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代数表示论与同调代数、 有限群模表示论
导出等价与Morita型稳定等价、Hochschild上同调与Poisson上同调、Batalin-Vilkovisky结构、 Gorenstein同调代数
- Zhang, Pu; Zhang, Yue-Hui; Zhu, Lin; Zhou, Guodong; Unbounded ladders induced by Gorenstein algebras. arXiv 1507.07333
- You, Hanyang; Zhou, Guodong; Relative singularity categories and relative defect categories. Preprint 2015
- Chen, Xiao-Wu; Shen, Dawei; Zhou, Guodong; The Gorenstein-projective modules over a monomial algebra. arXiv 1501.02978
- Liu, Yuming; Zhou, Guodong; Zimmermann, Alexander;Stable equivalences of Morita type do not preserve tensor products and trivial extensions of algebras. arXiv:1409.1821
- Witherspoon, Sarah; Zhou, Guodong; Gerstenhaber algebra structure of Hochschild cohomology of quantum symmetric algebras and group extensions, Pacific J. Math. To appear.
- Liu, Yuming; Zhou, Guodong; The Batalin-Vilkovisky structure over the Hochschild cohomology of a group algebra. J. Noncomm. Geom. To appear
- Chen, Xiaojun; Yang, Song; Zhou, Guodong; Batalin–Vilkovisky algebras and the noncommutative Poincaré duality of Koszul Calabi–Yau algebras. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 220 (2016),no. 7,2500–2532.
- Lambre, Thierry; Zhou, Guodong; Zimmermann, Alexander; The Hochschild cohomology ring of a Frobenius algebra with semisimple Nakayama automorphism is a Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra. J. Algebra 446 (2016),103–131.
- Ivanov, Alexander;Ivanov, Sergei O.;Volkov, Yury;Zhou, Guodong; BV structure on Hochschild cohomology of the group ring of quaternion group of order eight in characteristic two. J. Algebra 435 (2015),174–203.
- Le, Jue;Zhou, Guodong; On the Hochschild cohomology ring of tensor products of algebras. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 218 (2014),no. 8,1463–1477.
- Zhou, Guodong; Zimmermann, Alexander; On singular equivalences of Morita type. J. Algebra 385(2013),64–79.
- Zhou, Guodong;Zimmermann, Alexander; Classifying tame blocks and related algebras up to stable equivalences of Morita type. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 215 (2011), no. 12, 2969–2986.
- Koenig, Steffen; Liu, Yuming; Zhou, Guodong; Transfer maps in Hochschild (co)homology and applications to stable and derived invariants and to the Auslander–Reiten conjecture. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012),no. 1,195–232.
- Zhou, Guodong;Zimmermann, Alexander; Auslander-Reiten conjecture for self-injective algebras of polynomial growth. Beitr Algebra Geom (2012) 53: 349–364
- Liu, Yuming; Zhou, Guodong; Zimmermann, Alexander; Higman ideal, stable Hochschild homology and Auslander-Reiten conjecture. Math. Z.270(2012), no. 3-4, 759–781.
- Pan, Shengyong; Zhou, Guodong; Stable equivalences of Morita type and stable Hochschild cohomology rings. Arch. Math. (Basel) 94?(2010), no. 6, 511–518.
- Keller, Bernhard;Yang, Dong;Zhou, Guodong, The Hall algebra of a spherical object. J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 80(2009), no. 3, 771–784.
- Zhou, Guodong, On the vertices of indecomposable modules over dihedral 2-groups. J. Algebra321(2009),no. 6, 1661–1685.
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国家青年基金(No.11301186)、上海市浦江人才计划(13PJ1402800)、教育部博士点新教师基金(No.20130076120001) |
- 2015-2016 春季学期:研究生代数表示论、三角范畴与导出范畴讨论班
- 2015-2016 秋季学期:研究生代数I、研究生同调代数方法I、Hochschild上同调与Koszul代数讨论班、三角范畴与导出范畴讨论班
- 2014-2015 春季学期: Hochschild上同调与Koszul代数讨论班、三角范畴与导出范畴讨论班
- 2014-2015 秋季学期:本科生高等代数习题课、研究生同调代数方法I、Hochschild上同调与Koszul代数讨论班、三角范畴与导出范畴讨论班
- 2013-2014 春季学期: 本科生近世代数II、研究生代数II、三角范畴与导出范畴讨论班
- 2013-2014 秋季学期: 本科生近世代数I、研究生代数I、同调代数讨论班
- 2012-2013 春季学期: 研究生代数表示论
最后更新: 2016-03-22 ©
Dept. of Math. East China Normal University