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Specification and equilibrium in compact and non-compact world
王天宇 博士后(上海数学中心)
2023月4月18日 10:00-11:00  数学楼102

*主持人:张静 副教授


In this talk, we will discuss how specification property, which is a topological property on global concatenation of arbitrary orbit segments, can help us in studying thermodynamic formalism of a variety of dynamical systems. The line of the research targets extends from compact and Markov classic systems and reaches those lack of nice and uniform dynamical properties in the non-compact world. The content is based on a sequence of classic work initiating from 1960s, further developments summarized in a survey [Beyond Bowen's specification property, Clinmenhaga&Thompson 2020] and a recent joint work with C&T.


王天宇本科毕业于上海交通大学,博士毕业于俄亥俄州立大学,师从Daniel Thompson教授。博士就读期间主要研究兴趣为动力系统中非一致双曲系统的热力学性态及统计学性质。目前于上海数学中心就任博士后,与沈维孝教授合作进行对非一致双曲系统中蕴含的随机稳定性的研究。