【校级学术报告】Almost commuting self-adjoint operators and DNA as measuring instrument

Huaxin Lin 林华新  (East China Normal University)

15:00-16:00, December 13, 2023   闵行校区第四教学楼314室 & Tencent Meeting 307715967


In the First International Congress of Basic Science, David Mumford gave the opening plenary lecture on Consciousness, robots and DNA. (https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hM4y1p7mi/?{{spm_id_from=333.999.0.0}}). At the very beginning, he cautioned the audience that there would be no mathematics in his talk. Nevertheless, by the very end of this magnificent lecture, when he ended his talk on DNA being a measuring instrument opens a Pandora's box, he raised the question in C*-algebras about non-commuting self-adjoint operators to be approximated by commuting ones. This gave the renew interest in studying the weakly semi-projectivity in C*-algebra theory. This lecture will give some new direction and results.

About the speaker:

林华新教授是国际算子代数领域的领袖之一,主要研究C*-代数及其分类。林教授在90年代解决了矩阵论中长期未决的Halmos问题,2000年以后引入并发展了在C*-代数分类中起到核心作用的迹秩理论,独立证明了迹秩有限C*-代数的分类定理,首次基于简单抽象结构给出广泛的C*-代数分类,推动了整个C*-代数理论的发展,2014年以来,与他人合作完成了C*-代数领域中著名的“Elliott纲领”。林教授是美国数学会首届会士,2005年获上海市科学技术进步一等奖,被邀请在1997年欧盟算子代数大会、2014年国际数学家大会(ICM)算子代数卫星会议上作大会报告,2015年受CBMS、AMS和NSF联合特别邀请作十场系列讲座,2018年美洲数学家大会作报告。2023年获得首届国际基础科学大会(International Congress of Basic Science,简称 ICBS)颁发的前沿科学奖。
