Preprints  2006   (Return Main List of Preprints)

Preprint #2006-001

Title:   Two-parameter Quantum Group of Exceptional Type of G_2 and Lusztig's Symmetries

Author(s):  Naihong HUQian SHI

Paper Info: To appear in Pacific J. of Math. ; Math.QA/0601444

PDF                    DVI                                             (Date: Jan. 19, 2006)

Preprint #2006-002

Title:   Quantizations of generalized-Witt algebra and of Jacobson-Witt algebra in modular case

Author(s):  Naihong HU, Xiuling Wang

Paper Info: To appear in Journal of Algebra; Math.QA/0602281

PDF                                                                     (Date: Feb. 15, 2006)

Preprint #2006-003

Title:   Bubbling Solutions for an Anisotropic Emden-Fowler Equation

Author(s): Juncheng Wei, Dong Ye and Feng Zhou

Paper Info: To appear in Calc. of Var.

PDF                                                                     (Date: Feb. 20, 2006)

Preprint #2006-004

Title:   Exact multiplicity for boundary blow-up solutions

Author(s):    Zongming Guo and Feng Zhou

Paper Info: To appear in J. Diff. Equations

PDF                                                                     (Date: Feb. 20, 2006)

Preprint #2006-005

Title:   Boundary Blow-up Solutions with Interior Layers and Spikes in a Bistable Problem

Author(s):    Yihong Du, Zongming Guo and Feng Zhou

Paper Info: To appear in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Serie A

PDF                                                                     (Date: Feb. 21, 2006)

Preprint #2006-006

Title:   Two-parameter Quantum Groups of  Exceptional Type E-Series and Convex PBW Basis

Author(s):  Xiaotang Bai and Naihong HU

Paper Info: To appear in Algebra Colloquium; (ArXiv: Math.QA/0605179)

PDF                                                                     (Date: March 31, 2006; Revised: May 8, 2006)

Preprint #2006-007

Title:   A cohomological characterization of Leibniz central extensions of Lie algebras

Author(s):  Naihong HU, Yufeng Pei, and Dong Liu

Paper Info: To appear in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Math.QA/0605399

PDF                                                                     (Date:  May 16, 2006)

Preprint #2006-008

Title:   A Reverse Isoperimetric Inequality for Closed Strictly Convex Plane Curves

Author(s):  Shengliang Pan  Hong Zhang

PDF        PS          DVI                                         (Date:  June 23, 2006)

Preprint #2006-009

Title:   Minimal Cycle Bases of Graphs on Surfaces

Author(s):  Han Ren  Mo Deng

PDF                                                                      (Date:  July 20, 2006)

Preprints  2006   (Return Main List of Preprints)