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Zhu, Deming's papers, books, etc.


[1] Smooth Dynamical SystemsŁ¬Publishing House of East China Normal UniversityŁ¬1993 (with Maoan Han)
[2] Bifurcation Theory and Method In Dynamical System, World Scientific, 1995 (with Dingjun Luo, Xian Wang and Maoan Han)
[3] Melnikov vector and heteroclinic manifolds, Science in China, 37A(1994), 673-682  
[4] Exponential trichotomy and heteroclinic bifurcations, Nonlinear Analysis, 28(1997), 547-557 
[5] Bifurcations of heteroclinic loops, Science in China, Ser.A, 41(1998), 837-848.( with Xia Z.H.)
[6] Bifurcations of rough heteroclinic loop with two saddle points, Science in China, Ser.A, 46:4(2003), 459-468 (with Yinlai Jin) 
[7] Two rational recursive sequences, Comput. Math. Appl., 47:10-11(2004), 1487-1494 (with Xianyi Li) 
[8] Twisted bifurcations and stability of homoclinic loop with higher dimensions, Applied Math. and Mech., English Edit., 25:10(2004), 1176-1183 (with Yinlai Jin) 
[9] Non- resonant bifurcations of homoclinic orbits with inclination flips, Science in China, Ser.A (Chinese Edition), 34:6(2004), 711-722 (with Shuliang Shui) 
[10] The chaotic linear map in the function space defined on a planar lattices, Chaos, Solitions and Fractals, Vol.23:4 (2005.2), 1235-1244 (with Jiayin Du) 

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© Dept. of Math. East China Normal University