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Research Team
Algebra Research Team

Members:Du Rong, Hu Naihong, Jiao Xiangyu, Jin Haibo, Liu Zhiguo, Lu Jun, Luo Li, Luo Ma, Lü Xin, Meng Sheng, Qi Lu, Qin Yujun, Qu Zhenhua, Shu Bin, Tan Shengli, Xie Bingyong, Yang Siman, Zhang Tong, Zhou Guodong

Introduction: The School of Mathematical Sciences at East China Normal University (ECNU) is a leading institution in algebraic research in China, focusing on algebraic geometry, number theory, and representation theory. Since the 1980s, under the guidance of professors such as Cao Xihua, Shen Guangyu, Xiao Gang, Chen Zhijie, and Zhu Fuzu, the team has cultivated a distinctive research force in algebraic groups, Lie algebras, and algebraic surfaces, producing renowned algebraic mathematicians including Xi Nanhua, Wang Jianpan, Shi Jianyi, Tan Shengli, Chen Meng, Qin Hourong, Sun Xiaotao, and Xu Fei. Over decades, the team’s research has expanded to encompass moduli spaces of curves, fibrations of algebraic surfaces, foliation structures on algebraic surfaces, Hodge theory, the Langlands program, modular and automorphic forms, q-series, quantum groups and Kazhdan-Lusztig theory, representation theory of modular Lie (super)algebras, vertex operator algebras, algebraic representation theory, and homological algebra. Members have published extensively in top-tier journals such as Duke Math. J., J. Eur. Math. Soc., Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Super., and Math. Ann.. The team includes 1 national high-level talent awardee, 4 national young talent awardees, and has secured 3 National Natural Science Foundation Key Projects, along with 1 first-class and 1 second-class Ministry of Education Natural Science Prize.

Geometry and Topology Team

Members:Liu Bo, Liu Gang, Qiu Ruifeng, Wang Chao, Wang Yiling, Wu Ruicong, Wu Weichi, Zheng Yu, Zhang Dekai, Zhou Linfeng, Zhou Qing, Zhu Meng, Zou Yanqing

Introduction: Since the 1990s, influenced by professors Shen Chunli and Zhou Qing, differential geometry and low-dimensional topology have been signature strengths of ECNU’s mathematics discipline. The team now covers mainstream areas including complex geometry, geometric analysis, differential geometry, and low-dimensional topology, achieving breakthroughs in uniformization conjectures, index theory, K-theory, and topological invariants. Their work, published in journals like Ann. Math. and Invent. Math., has garnered international recognition. The team includes 1 ICM 45-minute speaker, 4 national high-level talent awardees, and 1 national young talent awardee. They lead 1 National Natural Science Foundation Key Project and have received prestigious awards such as the New Cornerstone Investigator grant and the Xplorer Prize.

Analysis Research Team

Members:Sayan Das, Chen Zhangchi, Cheng Tao, Gu Qing, Li Wenxia, Liu Junping, Miao Junjie, Wang Qin, Wang Hang

Introduction: With a longstanding tradition in analysis dating back to pioneers Li Ruifu and Cheng Qixiang in complex analysis and functional analysis, the team now focuses on operator algebras, real analysis, and complex analysis. Under the leadership of Professor Lin Huaxin, the Operator Algebra Research Center has elevated ECNU’s global profile through high-level international collaborations. Research spans operator algebra classification, global geometry, non-commutative geometry, geometric measure theory, wavelet analysis, fractal geometry, value distribution theory, quasiconformal geometry, Teichmüller spaces, and complex dynamical systems. Publications appear in J. Reine Angew. Math., Adv. Math., and Amer. J. Math.. The team includes 2 national young talent awardees.

>>Research Center for Operator Algebras>>

Partial Differential Equations (PDE) Team

Members:Feng Yuanyuan, He Xiaoqing, Huang Xia, Wang Liping, Ye Dong, Yuan Hairong, Zhang Yanyan, Zhao Chunyi, Zhou Feng

Introduction: Established in 2010 by Professor Ni Weiming, the PDE Research Center focuses on diffusion theory in biological and medical contexts, critical field theory in superconductivity and liquid crystals, variational theory for nonlinear higher-order elliptic PDEs, and aerodynamic Euler equations. Their work, published in Invent. Math., Comm. Pure Appl. Math., and J. Eur. Math. Soc., has earned a 2020 Ministry of Education Natural Science Second Prize. The team oversees 1 National Key R&D Program, 1 National Natural Science Foundation Key Project, and includes 1 national high-level talent awardee and 1 young talent awardee.

>>Center for PDE>>

Systems Science and Control Team

Members:Bi Ping, Chen Yong, Dai Haohui, Fu Wei, Fu Xianlong, Gu Qing, Li Fang, Li Tao, Li Yuqi, Liu Xingbo, Liu Yinping, Ni Mingkang, Tang Xiaoyan, Zhang Jing, Zhou Qing

Introduction: Rooted in ECNU’s Institute of Systems Science—a pioneer in systems science and control theory—the team integrates mathematical methods with applications in system control, artificial intelligence, and operational decision-making. Research spans complexity and nonlinear science, control theory, singular perturbation systems, differential dynamical systems, integrable systems, nonlinear mathematical physics, automated reasoning, statistical learning, and pattern recognition. The team includes 1 national high-level talent awardee, 1 foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 1 young talent awardee, and multiple recipients of Shanghai’s Eastern Scholar and Dawn Scholar awards.

Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Optimization Team

Members: Du Ruoxia, Li Fang, Lü Changhong, Xu Zili, Yuan Longtu, Yang Ben, Ye Qingjie, Zhan Xingzhi, Zhang Xiangyun, Zhu Shengfeng

Introduction: Specializing in extremal and topological graph theory, matrix combinatorics, optimization under PDE constraints, combinatorial algorithms, and algebraic combinatorics, the team has contributed to both theoretical advancements and real-world applications, such as smart port logistics for Yangshan and Tangshan ports. Recognized with the Shanghai Special Prize for Scientific Progress and the Huawei R&D Excellence Award, they lead 1 National Natural Science Foundation Key Project and include 1 national high-level talent awardee.

Scientific Computing Team

Members: Du Jie, Guo Xueping, Li Fang, Pan Jianyu, Wang Yuanming, Xu Pengbo, Zhang Xiangyun, Zheng Haibiao, Zhu Shengfeng

Introduction: Focused on numerical methods for differential equations, finite element methods, algebraic solvers, optimization, machine learning, parallel algorithms, and industrial software development, the team’s work appears in SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Math. Comp., and IEEE Trans. Image Process.. Members have led National 973 Program projects and won 5 provincial/ministerial science awards.

Mathematics Education Team

Members:Bao Jiansheng, Chen Xin, Cheng Jing, He Yijie, Hu Yaohua, Li Shuhui, Liao Caisheng, Liu Di, Liu Pan, Lu Xiaoli, Wang Xiaoqin, Wu Yingkang, Wu Weichi, Xiong Bin, Xu Binyan, Zhu Yan

Introduction: With roots tracing back to 1954, this team has shaped China’s mathematics education through curriculum reform, teacher training, international comparisons, and historical studies. Milestones include establishing China’s first mathematics education doctoral program, co-authoring national curriculum standards, founding journals like Asian Journal for Mathematics Education, and hosting the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-14). Their research, published in Educational Studies in Mathematics and ZDM-Mathematics Education, bridges theory and practice.
