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【校级学术报告】The maximum number of triangles in Fk-free graphs
陈耀俊 教授(南京大学)
2023年4月13日 14:00-15:00  数学楼102

*主持人:吕长虹 教授


The generalized Tur?an number ex(n, Ks, H) is the maximum number of complete graph Ks in an H-free graph on n vertices. Let Fk be the friendship graph consisting of k triangles. Erd?os and S?os (1976) determined the value of ex(n, K3, F2). Alon and Shikhelman (2016) proved that ex(n, K3, Fk) ≤ (9k ? 15)(k + 1)n. In this talk, we will report our new result on the exact value of ex(n, K3, Fk) and the extremal graph for any Fk when n ≥ 4k 3

