On Commensurability Invariance of the Farrell-Jones Conjecture
Kun Wang  (Vanderbilt University)
14:00 pm to 14:50 pm, June 5th, 2015   Science Building A1414
The Farrell-Jones conjecture in algebraic K- and L-theories is a
cousin of the Baum-Connes conjecture in topological K-theory. As well as the
Baum-Connes conjecture, the Farrell-Jones conjecture has many applications
in geometry and topology. For example, it implies the Borel conjecture on
topological rigidity of closed aspherical manifolds and the Novikov conjecture
on homotopy invariance of higher signatures. From the viewpoint of coarse
geometry, it's a natural question that whether the conjecture is coarsely in-
variant. In this talk, I will present some recent progress on the following weaker
problem: whether the conjecture is commensurably invariant, i.e. if two groups
have isomorphic subgroups of nite indices and if one of the groups satisfies
the conjecture, whether the other group also satisfies the conjecture.
About the speaker: