报告人: 席南华院士(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院)
报告时间: 2024年10月29日下午2:00 -3:00
报告题目:Quantized flag manifolds and representations of quantum groups
报告人:T. Tanisaki教授(日本Osaka city university荣休教授)
报告时间:2024年10月29日下午3:15 - 5:15
报告摘要:I will give an account of my result on Lusztig's conjectural multiplicity formula for the modules over the De Concini-Kac type quantized enveloping algebras at roots of unity.
In the first half I will give an account of some standard facts on the representation theory of the De Concini-Kac type quantized enveloping algebras at roots of unity.
In the second half I will explain how we can use $D$-modules on the quantized flag manifolds in the representation theory of the quantized enveloping algebras.