
Speaker: Dali Shen (Fudan University)
Time: Thursday, 28.Feb.2019, 10:00--11:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Ball quotients and hypergeometric functions II

Speaker: Wanyuan Xu (Shanghai Normal University)
Time: Friday, 01.Mar.2019, 13:00--14:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: On the fundamental group of the Galois cover of certain algebraic surfaces

Speaker: Yongqiang Zhao (Westlake University)
Time: Friday, 08.Mar.2019, 13:00--14:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Scrollar syzygies, scrollar invariants and resolvents

Speaker: Zhengyu Hu (National Taiwan University)
Time: Friday, 08.Mar.2019, 14:00--15:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Birational geometry in the LC cateogory

Speaker: Wenfei Liu (Xiamen University)
Time: Friday, 15.Mar.2019, 13:00--14:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: On numerical nonvanishing for generalized log canonical pairs

Speaker: Yeping Zhang (Kyoto University)
Time: Friday, 15.Mar.2019, 14:00--15:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: BCOV invariant and birational equivalence

Speaker: Mao Sheng (University of Science and Technology of China)
Time: Monday, 16.Mar.2019, 14:00--15:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Decomposition, E_1 degeneration and Vanishing Theorem

Speaker: Kang Zuo (Mainz University)

Time: Wendesday, 20.Mar.2019, 13:00--14:00
Place: Room 401, Mathematical Building

Title: Distribution and foliation on moduli spaces of minimal varieties

Time: Thursday, 04.Apr.2019, 15:00--16:00
Place: Room 401, Mathematical Building

Title: On the rigidity problem of families of surfaces of minimal model

Speaker: Lei Song (Sun Yat-sen University)
Time: Friday, 22.Mar.2019, 13:00--14:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Inner Projection and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity for structure sheaves

Speaker: Kitagawa (Gifu National College of Technology)
Time: Wendesday, 27.Mar.2019, 10:30--11:30
Place: Room 102, Mathematical Building

Title: A note on extremal trigonal fibrations on rational surfaces

Speaker: Qizheng Yin (Peking University)
Time: Friday, 29.Mar.2019, 13:00--14:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Perverse sheaves, Lagrangian fibrations, and hyper-Kaehler geometry

Speaker: Xun Yu (Tianjin University)
Time: Friday, 12.Apr.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 401, Mathematical Building

Title: Minimum positive entropy of complex Enriques surface automorphisms

Speaker: Gabriel Dospinescu (ENS Lyon)
Time: Wendesday, 17.Apr.2019, 14:15--15:15
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: p-adic period domains and their cohomology

Speaker: Yifan Chen (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Time: Friday, 19.Apr.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: The 4-nodal cubic surface and certain surfaces of general type with geometric genus zero

Speaker: Yongqi Liang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Time: Friday, 26.Apr.2019, 8:30--9:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Non-invariance of strong and weak approximation properties under extension of the ground field

Speaker: Bin Xu (Sichuan University)
Time: Friday, 26.Apr.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Local descent construction for inner forms of special orthogonal groups

Speaker: Lei Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Time: Friday, 10.May.2019, 13:15--14:15
Place: Room 224, 3rd Teaching Building

Title: Recent progresses in minimal model theory in characteristic p and some problems

Speaker: Lingguang Li (Tongji University)
Time: Friday, 10.May.2019, 14:15--15:15
Place: Room 224, 3rd Teaching Building

Title: Introduction to fundamental group schemes

Speaker: Yi Gu (Soochow University)
Time: Wednesday, 22.May.2019, 10:00--11:00
Place: Room 401, Mathematical Building
Speaker: Kuok Fai Chao (Shanghai University)
Date: Monday, 03.Jun.2019, 15:00--16:00
Place: Room 401, Mathematical Building

Title: On the Langlands Programme and Noncommutative Geometry

Speaker: Huayi Chen (Universite Paris Diderot)
Time: Thursday, 06.Jun.2019, 15:00--16:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Harder-Narasimhan filtration: an approach of slope inequalities

Speaker: Fei Hu (University of British Columbia)
Time: Friday, 14.Jun.2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Dynamical degrees of self-maps on abelian varieties

Speaker: Yifeng Liu (Yale University)
Date: Monday, 17. Jun. 2019, 15:00--16:00
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Arithmetic level raising for unitary groups and Beilinson-Bloch-Kato conjecture

Speaker: Yihang Zhu (Columbia University)
Date: Monday, 17. Jun. 2019, 16:10--17:10
Place: Room 402, Mathematical Building

Title: Irreducible components of Affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties

Speaker: Deqi Zhang (National University of Singapore)
Date: Friday, 21. Jun. 2019, 13:30--14:30
Place: Room 401, Mathematical Building

Title: Equivariant Minimal Model Program with a View Towards Algebraic and Arithmetic Dynamics

Speaker: Zhixian Zhu (University of California, Riverside)
Date: Friday, 21. Jun. 2019, 14:30--15:30
Place: Room 401, Mathematical Building

Title: Global generation of k-jets on toric varieties

Speaker: Guolei Zhong (National University of Singapore)
Time: Tuesday, 25.Jun.2019, 9:00--10:00
Place: Room 206, 4th Teaching Building

Title: Totally invariant divisors of amplified endomorphisms of normal projective varieties

Speaker: Sichen Li (East China Normal University and National University of Singapore)
Time: Tuesday, 25.Jun.2019, 10:00--11:00
Place: Room 206, 4th Teaching Building

Title: Algebraic varieties with automorphism groups of sub-maximal dynamical rank

List of Speakers