(1) 青年科学基金项目: 关于纤维化的局部与整体不变量,2012/1-2014/12, 已结题,主持
(2) 面上项目: 代数曲面纤维化的不变量及其应用, 2017/1-2020/12, 14/12, 已结题,主持
(3) 重点项目: 代数簇的几何,2013/1-2017/12,已结题, 参加。
(4) 国际合作: 代数曲线和曲面纤分类的方法, 2017.10-2020.9, 已结题,参加。
(5) 面上项目,高维代数簇的相关问题,2015/01-2018/12, 已结题, 参加。

(二) 期刊论文

  1. X.-L. Liu, J. Lu: "On the geography of slopes of fibrations, Publ. Res. I. Math. Sci., 60 (2024), 723-739.

  2. J. Lu , X.-H. Wu: On the adjoint canonical divisorof a foliation, (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00229-024-01579-7).

  3. C. Gong, J. Lu, S.-L. Tan: On the determinant of a dual periodic singular fiber, Bull. Korean Math. Soc.60(2023), no.5, 1365–1374.

  4. H. Lin, J. Lu , S.-L. Tan: The braitional invariants of Lins Neto's foliation, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.151(2023), no.12, 5223–5238.

  5. J. Lu , X.-H. Wu: A counterexample to Gurjar-Zhang's conjectures, Inter. J. Math., 34(2) (2023),2350012 (9 pages).

  6. C. Gong, Y. Gu: J. Lu and P. Pollack: On the stable reduction of hyperelliptic curves,Tohoku Mathematical Journal, 74(2) (2022),195-213.

  7. J. Hong, J. Lu: A note on surface singularities of multiplicity four,Acta Math. Sinica Chinese Series, 6(3) (2021),455-462.

  8. C. Gong, S. Kitagawa, J. Lu: Extremal trigonal fibrations on rational surfaces, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 73 (2) (2021), 505–524.

  9. J. Hong, J. Lu , S.-L. Tan: On the Slope of Non-algebraic Holomorphic Foliations,Proceeding of AMS, 148(11) (2020), 4817-4830

  10. P. Liu, J. Lu, F. Ye: On lower bounds for slopes of totally ramified triple cover fibrations, Asian Journal of Mathematics, 21(5) (2017), 981-994.

  11. J. Lu, S.-L. Tan, K.Zuo: Canonical Class Inequality for Fibred Spaces, 368(3-4) (2017), 1311-1332.

  12. C. Gong, J. Lu, S.-L. Tan: On families of curves over $\mathbb{P}^1$ with two singular fibers, Osaka J. Math. 53 (2016),83-99.

  13. J. Lu, S.-L. Tan, F. Yu, K. Zuo: A new inequality on the Hodge number  of algebraic surfaces, Math. Z., 276 (2014) 543--555.

  14. J. Lu, S.-L. Tan: On surface singularities of multiplicity three, Method and Applications of Analysis, 21 (2014), no.4, 457-480.

  15. J. Lu, S.-L. Tan:Inequalities between the Chern numbers of a singular fiber in a family of algebraic curves, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 365 (2013), 3373-3396.

  16. J. Lu, M.Sheng, K. Zuo: An Arakelov inequality in characterstic p and upper bound of p-rank zero locus, J. Number Theory, 129, 12 (2009), 3029-3045.


  1. [5] C.Gong, J. Lu, S,-L.Tan: On the Poincare problem for Riccati foliations, preprint.

  2. C.Gong, J. Lu, S,-L.Tan: On the classification and Mordell-Weil groups of families of curves with two singular fibers, preprint.

  3. Z.-J. Chen, J. Lu, S.-L. Tan: On the modular invariants of a family of non-hyperelliptic curves of genus 3, preprint.

  4. Z.-J. Chen, J. Lu, S.-L. Tan: On the upper bound of the slope of a trigonal fibration,   preprint.

  5. J. Lu,, Global invariants of trigonal fibrations (Thesis for Ph.D. 2007)