Spaces
Oct 2017



(Xiamen University)

The Mazur Map and its Applications
Oct 2017
Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

Shilin Yu


(Texas A&M University)

A New Perspective on Orbit Method

January 2018


July 2018

Jianchao Wu


(Penn State University)

Local Triviality Dimension and Borsuk-Ulam Type Conjectures


C*-regularity properties and topological dynamics II



January 2018


June 2018


July 2018

Jiawen Zhang


(University of Southampton)

Introduction to Coarse Median Spaces (Groups)
January 2018

Bo Liu



Introduction to Differential KK-theory


Localization of Eta Invariants

January 2018


October 2018

Dapeng Zhou



Comparing Quantitative Assembly Maps
February 2018

Xuanlong Fu





Tracial Nuclear Dimension of C*-algebras


Nuclear C*-algebras and the Injective II_1 Factors


Tracial nuclear dimension of C*-algebras

March 2018


April 2018


May 2018


July 2018

Zhen Wang



Roe-代数的量化 K-理论
March 2018

Yoshiyasu Fukumoto



Roe Algebra for Groupoids and Foliated Manifolds (Tang-Willett-Yao)


Roe Algebra for Groupoids and Foliated Manifolds II (Tang-Willett-Yao)

March 2018

Guihua Gong


(Hebei Normal University)

Classification of Simple Unital C*-algebras with Finite Nuclear Dimension
March 2018

Hang Wang



Orbital Integral and KK-theory Classes


Selberg Trace Formula and K-theory


Equivariant Index Theory and Applications to G-Invariant PSC Metrics


Introduction to Index Theory(5 Lectures)

April 2018


April 2018


May 2018


October 2018

Tsuyoshi Kato


(Kyoto University)

Higher Nahm Transform in Noncommutative Geometry
April 2018

Bai-ling Wang


(Australian National University)

Mini-course: Lie Groupoid C*-algebras and Applications to Twisted Index Theory (4 Lectures)


Symplectic Vortex Equations and Hamiltonian Gromov-Witten Invariants

April 2018

Hirofumi Sasahira  


(Kyushu University)

Twisted Donaldson Invariant
April 2018

Gabor Szabo 


(University of Copenhagen)

Multiflows on Strongly Self-absorbing Kirchberg Algebras
April 2018

Huaxin Lin


(University of Oregon)

Classification of Simple C*-algebras
April 2018

Cangyuan Wang



On Absorbing Extensions --Some "Purely Infinite" Properties


Extensions by C*-algebras with Continuous Scale: a Dimension Drop Example

April 2018


June 2018

Jiajie Hua


(Jiaxing University)

Stability of Rotation Relation in C*-algebras
April 2018

Ping Wong Ng


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Norm Amenability



April 2018


July 2018

Huichi Huang


(Chongqing University)

Problems Related to Furstenberg's × p,× q Conjecture
April 2018

Hui Li



Self-Similar k-Graph C*-Algebras


Self-Similar k-Graphs


KMS states of self-similar k-graph C*-algebras

April 2018


June 2018


July 2018

Lvlin Luo


(Fudan University)

Topological Entropy Conjecture
April 2018

Baojie Jiang


(Fudan University)

Finite part of K-theory for Group C*-algebras (Weinberger-Yu)
May 2018

Jintao Deng


(Texas A&M University)

Dynamical Complexity and Controlled Operator K-theory (Guentner-Willett-Yu)
June 2018

George A. Elliott


(University of Toronto)

A survey of recent results concerning simple separable amenable C*-algebras
July 2018

Nasser Golestani


(Tarbiat Modares University)

A survey of recent results concerning simple separable amenable C*-algebras
July 2018

Masaki Izumi


(Kyoto University)

The flow of weights and the Cuntz-Pimsner algebras
July 2018

Liangqing Li


(University of Puerto Rico)

July 2018

Xin Ma


(Texas A&M University)

Dynamics and classification of crossed product C*-algebras
July 2018

James Mingo


(Queen's University)

The combinatorics of infinitesimal freeness
July 2018

Hiroyuki Osaka


(Ritsumeikan University)

The tracial Rokhlin property for an inclusion of unital C*-algebras
July 2018

Francesc Perera


(Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Existence of Infima in Cuntz semigroups and applications to the structure of C*-algebras with stable rank one
July 2018

N. Christopher Phillips


(University of Oregon)

July 2018

Leonel Robert


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

July 2018

Yasuhiko Sato


(Kyoto University)

Actions of amenable groups and absorption of the Jiang-Su algebra
July 2018

Joachim Zacharias


(University of Glasgow)

July 2018

Shuang Zhang


(University of Cincinnati)

Purely infinite simple C*-algebras generated by an isometry and a weighted bilateral shift
July 2018

Xin Li


 (Queen Mary University of London)

Constructing Cartan subalgebras in classifiable stably finite C*-algebras
August 2018

Botao Long



On the Unitary Orbits of Normal Operators I


On the Unitary Orbits of Normal Operators II


On the Unitary Orbits of Normal Operators III

August 2018


September 2018


September 2018

Shengzhi Xu


(Fudan University)

Thom Isomorphism in Cohomology and K-theory (5 Lectures)
October 2018

Xiang Tang


(Washington University at St Louis)

Groupoids and Index Theorem


Cyclic Cocycles on Lie groups and the van Est Isomorphism

October 2018


November 2018

Yijun Yao


(Fudan University)

Foliations and Noncommutative Geometry
October 2018

Alex Fok


(University of Adelaide)

Twisted K-theory of compact Lie groups and extended Verlinde algebras
October 2018

YeongChyuan Chung 



算子代数中心短课程:KK-theory and Lp uniform Roe algebras
October 2018

Peter Hochs 


(University of Adelaide)

Orbital integrals in index theory and K-theory
November 2018

Yanli Song


(Washington University at St Louis)

Essential Representation and K-theory of group C*-algebra
November 2018

Valerio Proietti 


(University of Copenhagen)

A topological proof of K-triviality of flat bundles
November 2018
Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

Zhuofeng He


(The University of Tokyo)

Isomorphism and Morita equivalence classes for crossed products of irrational rotation algebras by cyclic subgroups of SL_2(Z)

December 2019

Jiawen Zhang


(University of Southampton)

Quasi-locality and asymptotic expanders

December 2019

Yihan Li


(CIM, Nankai University)

Eta Invariant, Spectral Flow and their Asymptotic

December 2019

Zelin Yi


(CIM, Nankai University)

Spinors and the tangent groupoid

November 2019

Bram Mesland


(Leiden University)

Hecke modules for arithmetic groups via bivariant K-theory


Introduction to Unbounded KK-theory

November 2019

Haluk Sengun


(University of Sheffield)

Arithmetic groups and K-theory

November 2019

Yi-jun Yao


(Fudan University)

Smooth Connes--Thom isomorphism, cyclic homology, and equivariant quantization

October 2019

Iakovos Androulidakis


(National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

The Noncommutative Geometry of Singular Foliations

October 2019

Johnny Lim


(University of Adelaide)

Analytic Pontryagin duality

October 2019

Guo Chuan Thiang


(University of Adelaide)

K-theory and index theory of edge-following states in topological insulators

October 2019

Ping Wong Ng


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Paschke Dual Algebras, Uniqueness and Quasidiagonality



September, April 2019

Jianchao Wu


(Penn State University)

Fiberwise amenability and almost elementariness of minimal étale groupoids


The Novikov Conjecture, the Group of Volume Preserving Diffeomorphisms, and Hilbert-Hadamard Spaces

July, January 2019

Rudy Rodsphon


(Northeastern University)

KK-theory and equivariant index on non-compact manifolds

July 2019

Lauren Ruth


(Vanderbilt University)

On measure equivalence and properly proximal groups

June 2019

Sara Azzali


(University of Potsdam)

A Baum--Connes conjecture localised at the unit element of a discrete group

June 2019

Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio


(Université Paris-Sud)

The Baum-Connes conjecture and Oka's principle

June 2019

Lin Shan


(University of Puerto Rico)

Concentration Theorem and Non-coarse Embeddability into Group Extensions

June 2019

Paulo Carrillo Rouse


(Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)

Index theory for singular manifolds, a geometric approach

May 2019

Kang Li



Rigidity of L^p-uniform Roe algebras

May 2019

Hao Guo


(Texas A&M University)

A Lichnerowicz vanishing theorem for the maximal Roe algebra

May 2019

Vladimir Manuilov


(Moscow State University)

On a C*-algebra of matrix-bounded operators

May 2019

Xiang Tang


(Washington University of St Louis)

A longitudinal index theorem on an open foliation manifold

April,March 2019

Xuanlong Fu


(Fudan University)

Tracial Approximation and Tracial Toms-Winter Conjecture

April 2019

Stuart White


(University of Glasgow)

Classifying *-homomorphisms

April 2019

Huichi Huang


(Chongqing University)

Measure rigidity on n-torus

April 2019

Chi-Keung Ng


(Nankai University )

Property T for C*-algebras

April 2019

Pedram Hekmati


(University of Auckland)

Mini-course on K-theory and the Fourier-Mukai Transform (6 Lectures)

April 2019

Bhishan Jacelon


(University of Toronto)

Optimal transport and unitary orbits in C*-algebras

April 2019

Shuzhou Wang


(University of Georgia)

Kirchberg's Factorization Property, Residual Finiteness, and Property (T) for Discrete Quantum Groups

March 2019

Qingxiang Xu


(Shanghai Normal University)

Halmos two projections theorem and some of its applications

March 2019

Bo Liu



Family index theory and Kirillov formula

March 2019

Paolo Piazza


(Sapienza Universita` di Roma)

Singular Structures and K-theory Invariants of Dirac Operators

January 2019

Raphael Ponge


(Seoul National University)

Cyclic Homology of Crossed-Product Algebras


Lectures on Noncommutative Geometry

January 2019

Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

Toshikazu Natsume


(Nagoya Institute of Technology)

Index Theory for Beginners (4 Lectures)

December 2020

Ryszard Nest


(University of Copenhagen)

Lectures on Operator Algebras and Index Theory (9 Lectures)

December 2020

郭 钰




December 2020

Jinmin Wang


(Fudan University)

An l^1-index theorem on manifold with boundary and positive scalar curvature

December 2020

Sarah Browne


(Kansas University)

E-theory for C*-categories

November 2020

Hao Guo


(Texas A&M University)

Scalar curvature and quantitative K-theory


Functoriality for higher rho invariants of elliptic operators

October, July 2020

Guo Chuan Thiang



Coarse index theory and the gap-filling phenomenon

September 2020

Yu Qiao


(Shaanxi Normal University)

Exhaustive Families of Representations of C*-algebras and Groupoid C*-algebras

September 2020

Baojie Jiang


(Chongqing University)

Sylvester Rank Functions on Crossed Products

September 2020

Huichi Huang


(Chongqing University)

Quantum subgroup asymptotically fixing a sequence of finite subsets

September 2020

Alex Fok


(Shanghai New York University)

Higher twisted K-theory and deformation of Verlinde algebra

August 2020

Doman Takata


(Tokyo University)

An infinite-dimensional index theory and the Higson-Kasparov-Trout algebra

August 2020

George A. Elliott


(University of Toronto)

Review: the classification problem for amenable C*-algebras

August 2020

N. Christopher Phillips


(University of Oregon)

Lower bounds on the radius of comparison of crossed products by minimal homeomorphisms

August 2020

Nasser Golestani


(Tarbiat Modares University)

The topological rank of Cantor minimal systems

August 2020

Gilles Pisier


(Texas A&M University)

Nuclear pairs

August 2020

Kristin Courtney


(University of Muenster)

C*-structure on images of completely positive order zero maps

August 2020

Christopher Schafhauser


(University of Nebraska–Lincoln)

Classifying nuclear *-homomorphisms

August 2020

Zhuang Niu


(University of Wyoming)

Structure of transformation group C*-algebras

August, June 2020

Masaki Izumi


(Kyoto University)

The classification of Poly-Z group actions on the Kirchberg algebras

August 2020

Karen Strung


(Czech Academy of Sciences)

On the classification of Cuntz-Pimsner algebras over commutative C*-algebras

August 2020

M. Ali Asadi-Vasfi


(University of Tehran)

The Cuntz semigroup of the crossed product by a tracially strictly approximately inner action

August 2020

Guihua Gong


(University of Puerto Rico)

Classification of simple separable C*-algebras of finite nuclear dimension

August 2020

Jianchao Wu


(Texas A&M University)

Dynamical analogues of Cuntz semigroups, strict comparison and Z-stability


Virtually polycyclic groups have finite nuclear dimension

August, June 2020

Xin Li


(University of Glasgow)

Constructing Cartan subalgebras in all classifiable C*-algebras

August 2020

David Kerr


(Texas A&M University)

C*-simple groups with property Gamma

August 2020

Xin Ma


(SUNY Buffalo)

Fiberwise amenability and almost elementariness of étale groupoids

August 2020

Jiawen Zhang


(University of Southampton)

Asymptotic expanders and quasi-locality


Asymptotic Expansion in Measure (I,II)

August,July 2020

Wilhelm Winter


(University of Muenster)

Completely positive approximations revisited

August 2020

Kun Wang


(University of Puerto Rico)

Classification of C*-algebras and the invariants

August 2020

Hui Li


(North China Electric Power University)

Remarks On the K-theory of C*-Algebras of Products of Odometers

August 2020

Chi-Keung Ng


(Nankai University)

Quan-set theory and non-commutative Gelfand theorem

August 2020

Peter Hochs


(Radboud University in Nijmegen)

An equivariant Callias index theorem for proper actions

August 2020

Leonel Robert González


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Some results and questions around multivariate majorization

July 2020

Paolo Antonini


(SISSA Trieste, Italy)

The Baum-Connes conjecture localised at the unit element of a discrete group

May 2020

Yanli Song


(Washington University st Louis)

Higher index theorem for proper action of Lie groups

May 2020

Xiang Tang


(Washington University in St Louis)

Webinar: Smooth Connes-Thom isomorphism, cyclic homology, and equivariant quantization

April 2020

Simon Kitson


(The Australian National University)

Webinar: Dirac Operators on Orientifolds

April 2020

Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

George Elliott


(University of Toronto)

A brief summary of classification theory (Online)

June 2021

Rufus Willett


(University of Hawaii)

Controlled KK-theory, decomposable C*-algebras, and the UCT (Online)

June 2021

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi


(University of Tokyo)

Tensor networks, commuting squares and higher relative commutants of subfactors (Online)

June 2021

Søren Eilers


(University of Copenhagen)

Refined moves for structure-preserving isomorphisms between graph C*-algebras (Online)

June 2021

Xin Li


(University of Glasgow)

Generalizations of Thompson's group V arising from left-cancellative small categories (Online)

June 2021

Aaron Tikuisis


(University of Ottawa)

Classifying embeddings of C*-algebras (Online)

June 2021

Zhuang Niu


(University of Wyoming)

Structure of Transformation Group C*-Algebras (Online)


Structures of Crossed Product C*-Algebras (Online)

June, November 2021

Ja A Jeong


(Seoul National University)

AF-embeddable C*-algebras of labeled graphs (Online)

June 2021

Magdalena E. Musat


(University of Copenhagen)

Factorizable quantum channels, non-closure of quantum correlations and the Connes Embedding Problem (Online)

June 2021

Piotr Nowak


(University of Warsaw)

On property (T) for Aut(F_n) (Online)

June 2021

Ping Wong Ng


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Purely infinite corona algebras and extensions (Online)

June 2021

Jianchao Wu


(Texas A&M University, Fudan University)

Quasi-representations and controlled K-homology (Online)


Three shades of dynamical strict comparison

June, November 2021

Chunlan Jiang


(Hebei Normal University)

Geometric invariants of operators

June 2021

Chi-Keung Ng


(Nankai University)

Dual spaces of operator systems (Online)

June 2021

Zhengwei Liu


(Tsinghua University)

Quantum Fourier Analysis

June 2021

Guoliang Yu


(Texas A&M University)

Quantitative operator K-theory and positive scalar curvature (Online)

June 2021

Huichi Huang


(Chongqing University)

Strongly independent matrices and measure rigidity on n-torus

June 2021

Mikael Rørdam


(University of Copenhagen)

Irreducible inclusions of simple C*-algebras (Online)

June 2021

Guihua Gong


(University of Puerto Rico)

On the classification of simple stable projection-less C*-algebras of finite nuclear dimensions (Online)

June 2021

Yasuhiko Sato


(Kyushu University)

Uncountably many flows which are not approximately inner on Z-absorbing C*-algebras (Online)

June 2021

Yanli Song


(Washington University in St.Louis)

Orbital integral and Cartan motion group (Online)

June 2021

Siegfried Echterhoff


(University of Copenhagen)

Amenable C*-dynamical systems and the weak containment problem (Online)

June 2021

Jiawen Zhang


(Fudan University)

Quasi-local algebras and their K-theories


A strongly quasi-local version of the coarse Baum-Connes conjecture

June,November 2021

Eusebio Gardella


(Göteborgs Universitet)

Lifts of completely positive (equivariant) maps (Online)

November 2021

Suzuki, Yuhei


(Hokkaido University)

Noncommutative amenable actions: characterizations, applications, and new examples (Online)

November 2021

Cangyuan Wang


(East China University of Science and Technology)

Bounded derivations on uniform Roe algebras (Online)

November 2021

Benyin Fu


(Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance)

The K-amenability and higher index map for metric spaces with proper group actions

November 2021

Zhen Wang


(Putian University)

l^p-Toeplitz algebra and its application in K-theory (Online)

November 2021

Bingbing Liang


(Soochow University)

Rokhlin dimension, conditional mean dimension, and dynamical embedding problem (Online)

November 2021

Yeong Chyuan, Chung


(Leiden University)

Non-surjectivity of the L^p coarse Baum-Connes map (Online)

November 2021

Hongzhi Liu


(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

Localized signature and product formula of invariants associated to signature operators

November 2021

Dapeng Zhou


(Shanghai University of International Business and Economics)

Comparing quantitative assembly maps

November 2021

Xuanlong Fu


(University of Toronto)

Tracial approximate divisibility and stable rank one (Online)

November 2021

Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

Jamie Gabe


(University of Southern Denmark)

A new approach to classifying nuclear C*-algebras (Online)

February 2022

Kang Li


(Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nürnberg)


March, August 2022

Simone Cecchini


(Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen)

A long neck principle for Riemannian spin manifolds with positive scalar curvature (Online)

April 2022

Ruben Martos


(University of Copenhagen)

Projective representations for compact quantum groups (Online)

April 2022

Ryszard Nest


(University of Copenhagen)

An Introduction to K-homology and KK-theory (Online)

April 2022

Anna Duwenig


(University of Wollongong, Australia)

Cartan subalgebras for non-principal twisted groupoid C*-algebras (Online)

April 2022

Leonel Robert


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Simplicity, bounded normal generation, and automatic continuity of groups of unitaries (Online)

August 2022

Yasuhiko Sato


(Kyushu University)

Non-simple Rationally AF algebras and KMS states (Online)

August 2022

Luis Santiago


(Lakehead University)

Classification of Real AI algebras (Online)

August 2022

Zhuang Niu


(University of Wyoming)

Structure of crossed product C*-algebras (Online)

August 2022

Hanfeng Li


(University of New York at Buffalo)

Malcolmson semigroups (Online)

August 2022

Hongzhi Liu


(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

On the localization algebra and a product formula of the signature (Online)

August 2022

Hannes Thiel


(Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel)

The zero-product structure of C*-algebras (Online)

August 2022

Jiawen Zhang


(Fudan University)

Quasi-local algebras for groupoids (Online)

August 2022

N. Christopher Phillips


(University of Oregon and Ben Gurion University of the Negev)

The radius of comparison of C(X) is about half the covering dimension of X (Online)

August 2022

Ping Wong Ng


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

K_1 injectivity of Paschke dual algebras (Online)

August 2022

Jianchao Wu


(Fudan University)

Three shades of dynamical strict comparison (Online)

August 2022

Francesc Perera


(Autonomous University of Barcelona)

A notion of almost finiteness for C*-dynamical systems and its relation to dynamical strict comparison (Online)

August 2022

Xiang Tang


(Washington University in St. Louis)

Helton-Howe Trace, Connes-Chern Character, and Quantization (Online)

August 2022

Xin Ma


(The University of Memphis)

Boundary actions of CAT(0) spaces and their C*-algebras (Online)

August 2022

Xuanlong Fu


(Fields Institute)

Tracial matricial structure and approximation by invertibles (Online)

August 2022

Mikael Rørdam


(University of Copenhagen)

Irreducible inclusions of simple C*-algebras (Online)

August 2022

Joachim Zacharias


(University of Glasgow)

Almost Elementary C*-Dynamics and Z-stability (Online)

August 2022

Jintao Deng


(University of Waterloo)

The coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for some relative expanders (Online)

August 2022

Guoliang Yu


(Texas A&M University)

Index theory at infinity and Gromov's compactness conjecture (Online)

August 2022

Eusebio Gardella


(Göteborgs Universitet)

Z-stability of crossed products (Online)

August 2022

Guihua Gong


(University of Puerto Rico)

【校庆学术报告】Hausdorffified algebraic K1-groups and invariants for C*-algebras with the ideal property (Online)

August, September 2022

Kunyu Guo


(Fudan University)

【校庆学术报告】The Beurling--Wintner problem and analytic number theory (Online)

October 2022

Yufeng Lu


(Dalian University of Technology)

【校庆学术报告】A geometric approach to the compressed shift operators on Hardy space over the bidisk (Online)

October 2022

George Elliott


(University of Toronto)

【校庆学术报告-大师讲堂】A short history of classification (Online)

August, October 2022

Guangfu Cao


(Sun Yat-sen University & Guangzhou University)

【校庆学术报告】如何写出一篇像样的论文? (Online)

October 2022

Yong Jiao


(Central South University)

【校庆学术报告】Distributional inequalities for noncommutative martingales (Online)

October 2022

Hao Guo


(Tsinghua University)

An introduction to quantitative K-theory (Online)

August, November 2022

Name  (Institute)


Visit Record

Dapeng Zhou


(Shanghai University of International Business and Economics)

Localization C*-algebras and index pairing

January, August 2023

Hui Li


(North China Electric Power University)

Ring C*-Algebras

March 2023

Huichi Huang


(Chongqing University)

A Wiener-type theorem for arcs on the unit circle

April 2023

Chunlan Jiang


(Hebei Normal University)

Geometry dilation and the invariant subspace problem

April 2023

Ngai-Ching Wong


(National Sun Yat-sen University)

Angle preserving transformations of Hilbert bundles

April 2023

Cangyuan Wang


(East China University of Science and Technology)

On nuclear dimension of certain extension algebras

April 2023

Chi-Keung Ng


(Nankai University)

Non-commutative Gelfand theorem

April 2023

Ping Wong Ng


(University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

Some recent progress in extension theory

April 2023

Jiajie Hua


(Jiaxing University)

Stability of certain relations in C*-algebras

April 2023

Jianchao Wu


(Fudan University)

The Novikov conjecture, groups of diffeomorphisms, and Hilbert-Hadamard spaces

April 2023

Yan Wu


(Jiaxing University)


June 2023

Jingming Zhu


(Jiaxing University)

Uniform amenability of a family of finitely generated groups

June 2023

Quan Chen


(Vanderbilt University)

Q-system completion and applications

July 2023

Yasuhiko Sato


(Kyushu University)

Non-simple rational dimension groups and rationally AF algebras

July 2023

George Elliott


(University of Toronto)

The classification of non-classifiable simple C*-algebras---a beginning

July 2023

Feng Xu


(University of California, Riverside)

Rigorous results about entropies in QFT

July 2023

Jiawen Zhang


(Fudan University)

Ghostly ideals in uniform Roe algebras

July 2023

Sihan Wei


(University of Glasgow)

Dimensions associated with surjective local homeomorphisms on compact metric spaces

July 2023

Mikael Rørdam


(University of Copenhagen)

Inclusions of C*-algebras

August 2023

Lin Shan


(University of Puerto Rico)

The lp-Coarse Geometric Novikov Conjecture and Non-positively Curved Spaces

August 2023

Benyin Fu


(Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance)

The Higher Index Map for Metric Spaces with Proper Group Actions

August 2023

Guoliang Yu


(Texas A&M University)

An index theory for manifolds with polyhedral boundary and Gromov’s dihedral extremality and rigidity conjectures

August 2023

Zhizhang Xie


(Texas A&M University)

Scalar curvature rigidity of warped product spaces

August 2023

Rufus Willett


(University of Hawaii)

Rigidity of Roe algebras

August 2023

Joachim Zacharias


(University of Glasgow)

Almost Elementary C*-Dynamics and classifiability of crossed products

August 2023

Piotr Nowak


(University of Warsaw)

Spectral gaps, higher Kazhdan projections and L^2-Betti numbers

August 2023

Yijun Yao


(Fudan University)

On Winding Numbers

August 2023

Zhuang Niu


(University of Wyoming)

The trace simplex of the transformation group C*-algebras

August 2023

Liming Ge


(University of New Hampshire)

2, √2 and beyond

August 2023

Xin Li


(University of Glasgow)

Ample groupoids, topological full groups, algebraic K-theory spectra and infinite loop spaces

August 2023

Shirley Geffen


(Universitat Münster)

Simplicity of crossed products by FC-hypercentral groups

August 2023

Jianguo Zhang


(Shaanxi Normal University)

The K-theory for l^p uniform Roe algebras

August 2023

Guo Chuan Thiang


(Peking University)

Coarse index theory and quantum physics

August 2023