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Publication and Preprint List


33. L.-Z. Tan, M.-Y. Deng, J.-L. Qiu and X.-P. Guo, On the adaptive deterministic block coordinate descent methods with momentum for solving large linear least-squares problems, 2024, preprint.

32.L.-Z. Tan, X.-P. Guo, M.-Y. Deng and J.-R. Chen, On the adaptive deterministic block Kaczmarz method with momentum for solving large-scale consistent linear systems, 2023, preprint.

31. L.-Z. Tan, M.-Y. Deng and X.-P. Guo, On multi-step greedy Kaczmarz method for solving large sparse consistent linear systems, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, (Online), 03/2024.

30. L.-Z. Tan and X.-P. Guo, On multi-step greedy randomized coordinate descent method for solving large linear least-squares problems, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 42(2023)37, 1-20.

29. M.-Y. Deng, W.-Y. Ding and X.-P. Guo, Modified splitting methods for solving non-homogenous multi-linear equations with m-tensors, Pacific Journal of optimization, 18(2022)1, 91-117.

28. M.-J. Jiang and X.-P. Guo, A New Parameter-Free Method for Toeplitz Systems of  Weakly Nonlinear Equations,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235 (2021) 5095–5104.

27. X.-P. Guo and A. Hadjidimos, Optimal Accelerated SOR-like (ASOR) method for singular saddle point problems,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2020 (370), 112662.

26. M.-Y. Deng and X.-P. Guo, On HSS-Based Iteration Methods for Two Classes of Tensor Equations, East Asia Journal on Applied Mathematics,(2020)10: 381 - 398. doi:10.4208/eajam.140819.071019.

25. H.-X. Zhong, G.-L. Chen and X.-P. Guo,Semi-local convergence of the Newton-HSS method under the center Lipschitz condition, Numerical Algebra, Control & Optimization, 9 (2019)1, 85-99.

24. T.-T. Feng,X.-P. Guo and G .-L. Chen, A modified ASOR-like method for augmented linear systems,Numerical Algorithms, (2019) 82:1097–1115.

23. T.-T. Feng,G.-L. Chen and X.-P. Guo,An Accelerated SOR-Like Method for Generalised Saddle Point Problems,East Asia Journal on Applied Mathematics,8(2018)1, 70-81.

22. Y.-M. Li and X.-P. Guo, On the accelerated modified Newton-HSS method for systems of nonlinear equations,Numerical Algorithms, 79(2018)4, 1049-1073.

21. H.-X. Zhong, G.-L. Chen and X.-P. Guo,Convergence of the Newton-HSS Method under the Lipschitz Condition with the L-average,Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications,25(2018)5,952-964.

20. J. Wang, X.-P. Guo and H.-X. Zhong, DPMHSS Iterative Method for Systems of Nonlinear Equations with Block Two-by-Two Complex Jacobian Matrices, Numerical Algorithms, 77(2018)1,167-184.

19. Y. Li and X.-P. Guo, Semilocal convergence analysis for the MMN-HSS methods under the H?lder conditions, East Asia Journal on Applied Mathematics, 7(2017)2, 396-416.

18. Y. Li and X.-P. Guo, Multi-step modified Newton-HSS methods for systems of nonlinear equations with positive definite Jacobian matrices, Numerical Algorithms, 75(2017)1, 55-80.

17. J. Wang, X.-P. Guo and H.-X. Zhong, Accelerated GPMHSS method for solving complex systems of linear equations, East Asia Journal on Applied Mathematics, 7 (2017) 1, 143-155.

16. X.-P. Guo, Convergence Studies on Block-iterative Algorithms for Image Reconstructions,Applied Mathematics and Computation,273 (2016), 525–534.

15. P. N. Njeru and X.-P. Guo, Accelerated SOR-like method for augmented linear systems, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 56(2016)2, 557–571.

14. H.-L. Cai and X.-P. Guo,A new adaptive penalty function in the application of genetic Algorithm, J. East China Norm. Univ. Natur. Sci. Ed., 6(2015), 36-45.  

13. H.-X. Zhong, G.-L. Chen and X.-P. Guo,On Preconditioned Modified Newton-MHSS Method for Systems of Nonlinear Equations with Complex Symmetric, Numerical Algorithms, 69(2015), 553-567.

12. H.-X. Zhong, G.-L. Chen and X.-P. Guo, Semilocal convergence theorem by using majorizing functions for Harmonic mean Newton's method in Banach spaces,Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications,16(2014)1,850-859.

11. M. Benzi and X.-P. Guo, A dimensional split preconditioner for Stokes and linearized Navier-Stokes       

   equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 61 (2011), 66-76.     PDF File  

10. X.-P. Guo and I. S. Duff, Semilocal and global convergence of the Newton-HSS method for systems of

   nonlinear equations, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 18(2011)3, 299-315.   PDF File   

9.  Z.-Z. Bai and X.-P. Guo, On Newton-HSS Methods for Systems of Nonlinear Equations with Positive-Definite

   Jacobian Matrices, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 28(2010)2, 235-260.   PDF File

8.  X.-P. Guo, On Semilocal Convergence of Inexact Newton MethodsJournal of Computational Mathematics,

  25(2007)2, 231-242.                             PDF File

7.  X.-P. Guo, J. Feng, Convergence of a deformed Newton's method, Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition),


6.  X.-P. Guo, Convergence ball of iterations with one parameter, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B, 20 (2005) 4,


5.  X.-P. Guo, The convergence for two types of generalized iterations, J. East China Norm. Univ. Natur. Sci. Ed.,

  (2002) 3, 7-13.

4.  X.-P. Guo, Convergence and error estimates for the inverse-free deformation Newton's iteration, Journal of

  Zhejiang University (Science Edition), 28(2001)4, 377-383.

3.  X.-P. Guo, The convergence for the second-order derivative free iterations, Chinese Journal of Engineering

  Mathematics, 18(2001)4, 29-34.                   

2.  X.-P. Guo, On the convergence of Newton's method in Banach space, Journal of Zhejiang University

  (Science Edition), 27(2000)5, 484-492.                

1.  X.-H. Wang, X. -P. Guo, On the unified determination for the convergence of Newton's method and its

  deformations, Numerical Mathematics, A Journal of Chinese University, (1999) 4, 363-368.  







Last updated 11 May 2024.