Uniform amenability of a family of finitely generated groups

Jingming Zhu 朱竞鸣  (Jiaxing University)

15:15-16:15, June 27, 2023   Science Building A503


Along the research of quasi-local operators, we provide several characterizations for uniform amenability concerning a family of finitely generated groups. More precisely, we show that the Hulanicki-Reiter condition for uniform amenability can be weakened in several directions, including cardinalities of supports and certain operator norms.

About the speaker:

朱竞鸣,博士,副教授,入选嘉兴学院“百青”培养人才计划。师从莫斯科大学V. Manuilov教授,2012年于哈尔滨工业大学获得博士学位,2013年入职嘉兴学院;主要研究方向:C*-代数,Hilbert C*-模,粗几何;在《Groups Geom. Dyn.》、《Topol. Appl.》等杂志发表论文十余篇。
