Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Organized by School of Mathematical Sciences of ECNU


Ke Chen (陈柯)
Yifei Chen (陈亦飞)
Chuangxun Cheng (程创勋)
Xinyi Fang (方馨怡)
Yunfeng Jiang (蒋云峰)
Zhi Jiang (江智)
Mulin Li (李木林)
Sichen Li (李思辰)
Zhiyuan Li (李志远)
Jie Liu (刘杰)
Zhi Qi (齐治)
Hao Sun (孙浩)
Chuanhao Wei (魏传豪)
Jinxing Xu (许金兴)
Kang Zuo (左康)

Title & Abstract

Speaker: Kang Zuo (Mainz University)
Time: Friday, 20.Sep.2019, 14:30--16:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Full companions of rank-2 periodic Higgs bundles and motivic local systems

Speaker: Hao Sun (Shanghai Normal University)
Time: Friday, 20.Sep.2019, 16:00--17:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Bogomolov's inequality and related topics

Speaker: Ke Chen (Nanjing University)
Time: Monday, 23.Sep.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 401, Mathematical Building

Title: On Shimura subvarieties away from the open Torelli locus

Speaker: Sichen Li (East China Normal University and National University of Singapore)
Time: Friday, 11.Oct.2019, 13:00--14:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Derived length of zero entropy groups acting on projective varieties in arbitrary characteristic--A remark to a paper of Dinh-Oguiso-Zhang

Speaker: Zhi Qi (Zhejiang University)
Time: Friday, 18.Oct.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Bessel functions and Beyond Endoscopy

Speaker: Chuangxun Cheng (Nanjing University)
Time: Friday, 18.Oct.2019, 14:40--15:40
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Mod p cohomology of modular curves and Shimura curves

Speaker: Jie Liu (Morningside Center of Mathematics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Time: Friday, 1.Nov.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Positivity of anticanonical divisors of Fano manifolds

Speaker: Yifei Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Time: Friday, 1.Nov.2019, 14:40--15:40
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: On a boundedness problem for weighted blowups of A^n

Speaker: Yunfeng Jiang (ShanghaiTech University and University of Kansas)
Time: Friday, 15.Nov.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Twisted Vafa-Witten invariants and S-duality

Speaker: Xinyi Fang (East China Normal University)
Time: Friday, 22.Nov.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Vector Bundles on Flag Varieties

Speaker: Mulin Li (Hunan University)
Time: Friday, 22.Nov.2019, 14:40--15:40
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Virtual residue and its applications

Speaker: Zhiyuan Li (Fudan University)
Time: Friday, 13.Dec.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: MMP on moduli space of polarized K3 surfaces

Speaker: Jinxing Xu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Time: Friday, 13.Dec.2019, 14:40--15:40
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: A global Torelli theorem for certain Calabi-Yau threefolds

Speaker: Zhi Jiang (Fudan University)
Time: Friday, 27.Dec.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Decomposition theorems of pushforwards of pluricanonical bundles of pairs to abelian varieties

Speaker: Chuanhao Wei (Stony Brook University)
Time: Friday, 10.Jan.2020, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Algebraic hyperbolicity of Moduli spaces of smooth varieties of general type